Revision Christian Religious Studies Kindergarten Second Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Second Term Revision Test: Week 11

Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: Kindergarten
Term: Second Term
Week: 11
Duration: 40 minutes

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. Jesus healed people who were ____.
    • a) playing
    • b) sick
    • c) running
    • d) working
  2. The rainbow has ____ colors.
    • a) five
    • b) seven
    • c) three
    • d) ten
  3. Noah built a big ____.
    • a) house
    • b) car
    • c) ark
    • d) boat
  4. After the Great Flood, God made a ____.
    • a) rainbow
    • b) house
    • c) car
    • d) boat
  5. Jesus cares for all ____.
    • a) toys
    • b) animals
    • c) people
    • d) cars
  6. God placed a rainbow as a sign of His ____.
    • a) anger
    • b) sadness
    • c) promise
    • d) fear
  7. The ark landed on a ____ after the flood.
    • a) mountain
    • b) river
    • c) forest
    • d) desert
  8. The rainbow reminds us of God’s ____.
    • a) hate
    • b) love
    • c) anger
    • d) fear
  9. Each color of the rainbow is ____.
    • a) special
    • b) scary
    • c) noisy
    • d) cold
  10. Noah obeyed ____ and built the ark.
    • a) God
    • b) his friend
    • c) the king
    • d) a teacher
  11. The flood covered the whole ____.
    • a) house
    • b) city
    • c) earth
    • d) park
  12. God made a ____ as a promise.
    • a) star
    • b) sun
    • c) rainbow
    • d) moon
  13. Jesus ____ people who were sad.
    • a) ignored
    • b) scared
    • c) comforted
    • d) teased
  14. We can show care by ____ people in need.
    • a) helping
    • b) ignoring
    • c) fighting
    • d) teasing
  15. Jesus fed a large crowd with five loaves of bread and two ____.
    • a) apples
    • b) cakes
    • c) fish
    • d) chickens
  16. God asked Noah to build an ____.
    • a) airplane
    • b) car
    • c) ark
    • d) house
  17. The rainbow is ____ and beautiful.
    • a) dark
    • b) small
    • c) big
    • d) colorful
  18. Jesus ____ for everyone.
    • a) ignores
    • b) cares
    • c) fights
    • d) hides
  19. The ____ dried up after the flood.
    • a) land
    • b) water
    • c) snow
    • d) desert
  20. God made a ____ as a promise after the flood.
    • a) sun
    • b) moon
    • c) rainbow
    • d) star

Short Answer Questions:

  1. Describe one way in which Jesus showed care for people.
  2. What did God ask Noah to build? Why?
  3. Why did God place a rainbow in the sky after the Great Flood?
  4. Name three colors of the rainbow and what they represent.
  5. How did Noah show obedience to God?
  6. Why is it important to show care for others?
  7. Explain the story of Jesus feeding a large crowd.
  8. What does the rainbow remind us of?
  9. What can we learn from the story of Noah and the Great Flood?
  10. How can we be like Jesus in showing care for others?


The teacher collects the pupils’ tests to assess their understanding of the topics covered this term in Christian Religious Studies. Feedback will be provided to reinforce learning and address any misconceptions.

This revision test aims to consolidate the pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the key concepts and stories taught throughout the term in a clear and engaging manner appropriate for Kindergarten learners.

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