Learning the French Alphabet Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Lesson Plan: The Alphabet

Subject: French

Class: Primary 1

Term: First Term

Week: 3

Age: 6 years

Topic: The Alphabet

Sub-topic: Learning the French Alphabet

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Recite the French alphabet.
  2. Recognize and pronounce each letter of the French alphabet.
  3. Identify simple words that start with each letter.

Key Words:

  • Alphabet (Alphabet)
  • Letters (Lettres)
  • Pronunciation (Prononciation)

Set Induction:

The teacher plays an engaging alphabet song in French to grab the pupils’ attention.

Entry Behaviour:

Pupils are familiar with the alphabet in their native language.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Alphabet flashcards
  • Alphabet song
  • Alphabet chart

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Pupils already know how to sing the alphabet song in their native language.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Listening skills
  • Speaking skills
  • Recognizing letters

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashcards
  • Alphabet chart
  • Whiteboard and markers

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Basic French textbooks for Primary 1


  1. French Alphabet:
    • A (ah)
    • B (bay)
    • C (say)
    • D (day)
    • E (uh)
    • F (eff)
    • G (zhay)
    • H (ahsh)
    • I (ee)
    • J (zhee)
    • K (kah)
    • L (ell)
    • M (emm)
    • N (enn)
    • O (oh)
    • P (pay)
    • Q (koo)
    • R (air)
    • S (ess)
    • T (tay)
    • U (oo)
    • V (vay)
    • W (doo-bluh-vay)
    • X (eeks)
    • Y (ee-grayk)
    • Z (zed)


  • A for “Avion” (airplane)
  • B for “Banane” (banana)
  • C for “Chat” (cat)


  1. The letter A in French is pronounced ___. a) bay b) ah c) say d) day
  2. The letter B in French is pronounced ___. a) bay b) ah c) say d) day
  3. The letter C in French is pronounced ___. a) bay b) ah c) say d) day
  4. The letter D in French is pronounced ___. a) bay b) ah c) say d) day
  5. The letter E in French is pronounced ___. a) bay b) ah c) uh d) day
  6. The letter F in French is pronounced ___. a) bay b) eff c) say d) day
  7. The letter G in French is pronounced ___. a) zhay b) ah c) say d) day
  8. The letter H in French is pronounced ___. a) bay b) ahsh c) say d) day
  9. The letter I in French is pronounced ___. a) bay b) ah c) ee d) day
  10. The letter J in French is pronounced ___. a) bay b) zhee c) say d) day

Class Activity Discussion:

  1. Q: How do you say the letter A in French? A: A (ah).
  2. Q: What is the French pronunciation for B? A: B (bay).
  3. Q: How do you pronounce C in French? A: C (say).
  4. Q: What is the pronunciation for D in French? A: D (day).
  5. Q: How do you say E in French? A: E (uh).
  6. Q: What is the French pronunciation for F? A: F (eff).
  7. Q: How do you pronounce G in French? A: G (zhay).
  8. Q: What is the pronunciation for H in French? A: H (ahsh).
  9. Q: How do you say I in French? A: I (ee).
  10. Q: What is the French pronunciation for J? A: J (zhee).


Step 1:

The teacher revises the previous topic (Numbers 1-10).

Step 2:

The teacher introduces the new topic: The French Alphabet.

Step 3:

The teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and corrects them when necessary.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Display alphabet flashcards and pronounce each letter.
  • Play the alphabet song and have pupils sing along.
  • Show the alphabet chart and ask pupils to point to letters.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen and repeat the letters.
  • Sing the alphabet song.
  • Identify letters on the chart and name simple words starting with each letter.


Evaluation Questions:

  1. How do you say the letter A in French?
  2. What is the French pronunciation for B?
  3. How do you pronounce C in French?
  4. What is the pronunciation for D in French?
  5. How do you say E in French?
  6. What is the French pronunciation for F?
  7. How do you pronounce G in French?
  8. What is the pronunciation for H in French?
  9. How do you say I in French?
  10. What is the French pronunciation for J?


The teacher goes round to mark and provide feedback on the pupils’ work.

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