Second Term Mid Term Test Christian Religious Studies Kindergarten Second Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Mid Term Test: Revision and Review

Week: 6
Class: Kindergarten
Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Age: 5 years
Duration: 40 minutes

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions (15 Questions):

  1. Esau and Jacob were ____.
    • a) friends
    • b) brothers
    • c) twins
    • d) neighbors
  2. God created the ____ and the earth.
    • a) sun
    • b) stars
    • c) heavens
    • d) moon
  3. The Ten Commandments are ____ given by God.
    • a) stories
    • b) rules
    • c) games
    • d) songs
  4. Moses received the Ten Commandments on Mount ____.
    • a) Everest
    • b) Kilimanjaro
    • c) Sinai
    • d) Zion
  5. God made the sun, moon, and ____.
    • a) trees
    • b) stars
    • c) rivers
    • d) animals
  6. We should ____ our father and mother.
    • a) ignore
    • b) honor
    • c) fight
    • d) tease
  7. Do not ____.
    • a) play
    • b) steal
    • c) laugh
    • d) smile
  8. Jacob was born holding Esau’s ____.
    • a) hand
    • b) head
    • c) heel
    • d) foot
  9. God created plants, trees, and ____.
    • a) mountains
    • b) houses
    • c) flowers
    • d) cars
  10. The first humans were Adam and ____.
    • a) Sarah
    • b) Mary
    • c) Rebekah
    • d) Eve
  11. We should not tell ____.
    • a) jokes
    • b) secrets
    • c) lies
    • d) stories
  12. Love God with all your ____.
    • a) money
    • b) heart
    • c) toys
    • d) time
  13. God made animals, birds, and ____.
    • a) fish
    • b) toys
    • c) buildings
    • d) roads
  14. We can take care of ____ to show gratitude.
    • a) toys
    • b) nature
    • c) books
    • d) food
  15. God’s rules help us love ____.
    • a) only ourselves
    • b) money
    • c) God and others
    • d) nobody

Theory Questions (5 Questions):

  1. Describe two things God created.
    • Answer: God created the sun and the moon. The sun gives us light during the day, and the moon shines at night.
  2. Who were Esau and Jacob, and what was special about them?
    • Answer: Esau and Jacob were twins. Esau was born first and was very hairy, while Jacob was born holding Esau’s heel.
  3. Explain the importance of the Ten Commandments.
    • Answer: The Ten Commandments are important because they are God’s rules for us. They help us live good and happy lives by showing us how to love God and others.
  4. Why should we honor our father and mother?
    • Answer: We should honor our father and mother because it shows respect and obedience. It is one of God’s commandments and helps us live in harmony.
  5. What are some ways we can take care of God’s creation?
    • Answer: We can take care of God’s creation by planting trees, keeping our environment clean, protecting animals, and not wasting resources.


The teacher collects the test papers and provides feedback in the next lesson. Emphasize the importance of understanding God’s creation, His rules, and showing gratitude for the world He has made.

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