General Safety Rules Security Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Security Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Subject: Security Education

Class: Primary 5

Term: First Term

Week: 4

Age: 9 years

Topic: General Safety Rules


  • Parts of the body not to be touched by strangers or others
  • Personal safety rules

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify parts of their body that should not be touched by strangers or others.
  2. Develop and understand general personal safety rules, including knowing their name, home address, and parent’s phone number; avoiding accepting food from strangers; not walking off the road alone; never going anywhere with a stranger; and understanding that no one is allowed to touch their body inappropriately.

Keywords: Safety, Strangers, Personal Rules, Body Awareness

Set Induction: Begin by asking the pupils if they know why it’s important to follow rules at home and school. Use their answers to introduce the concept of safety rules and why they are important for personal protection.

Entry Behaviour: Pupils have basic knowledge of personal security and the importance of staying safe.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Flashcards with safety rules
  • Charts showing parts of the body that should not be touched by others

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge: Pupils have learned about the importance of personal security in the previous lesson.

Embedded Core Skills: Communication, Critical Thinking, Safety Awareness

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary 5
  • Security Education textbooks

Instructional Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Flashcards
  • Illustrative charts


  1. Parts of the Body Not to Be Touched by Strangers or Others:
    • Private parts of the body include areas that are usually covered by underwear or swimsuits. These areas should not be touched by anyone unless it is for a medical reason with a parent or trusted adult present.
    • Teach pupils to say “No” firmly if someone tries to touch these parts and to tell a trusted adult immediately.
  2. General Personal Safety Rules:
    • Know Your Name, Home Address, and Parent’s Phone Number: It’s important for every child to know this information in case they get lost or need help.
    • Do Not Eat Anything Given to You by a Stranger: It is dangerous to accept food or drinks from someone you do not know.
    • Do Not Walk Off the Road Alone: Always stay on the main road or path, especially when alone. Walking alone off the road can be unsafe.
    • Never Go Anywhere with a Stranger: No matter what a stranger says or offers, never go with them. Always inform a parent or trusted adult if someone tries to take you somewhere.
    • No One is Allowed to Touch Your Body: Explain that their body belongs to them, and they have the right to say “No” to any unwanted touch. Teach them to report any inappropriate behavior to a trusted adult.

15 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options

  1. The private parts of your body should not be touched by ______.
    a) strangers
    b) friends
    c) family
    d) pets
  2. You should know your ______, home address, and parent’s phone number.
    a) friend’s name
    b) teacher’s name
    c) name
    d) pet’s name
  3. It is dangerous to accept ______ from a stranger.
    a) toys
    b) food
    c) books
    d) games
  4. Never walk off the road alone; always stay on the ______.
    a) grass
    b) road
    c) path
    d) river
  5. Never go anywhere with a ______.
    a) pet
    b) toy
    c) stranger
    d) book
  6. Your body belongs to ______.
    a) your teacher
    b) your friends
    c) you
    d) your toys
  7. If someone tries to touch your private parts, say ______.
    a) “Yes”
    b) “No”
    c) “Maybe”
    d) “Please”
  8. If you feel unsafe, tell a ______ adult.
    a) trusted
    b) young
    c) stranger
    d) neighbor
  9. Always walk with a ______ when going somewhere.
    a) stranger
    b) friend
    c) pet
    d) toy
  10. Your ______ should not be touched by others.
    a) shoes
    b) private parts
    c) clothes
    d) toys
  11. You should report any inappropriate behavior to a ______.
    a) friend
    b) stranger
    c) trusted adult
    d) pet
  12. ______ your name, address, and parent’s phone number in case of an emergency.
    a) Forget
    b) Hide
    c) Know
    d) Share
  13. Do not accept ______ from someone you do not know.
    a) advice
    b) food
    c) books
    d) toys
  14. Stay on the main road to avoid getting ______.
    a) lost
    b) tired
    c) happy
    d) excited
  15. Say ______ to anyone who tries to touch you inappropriately.
    a) “Yes”
    b) “No”
    c) “Thank you”
    d) “Please”

15 FAQs with Answers

  1. Why is it important to know your name, address, and parent’s phone number?
    So you can get help quickly if you are lost or in danger.
  2. What should you do if a stranger offers you food?
    Do not accept it and move away quickly.
  3. Why should you not walk off the road alone?
    Because it can be unsafe, and you may get lost or hurt.
  4. What should you say if someone tries to touch your private parts?
    Say “No” firmly and tell a trusted adult immediately.
  5. Why is it important not to go anywhere with a stranger?
    Because strangers may not have good intentions, and it can be dangerous.
  6. What is a private part of your body?
    Parts of your body that are usually covered by underwear or a swimsuit.
  7. Who should you tell if someone makes you feel uncomfortable?
    A trusted adult like a parent, teacher, or guardian.
  8. What should you do if someone tries to take you somewhere?
    Do not go with them and shout for help if needed.
  9. Why is it important to stay on the main road or path?
    To avoid getting lost or encountering dangerous situations.
  10. What should you do if you feel unsafe around someone?
    Move away and tell a trusted adult as soon as possible.
  11. Can a stranger touch your body?
    No, no one is allowed to touch your body without your permission.
  12. Why should you not accept anything from someone you do not know?
    Because it could be harmful or dangerous.
  13. What is the best way to stay safe when walking alone?
    Stay on the main road and avoid talking to strangers.
  14. Why is it important to report inappropriate behavior?
    To protect yourself and ensure the person does not harm others.
  15. What should you remember about your body?
    It belongs to you, and you have the right to protect it.


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous lesson on the importance of personal security.

Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic on general safety rules, explaining the importance of each rule and how it helps protect the pupils.

Step 3: The teacher engages the pupils in role-playing scenarios where they practice saying “No” and reporting inappropriate behavior.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Explain and discuss the importance of each safety rule.
  • Use charts and flashcards to illustrate the parts of the body that should not be touched by others.
  • Organize role-playing activities to help pupils practice these safety rules.

Learners’ Activities

  • Listen to the teacher’s explanations.
  • Participate in role-playing scenarios.
  • Share their thoughts on personal safety rules and how to apply them.


Evaluation Questions:

  1. What are the private parts of your body?
  2. Why should you not accept food from a stranger?
  3. What should you do if someone tries to touch you inappropriately?
  4. Why is it important to know your home address and parent’s phone number?
  5. What should you do if you feel unsafe around someone?
  6. Why should you stay on the main road or path?
  7. Who should you tell if a stranger approaches you?
  8. What is one general safety rule for personal security?
  9. Why should no one touch your body without permission?
  10. How can you protect yourself from strangers?


The teacher goes around to mark the pupils’ work, provides necessary corrections, and reinforces the importance of following general safety rules for personal protection.

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