Examination Questions JSS 2 Second Term Examination

Alapere-Ketu Lagos



  1. Écrivez cinq (5) caractéristiques de la vie rurale.
  2. Écrivez cinq (5) caractéristiques de la vie urbaine.
  3. Quels sont les significations des mots suivants :
    • Ja Lavie
    • L’embourgeoisement
    • La Nourriture
    • La Maison
    • Le Chanel
    • Le Camélia
  4. Quelle est la signification de ce terme : “Camel”?


Answer One Question Only

  1. (a) What is a Parable?
  2. (b) Discuss the Parable of the Sower.
  3. (a) Define the following:
    • Wheat
    • Tares (Weeds)
  4. (b) Discuss the Parable of the Wheat and Tares (Weeds).


Answer all questions

  1. Identify the words with the stated diphthongs:
    • a. bread, ballet, band, blend
    • b. tie, bleak, trail, wail
  2. Report the following direct statements:
    • a. “Get up!” ordered the teacher.
    • b. “What do you want?” asked Elizabeth.
    • c. “Are you happy?” asked my mum.
    • d. “The sun rises in the East and sets in the West,” said the reporter.
  3. Indicate the tones for the following statements:
    • a. Favour lives close to the school.
    • b. Who are you?
    • c. Good morning class!
    • d. I bought some spoons, cups, plates.

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. A statement in the English language that gives a command is called a(n) __________.
    a. Question
    b. Exclamation
    c. Imperative
    d. Declarative
  2. The word ‘blend’ contains which diphthong?
    a. /ai/
    b. /eɪ/
    c. /əʊ/
    d. /e/
  3. To report the statement “The sun sets in the West,” you would write: __________.
    a. “The sun sets in the West,” said the reporter.
    b. “The sun sets in the West,” the reporter said.
    c. “The sun sets in the West,” said reporter.
    d. The reporter said “The sun sets in the West.”
  4. The tone used when asking “Who are you?” is __________.
    a. Declarative
    b. Interrogative
    c. Exclamatory
    d. Imperative
  5. “Good morning class!” is an example of a __________ tone.
    a. Neutral
    b. Friendly
    c. Annoyed
    d. Sad
  6. The word ‘ballet’ contains the diphthong __________.
    a. /eɪ/
    b. /eə/
    c. /aʊ/
    d. /aɪ/
  7. The correct reporting for “Are you happy?” is __________.
    a. The mum asked if you are happy.
    b. My mum asked if I am happy.
    c. My mum asked if I was happy.
    d. My mum asked if you were happy.
  8. “What do you want?” is reported as __________.
    a. Elizabeth asked what do you want.
    b. Elizabeth asked what you wanted.
    c. Elizabeth asked what you want.
    d. Elizabeth asked what did you want.
  9. The word ‘wail’ contains which diphthong?
    a. /eɪ/
    b. /aʊ/
    c. /aɪ/
    d. /əʊ/
  10. To report the statement “Get up!” you write __________.
    a. The teacher ordered to get up.
    b. The teacher ordered to get up.
    c. The teacher ordered that you get up.
    d. The teacher ordered you to get up.
  11. The tone used for “I bought some spoons, cups, plates” is __________.
    a. Excited
    b. Neutral
    c. Angry
    d. Sad
  12. The word ‘bread’ has the diphthong __________.
    a. /eɪ/
    b. /aɪ/
    c. /e/
    d. /əʊ/
  13. To report “What do you want?” correctly, you use __________.
    a. Elizabeth asked what do you want.
    b. Elizabeth asked what you wanted.
    c. Elizabeth asked what you want.
    d. Elizabeth asked what did you want.
  14. The tone used when saying “Who are you?” is __________.
    a. Declarative
    b. Interrogative
    c. Imperative
    d. Exclamatory
  15. “Good morning class!” is said with a __________ tone.
    a. Excited
    b. Sad
    c. Annoyed
    d. Happy


  1. What is a let in tennis? Explain two instances when a let is called in a tennis game.
  2. Draw and label a racket.
  3. Mention three skills in table tennis.

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. In tennis, a let is called when __________.
    a. The ball hits the net and still goes over the net.
    b. The ball lands outside the court.
    c. The player misses the ball completely.
    d. The ball hits the net and goes into the opponent’s side.
  2. A common skill in table tennis is __________.
    a. Jumping
    b. Serving
    c. Dribbling
    d. Running
  3. To explain a let in tennis, you would say it occurs when __________.
    a. The ball bounces twice before the server hits it.
    b. The ball touches the net during a serve but still goes into the correct service box.
    c. The player steps out of the court area.
    d. The ball is hit by the player but does not cross the net.
  4. A tennis racket should have __________.
    a. A large head and thin handle
    b. A small head and heavy handle
    c. A light head and light handle
    d. A large head and comfortable handle
  5. In table tennis, a skill involving spinning the ball is called __________.
    a. Backspin
    b. Topspin
    c. Side spin
    d. All of the above
  6. The term for hitting the ball with force in tennis is __________.
    a. Serve
    b. Smash
    c. Lob
    d. Volley
  7. In tennis, a let serve __________.
    a. Is replayed
    b. Is counted as a fault
    c. Scores a point for the opponent
    d. Results in a penalty
  8. A basic skill for returning the ball in table tennis is __________.
    a. Smash
    b. Block
    c. Serve
    d. Drop shot
  9. The purpose of the tennis racket’s strings is to __________.
    a. Provide a surface to hit the ball
    b. Make the racket heavier
    c. Decorate the racket
    d. None of the above
  10. In tennis, a rally ends when __________.
    a. The ball is not returned properly
    b. The ball hits the net
    c. The ball bounces twice on the same side
    d. Both a and c
  11. Table tennis is also known as __________.
    a. Ping pong
    b. Table tennis
    c. Paddle ball
    d. Bat ball
  12. To improve accuracy in table tennis, players use __________.
    a. Fast serves
    b. Spin techniques
    c. Slow rallies
    d. High balls
  13. A common technique for scoring in tennis is __________.
    a. Drop shot
    b. Drive
    c. Block
    d. Slice
  14. In tennis, if a player serves and the ball touches the net but goes in, it is called __________.
    a. A fault
    b. A let
    c. A winner
    d. An ace
  15. In table tennis, the __________ is used to hit the ball.
    a. Racket
    b. Paddle
    c. Bat
    d. Club



  1. What is a value?
  2. Explain the following types of marriage:
    • a. Traditional Marriage
    • b. Christian Marriage
    • c. Islamic Marriage
    • d. Court Marriage
  3. State four examples of harmful substances.

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. A value is __________.
    a. An object
    b. A principle or standard
    c. A location
    d. A person
  2. Traditional marriage is often __________.
    a. Legally binding
    b. Based on family customs
    c. Celebrated in a church
    d. Done through legal courts
  3. Christian marriage is characterized by __________.
    a. Religious ceremonies
    b. Secular celebrations
    c. Traditional rituals
    d. Government registration
  4. Islamic marriage requires __________.
    a. Approval from a religious leader
    b. A civil ceremony
    c. A court judgment
    d. Traditional customs
  5. Court marriage is also known as __________.
    a. Civil marriage
    b. Religious marriage
    c. Traditional marriage
    d. Customary marriage
  6. Harmful substances include __________.
    a. Vitamins
    b. Medicines
    c. Alcohol
    d. Fruits
  7. Smoking tobacco is an example of __________.
    a. A healthy habit
    b. A harmful substance
    c. A nutritious food
    d. A daily routine
  8. Using illegal drugs is considered __________.
    a. Safe
    b. Beneficial
    c. Harmful
    d. Encouraging
  9. Harmful substances can __________.
    a. Improve health
    b. Enhance learning
    c. Cause health problems
    d. Strengthen relationships
  10. An example of a harmful substance that affects mental health is __________.
    a. Caffeine
    b. Alcohol
    c. Water
    d. Vitamin C
  11. Traditional marriage often involves __________.
    a. Modern rituals
    b. Religious customs
    c. Legal procedures
    d. Financial transactions
  12. Christian marriage usually requires __________.
    a. A legal license
    b. A church ceremony
    c. A family agreement
    d. Government approval
  13. Islamic marriage requires the presence of __________.
    a. A judge
    b. A religious leader
    c. Family members
    d. A lawyer
  14. Court marriage is often __________.
    a. A private affair
    b. A public event
    c. Held in a church
    d. Celebrated with traditional rituals
  15. Harmful substances can lead to __________.
    a. Improved performance
    b. Long-term health issues
    c. Better relationships
    d. Increased energy


Answer All Questions

  1. Define a computer program.
  2. List and define two types of computer programs.
  3. Who is a computer programmer?
  4. Differentiate between Machine Language, Low-Level Language, and High-Level Language.

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. A computer program is __________.
    a. A type of hardware
    b. A set of instructions for the computer
    c. A computer part
    d. A network
  2. Machine language is __________.
    a. The most complex language
    b. Written in binary code
    c. Easy to understand for humans
    d. Used for high-level programming
  3. Low-level language is __________.
    a. High-level programming
    b. Close to machine code
    c. Used for web design
    d. User-friendly
  4. High-level language is __________.
    a. Similar to machine code
    b. Easy for humans to read and write
    c. Used only for system operations
    d. Directly executed by the CPU
  5. A computer programmer is __________.
    a. Someone who designs hardware
    b. Someone who writes and tests code
    c. Someone who manages a network
    d. Someone who sells computers
  6. Machine language is __________.
    a. Written in human language
    b. The same as high-level language
    c. Composed of binary digits
    d. Used for creating websites
  7. Low-level language is __________.
    a. Written in Python
    b. Not directly executable by the CPU
    c. Used for system programming
    d. Easy for beginners to learn
  8. High-level language includes __________.
    a. Assembly language
    b. Python and Java
    c. Binary code
    d. Machine code
  9. The primary purpose of a computer program is __________.
    a. To connect to the internet
    b. To process instructions
    c. To store data
    d. To display images
  10. A computer programmer’s job involves __________.
    a. Writing code
    b. Designing hardware
    c. Selling software
    d. Managing networks
  11. Low-level languages are __________.
    a. Easy to learn and use
    b. Closer to machine code
    c. Written in English
    d. Used for web development
  12. High-level languages are known for __________.
    a. Being difficult to understand
    b. Being easy for humans to understand
    c. Directly interacting with hardware
    d. Writing machine code
  13. Machine language is __________.
    a. Comprised of complex commands
    b. Written in simple syntax
    c. The fundamental language understood by the CPU
    d. Used for database management
  14. A key advantage of high-level languages is __________.
    a. They are faster than machine code
    b. They are easy for humans to read and write
    c. They are closer to machine language
    d. They require no compilation
  15. The difference between low-level and high-level languages is __________.
    a. Low-level languages are easier for humans to read
    b. High-level languages are closer to machine code
    c. Low-level languages are closer to machine code
    d. High-level languages are used for hardware design




  1. The Mali Empire emerged from the unification of __________ villages into the Kingdom.
    Marks: 2
  2. The founder and first ruler of the Mali Empire was __________.
    Marks: 1
  3. Mansa Musa moved the capital of Mali from __________ to __________.
    Marks: 1
  4. Timbuktu was __________.
    Marks: 1
  5. The rulers of the Mali Empire were referred to as __________.
    Marks: 1
  6. The fall of the Mali Empire led to the emergence of the __________ Empire.
    Marks: 1
  7. The provincial governor of the Mali Empire was called __________.
    Marks: 1
  8. Define History.
    History is the study of __________ between the past and the future.
    Marks: 1

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. The Mali Empire was formed from the unification of __________ villages.
    a. Three
    b. Ten
    c. Several
    d. Five
  2. The founder of the Mali Empire was __________.
    a. Mansa Musa
    b. Sundiata Keita
    c. Askia Mohammad
    d. Sonni Ali
  3. Mansa Musa moved the capital from __________ to __________.
    a. Timbuktu, Gao
    b. Niani, Timbuktu
    c. Gao, Niani
    d. Mema, Djenné
  4. Timbuktu was an important __________ center.
    a. Trade
    b. Military
    c. Agricultural
    d. Mining
  5. The rulers of the Mali Empire were known as __________.
    a. Emperors
    b. Kings
    c. Sultans
    d. Mansas
  6. The fall of the Mali Empire led to the rise of the __________ Empire.
    a. Oyo
    b. Songhai
    c. Ghana
    d. Hausa
  7. The provincial governor of the Mali Empire was known as __________.
    a. Vizier
    b. Emir
    c. Sultan
    d. King
  8. History is the study of __________.
    a. Fiction
    b. Geography
    c. Events
    d. Technology
  9. The Mali Empire’s capital city under Mansa Musa was __________.
    a. Timbuktu
    b. Niani
    c. Gao
    d. Djenné
  10. The Mali Empire reached its peak under the rule of __________.
    a. Sundiata Keita
    b. Mansa Musa
    c. Askia Mohammad
    d. Sonni Ali
  11. Mansa Musa is best known for his __________ pilgrimage.
    a. Military
    b. Trade
    c. Religious
    d. Diplomatic
  12. The Mali Empire was located in __________.
    a. West Africa
    b. East Africa
    c. North Africa
    d. Central Africa
  13. The Mali Empire was a key player in __________ trade.
    a. Spice
    b. Gold and salt
    c. Silk
    d. Cotton
  14. The term used for the rulers of Mali was __________.
    a. Pharaohs
    b. Emperors
    c. Kings
    d. Mansas
  15. The Mali Empire was eventually succeeded by __________.
    a. The Oyo Empire
    b. The Songhai Empire
    c. The Ghana Empire
    d. The Hausa States



  1. Find the angles of the given shapes.
  2. The angles of a quadrilateral are xx, 2x2x, 3x3x, and 4x4x. Find:
    • a. The value of xx
    • b. The size of each angle
  3. Calculate:
    • a. The total internal angles of an octagon
    • b. The size of each angle of a regular octagon
  4. Calculate the value of xx and the size of the unknown angle in the following equation.
  5. Calculate the number of sides of each of these regular polygons whose total internal angles are:
    • a. 1260 degrees
    • b. 1620 degrees
    • c. 2880 degrees
  6. Work out the following:
    • a. 5×(−2)5 \times (-2)
    • b. −8×(+3)-8 \times (+3)
    • c. −7×12-7 \times 12

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. The sum of the interior angles of a quadrilateral is __________ degrees.
    a. 360
    b. 180
    c. 540
    d. 90
  2. If the angles of a quadrilateral are xx, 2x2x, 3x3x, and 4x4x, then xx equals __________ degrees.
    a. 30
    b. 40
    c. 50
    d. 60
  3. The total internal angles of an octagon is __________ degrees.
    a. 720
    b. 1080
    c. 1260
    d. 1800
  4. Each angle of a regular octagon measures __________ degrees.
    a. 90
    b. 120
    c. 135
    d. 150
  5. To find the size of each equal angle in a heptagon where four angles are given, you need to subtract the sum of the known angles from __________ degrees.
    a. 540
    b. 720
    c. 900
    d. 1080
  6. The formula for finding the number of sides of a regular polygon based on its total internal angles is __________.
    a. number of sides=total internal angles180+2\text{number of sides} = \frac{\text{total internal angles}}{180} + 2
    b. number of sides=total internal angles180\text{number of sides} = \frac{\text{total internal angles}}{180}
    c. number of sides=total internal angles360\text{number of sides} = \frac{\text{total internal angles}}{360}
    d. number of sides=total internal angles90\text{number of sides} = \frac{\text{total internal angles}}{90}
  7. The result of 5×(−2)5 \times (-2) is __________.
    a. -10
    b. 10
    c. -5
    d. 5
  8. The result of −8×(+3)-8 \times (+3) is __________.
    a. -24
    b. 24
    c. -11
    d. 11
  9. The result of −7×12-7 \times 12 is __________.
    a. -84
    b. 84
    c. -19
    d. 19
  10. The total internal angles of a regular polygon with 7 sides is __________ degrees.
    a. 720
    b. 540
    c. 900
    d. 1080
  11. The number of sides of a regular polygon with total internal angles of 1260 degrees is __________.
    a. 8
    b. 10
    c. 12
    d. 14
  12. To calculate the size of each angle in a regular polygon with 1620 degrees total internal angles, you first need to find the __________.
    a. Number of sides
    b. Area
    c. Perimeter
    d. Volume
  13. In a regular polygon with total internal angles of 2880 degrees, the number of sides is __________.
    a. 16
    b. 18
    c. 20
    d. 22
  14. If the internal angles of a polygon total 1080 degrees, it must have __________ sides.
    a. 8
    b. 10
    c. 12
    d. 14
  15. The result of multiplying a positive number by a negative number is __________.
    a. Positive
    b. Negative
    c. Zero
    d. Unchanged