Surface Development Technical Drawing SS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5 and 6

Lesson Plan: Technical Drawing – Week 5 and 6

Subject: Technical Drawing
Class: SS 2
Term: First Term
Week: 5 and 6
Age: 16-17 years
Topic: Surface Development
Sub-topic: Intersection of Solids
Duration: 80 minutes per session

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Construct the intersections of two cylinders of equal and unequal diameter.
  2. Construct the intersection of a cylinder intersecting a cone.
  3. Construct the intersection of two prisms of different diameters.
  4. Construct the intersection of two pyramids.


Intersection, solid figures, cylinders, cones, prisms, pyramids

Set Induction:

Begin with a discussion on how intersecting shapes are seen in everyday objects and structures, like pipelines and architectural designs.

Entry Behaviour:

Students have knowledge of basic solid figures and their surface development.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Drawing instruments (protractor, compass, T-square, set square, divider, scale, French curve, straight edge)
  • Drawing board and paper
  • Models of intersecting solids
  • Charts and posters

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Discuss how surface development of individual solid figures has been previously learned and how it applies to more complex structures.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking and problem solving
  • Communication and collaboration
  • Leadership and personal development
  • Creativity and imagination

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Technical Drawing
  • Drawing manuals and textbooks
  • Online resources (e.g.,

Instructional Materials:

  • Protractor, compass, T-square, set square, divider, scale, French curve, straight edge
  • Drawing board, drawing paper, models, charts, posters


Definitions and Constructions:

  1. Intersection of Two Cylinders:
    • Equal Diameter: When two cylinders of equal diameter intersect, the line of intersection is a curve formed by the overlap of their surfaces. To construct, draw the two cylinders and use projection lines to find the points of intersection.
    • Unequal Diameter: For cylinders of unequal diameter, the process is similar but the curve of intersection will vary in shape. Construct by drawing the larger and smaller cylinder and projecting points of intersection.
  2. Intersection of a Cylinder and a Cone:
    • This intersection results in a complex curve where the cylindrical surface meets the conical surface. Draw the cylinder and the cone, then project the intersection points from the cylinder onto the cone.
  3. Intersection of Two Prisms:
    • When two prisms intersect, the intersection lines can be straight or curved depending on their orientation. Draw the prisms and use projection lines to determine the points of intersection.
  4. Intersection of Two Pyramids:
    • The intersection of two pyramids involves projecting the lines from one pyramid to the other. The intersection lines can be complex depending on the base shapes and orientation.

Evaluation (Fill-in-the-Blank Questions):

  1. The intersection of two cylinders of equal diameter forms a ________.
    a) line
    b) plane
    c) curve
    d) point
  2. The intersection of a cylinder and a cone results in a ________.
    a) straight line
    b) curve
    c) plane
    d) point
  3. When two prisms intersect, the intersection can be a ________ or curved line.
    a) straight
    b) wavy
    c) circular
    d) dotted
  4. To construct intersections, you often use ________ lines.
    a) dotted
    b) projection
    c) parallel
    d) horizontal
  5. The intersection of two pyramids involves projecting lines from one ________ to the other.
    a) base
    b) apex
    c) edge
    d) face
  6. Unequal diameter cylinders intersect to form a ________ curve.
    a) simple
    b) complex
    c) straight
    d) dotted
  7. The points of intersection on solid figures are determined by using ________ lines.
    a) horizontal
    b) vertical
    c) projection
    d) diagonal
  8. The curve of intersection between a cylinder and cone is ________.
    a) simple
    b) complex
    c) straight
    d) dotted
  9. Intersecting prisms can result in ________ lines.
    a) parallel
    b) perpendicular
    c) intersecting
    d) curved
  10. When drawing intersections, it is crucial to project points accurately to get the correct ________.
    a) length
    b) shape
    c) color
    d) texture
  11. Two pyramids intersect to create a ________ intersection line.
    a) curved
    b) straight
    c) complex
    d) simple
  12. Accurate construction of intersections requires precise use of ________.
    a) erasers
    b) rulers
    c) projection lines
    d) compasses
  13. The process of finding intersection points is known as ________.
    a) truncation
    b) projection
    c) scaling
    d) drawing
  14. Two intersecting cylinders create a ________ where they overlap.
    a) point
    b) curve
    c) plane
    d) line
  15. Projection lines help in locating the ________ of intersection.
    a) angles
    b) points
    c) edges
    d) faces

Class Activity Discussion (FAQs):

  1. What is the intersection of two cylinders?
    • The line or curve where their surfaces overlap.
  2. How do you construct the intersection of a cylinder and a cone?
    • By projecting points from the cylinder onto the cone.
  3. What happens when two prisms intersect?
    • The intersection can be a straight or curved line.
  4. Why are projection lines important in drawing intersections?
    • They help in accurately locating points of intersection.
  5. What do you need to construct intersections of solid figures?
    • Drawing tools like compass, protractor, and projection lines.
  6. What is the result of intersecting two pyramids?
    • A complex line of intersection.
  7. How can you describe the intersection of two unequal diameter cylinders?
    • It forms a complex curve.
  8. What are practical applications of intersecting solids?
    • Used in pipeline designs and architectural structures.
  9. How do you find the points of intersection on solid figures?
    • Using projection lines from one figure to the other.
  10. Why is it important to understand intersections in technical drawing?
    • It aids in the design and construction of complex structures.
  11. What tools are essential for drawing intersections?
    • Protractor, compass, T-square, and projection lines.
  12. What kind of lines can intersecting prisms create?
    • Straight or curved lines.
  13. How is the curve of intersection between a cylinder and a cone described?
    • As a complex curve.
  14. What skill is developed by drawing intersections of solids?
    • Critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  15. What is the significance of understanding solid figure intersections in real life?
    • It helps in engineering, construction, and design projects.


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, focusing on surface development of individual solid figures.


Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic, explaining the concept and process of constructing intersections of solid figures.


Step 3: The teacher allows students to contribute by demonstrating their understanding of constructing intersections and corrects them when necessary.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explain the definitions and constructions of intersections.
  • Demonstrate the use of drawing instruments for constructing intersections.
  • Guide students in practicing the construction of intersections.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in class demonstrations.
  • Practice constructing intersections of various solid figures.
  • Develop models of intersecting solid figures.


Evaluation Questions:

  1. Define the intersection of two cylinders.
  2. Describe the intersection of a cylinder and a cone.
  3. What are the steps to construct the intersection of two prisms?
  4. Explain how two pyramids intersect.
  5. List the tools needed for constructing intersections.
  6. What is the role of projection lines in drawing intersections?
  7. How do unequal diameter cylinders intersect?
  8. Why is it important to construct accurate intersections in technical drawing?
  9. Describe the process of finding intersection points.
  10. Explain the significance of understanding intersections in real-world applications.


The teacher goes around to mark learners’ work, takes notes of learners who need help, and makes necessary corrections.


SEO Elements:

  • Captivating Title: Mastering Intersection of Solids in Technical Drawing
  • Focus Keyphrase: Intersection of Solids in Technical Drawing
  • SEO Title: Understanding Intersection of Solids: Cylinders, Cones, Prisms & Pyramids
  • Slug: intersection-of-solids-technical-drawing