Introduction to Web and App Development Computer Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Computer Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes – Week 10

Subject: Computer Studies (BST – IT)
Class: Primary 5
Term: First Term
Week: 10
Age: 9 years
Topic: Introduction to Web and App Development
Sub-topic: Understanding Web vs. App Development
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Understand and explain the difference between web development and app development.
  2. Describe the basic concepts and processes involved in each type of development.
  3. Identify examples of web and app development in real life.


  • Web Development
  • App Development
  • Website
  • Mobile App
  • Browser
  • Platform

Set Induction

Begin with a discussion about common digital tools and platforms that pupils use, such as websites and mobile apps. Ask pupils if they know how these tools are created and introduce the concepts of web and app development.

Entry Behaviour

Pupils should have a basic understanding of using websites and mobile apps but may not know the differences between how they are developed.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Projector or interactive whiteboard
  • Handouts with key points on web and app development
  • Examples of popular websites and mobile apps
  • Visual aids comparing web and app development

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Connect the lesson to any previous discussions on programming languages and digital tools. Use examples of websites and apps that pupils are familiar with to make the concepts more relatable.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical thinking
  • Comparative analysis
  • Communication

Learning Materials

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary 5 Computer Studies
  • Visual aids showing differences between web and app development

Instructional Materials

  • Charts or slides with definitions and comparisons
  • Examples of websites and mobile apps


1. Definition of Web Development:

  • Web Development: The process of creating and maintaining websites. It involves designing web pages, creating content, and coding functionalities that users interact with through web browsers.

2. Definition of App Development:

  • App Development: The process of creating software applications designed to run on mobile devices or desktops. It includes designing the app’s user interface, coding the app’s functionality, and testing it on different devices.

3. Differences Between Web and App Development:

  • Platform:
    • Web Development: Websites are accessed via web browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox).
    • App Development: Apps are installed on mobile devices (e.g., phones, tablets) or desktops.
  • Technology Used:
    • Web Development: Utilizes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and sometimes backend languages like PHP or Python.
    • App Development: Uses languages and frameworks specific to the platform (e.g., Swift for iOS, Kotlin for Android).
  • Accessibility:
    • Web Development: Websites are accessible from any device with a browser and internet connection.
    • App Development: Apps need to be downloaded and installed from app stores.
  • Updates:
    • Web Development: Updates are made on the server and are immediately reflected for all users.
    • App Development: Updates require users to download and install the latest version.

4. Examples of Each:

  • Web Development Examples: Google, Facebook, Wikipedia
  • App Development Examples: Instagram, WhatsApp, TikTok

Topic: Web and App Development

  1. What is the Main Function of Web Development?
    • The main function of web development is to create and maintain websites, including their design, functionality, and performance. 🌐
  2. How Does App Development Differ from Web Development?
    • App development focuses on creating software applications for devices like smartphones and tablets, whereas web development is about building websites accessed through browsers. 📱💻
  3. What Platform is Used to Access Websites?
    • Websites are accessed through web browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. 🌐
  4. Which Technology is Used for iOS App Development?
    • Swift is the primary technology used for iOS app development on Apple’s platforms. 🍏
  5. How Are Updates Applied to Websites?
    • Updates to websites are applied by editing the website’s code or content and then deploying the changes to the web server. 🔄
  6. Name a Common Technology Used in Web Development:
    • HTML is a common technology used in web development for structuring web pages. 📄
  7. What is the Purpose of App Installation?
    • App installation allows users to add an application to their device, enabling it to run locally and provide specific functionalities. 📲
  8. Which Language is Used for Android App Development?
    • Java and Kotlin are commonly used languages for Android app development. 🤖
  9. What is One Key Difference Between Accessing a Website and Using an App?
    • Websites are accessed through a web browser online, while apps are installed on a device and can operate offline or with additional features. 🌐📱
  10. How Does JavaScript Contribute to Web Development?
    • JavaScript adds interactivity and dynamic behavior to web pages, such as animations, form validations, and interactive content. ✨


  1. Web Development involves creating and maintaining ________.
    • a) Software
    • b) Websites
    • c) Games
    • d) Books
  2. App Development is the process of creating software for ________.
    • a) Web browsers
    • b) Mobile devices
    • c) Servers
    • d) Printers
  3. Websites are accessed through ________.
    • a) App stores
    • b) Web browsers
    • c) Email
    • d) Files
  4. Swift is used in ________ app development.
    • a) Android
    • b) Windows
    • c) iOS
    • d) Web
  5. Apps must be ________ from an app store.
    • a) Deleted
    • b) Installed
    • c) Edited
    • d) Shared
  6. Updates in Web Development are made on the ________.
    • a) Device
    • b) Server
    • c) App store
    • d) Browser
  7. JavaScript is commonly used in ________ development.
    • a) App
    • b) Web
    • c) Game
    • d) Database
  8. Kotlin is a language used for ________ app development.
    • a) iOS
    • b) Web
    • c) Android
    • d) Desktop
  9. HTML is a part of ________ development.
    • a) App
    • b) Web
    • c) System
    • d) Game
  10. Apps can be accessed after they are ________.
    • a) Installed
    • b) Updated
    • c) Uploaded
    • d) Deleted
  11. PHP is used in ________ development.
    • a) Web
    • b) App
    • c) Mobile
    • d) Database
  12. Web pages can be viewed from any device with a ________.
    • a) Mobile app
    • b) Web browser
    • c) Game console
    • d) Printer
  13. CSS helps in ________ web pages.
    • a) Coding
    • b) Styling
    • c) Debugging
    • d) Installing
  14. iOS apps are developed using ________.
    • a) Swift
    • b) Java
    • c) Python
    • d) PHP
  15. App updates need to be ________ by users.
    • a) Downloaded
    • b) Deleted
    • c) Edited
    • d) Shared

Class Activity Discussion

  1. Q: What is the primary goal of web development? A: The primary goal of web development is to create and maintain websites accessible via web browsers.
  2. Q: What distinguishes app development from web development? A: App development creates software for mobile devices or desktops, whereas web development focuses on websites accessed through browsers.
  3. Q: Which platform uses HTML and CSS? A: HTML and CSS are used in web development.
  4. Q: What is Swift used for? A: Swift is used for developing iOS applications.
  5. Q: How do users access websites? A: Users access websites through web browsers.
  6. Q: What technology is commonly used for mobile app development on Android? A: Kotlin is commonly used for Android app development.
  7. Q: What is the main difference between web and app updates? A: Web updates are made on the server and reflected immediately, while app updates require users to download and install the latest version.
  8. Q: What is PHP used for? A: PHP is used in web development for creating dynamic web pages.
  9. Q: How does accessibility differ between websites and apps? A: Websites are accessible via any device with a browser, while apps need to be installed on devices.
  10. Q: What role does JavaScript play in web development? A: JavaScript is used to create interactive features on websites.
  11. Q: What do you need to access a website? A: You need a web browser to access a website.
  12. Q: What is the primary purpose of app development? A: The primary purpose of app development is to create software applications for mobile or desktop platforms.
  13. Q: What is an example of a web-based application? A: Google Docs is an example of a web-based application.
  14. Q: Why are apps generally installed on devices? A: Apps are installed to provide functionality and features that can be accessed offline or through specific platforms.
  15. Q: How are updates managed in web development? A: Updates in web development are managed on the server and automatically reflect for all users.


Step 1: Introduction to Web and App Development

  • Define web development and app development.
  • Discuss the key differences between the two.

Step 2: Detailed Comparison

  • Use visual aids to compare platforms, technologies, accessibility, and updates.
  • Provide examples of websites and apps.

Step 3: Discussion and Q&A

  • Engage pupils in a discussion about their experiences with websites and apps.
  • Address any questions and clarify concepts.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Explain the differences between web and app development.
  • Use examples to illustrate key points.
  • Facilitate a discussion and answer questions.

Learners’ Activities

  • Participate in discussions about web and app development.
  • Take notes on the differences and similarities.
  • Ask questions and provide examples of websites and apps they use.


  • Observe pupils’ participation in discussions.
  • Evaluate their understanding through responses to evaluation questions.

Evaluation Questions

  1. What is the main function of web development?
  2. How does app development differ from web development?
  3. What platform is used to access websites?
  4. Which technology is used for iOS app development?
  5. How are updates applied to websites?
  6. Name a common technology used in web development.
  7. What is the purpose of app installation?
  8. Which language is used for Android app development?
  9. What is one key difference between accessing a website and using an app?
  10. How does JavaScript contribute to web development?


Summarize the key differences between web and app development. Emphasize the importance of each type and encourage pupils to explore further.

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