Secondary Schools

Grammar Revision Sound Speech Work English JSS 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1

Lesson Note: Speech Work (English Grammar) – JSS 1, Second Term, Week 1 Captivating Title Mastering Grammar Essentials: Second Term Kick-off Focus Keyphrase Grammar Revision for JSS 1 SEO Title Grammar Revision Lesson: Speech Work for JSS 1 Second Term Slug grammar-revision-jss1-second-term Meta Description Start the second term by revising grammar concepts covered in the

Vowel Sound /ɜː/ Sound Speech Work English JSS 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Lesson Note: Speech Work (English Grammar) – JSS 2, Second Term, Week 5 Captivating Title Mastering the Vowel Sound /ɜː/: Refined Pronunciation Tips Focus Keyphrase Vowel Sound /ɜː/ SEO Title Vowel Sound /ɜː/ Lesson: JSS 2 Second Term English Grammar Slug vowel-sound-ɜː-jss2 Meta Description Learn the correct pronunciation and application of the vowel sound /ɜː/

Schwa /ə/ Sound Speech Work English JSS 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Lesson Note: Speech Work (English Grammar) – JSS 2, Second Term, Week 6 Captivating Title Mastering the Schwa /ə/: The Most Common Sound in English Focus Keyphrase Schwa /ə/ Sound SEO Title Vowel Sound /ə/ Lesson: JSS 2 Second Term English Grammar Slug vowel-sound-schwa-jss2 Meta Description Learn how to identify and pronounce the schwa /ə/,

Mid Term Test Speech Work English JSS 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Mid-Term Assessment for JSS 1 English Grammar (Speech Work) Part A: Objective Questions (20 multiple-choice questions, each with options a, b, c, or d) The combination of two vowel sounds in the same syllable is called a ____. a) Monophthong b) Consonant cluster c) Diphthong d) Triphthong (Answer: c) Which of the following words contains