Jesus Cares for People Christian Religious Studies Kindergarten Second Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Title: Jesus Cares for People

Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: Kindergarten
Term: Second Term
Week: 8
Age: 5 years
Topic: Jesus Cares for People
Sub-topic: Examples of Jesus’ Care
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioral Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Understand that Jesus cares for all people.
  2. Identify ways Jesus showed care for others.
  3. Describe ways they can show care for people around them.

Keywords: Jesus, care, love, help, kindness

Set Induction:
The teacher will start by showing a picture of Jesus helping people and asking the pupils what they see. The teacher will then explain that Jesus cares for everyone and helps them.

Entry Behaviour:
Pupils are familiar with the concept of caring for others and being helpful.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Picture of Jesus helping people
  • Bible storybook
  • Flashcards with key words

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge:
Ask pupils about times when someone cared for them when they needed help. Discuss how it made them feel.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Listening skills
  • Speaking skills
  • Empathy and kindness

Learning Materials:

  • Pictures
  • Storybook
  • Flashcards

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Kindergarten
  • Children’s Bible storybooks

Instructional Materials:

  • Picture of Jesus helping people
  • Bible


  1. Jesus Cares for the Sick
    • Jesus healed people who were sick.
    • Jesus showed love by making people well.
  2. Jesus Feeds the Hungry
    • Jesus fed a large crowd with five loaves of bread and two fish.
    • Jesus cares about people’s physical needs.
  3. Jesus Comforts the Sad
    • Jesus comforted people who were sad.
    • Jesus showed love by being with them and giving them hope.
  4. Showing Care for Others
    • We can show care by helping people in need.
    • Being kind and offering help are ways to show care.

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. Jesus cares for all ____.
    • a) toys
    • b) animals
    • c) people
    • d) cars
  2. Jesus healed people who were ____.
    • a) playing
    • b) sick
    • c) running
    • d) working
  3. Jesus fed a large crowd with five loaves of bread and two ____.
    • a) apples
    • b) cakes
    • c) fish
    • d) chickens
  4. Jesus showed ____ by making people well.
    • a) anger
    • b) love
    • c) sadness
    • d) fear
  5. Jesus cares about people’s ____ needs.
    • a) physical
    • b) toy
    • c) game
    • d) book
  6. Jesus ____ people who were sad.
    • a) ignored
    • b) scared
    • c) comforted
    • d) teased
  7. We can show care by ____ people in need.
    • a) helping
    • b) ignoring
    • c) fighting
    • d) teasing
  8. Being kind and offering ____ are ways to show care.
    • a) secrets
    • b) jokes
    • c) help
    • d) tricks
  9. Jesus healed people to show His ____.
    • a) power
    • b) love
    • c) anger
    • d) sadness
  10. Jesus cared for people’s ____ needs.
    • a) toy
    • b) food
    • c) physical
    • d) game
  11. Jesus ____ for everyone.
    • a) ignores
    • b) cares
    • c) fights
    • d) hides
  12. Jesus made people ____ when they were sad.
    • a) laugh
    • b) sing
    • c) happy
    • d) dance
  13. We can ____ people who need help.
    • a) avoid
    • b) help
    • c) scare
    • d) trick
  14. Jesus fed the hungry to show His ____.
    • a) love
    • b) anger
    • c) fear
    • d) power
  15. Jesus ____ people who were sick.
    • a) ignored
    • b) fed
    • c) healed
    • d) teased

Class Activity Discussion :

  1. Who does Jesus care for?
    • Jesus cares for all people.
  2. How did Jesus show care for the sick?
    • Jesus healed people who were sick.
  3. What did Jesus use to feed the hungry crowd?
    • Jesus used five loaves of bread and two fish.
  4. Why did Jesus comfort people?
    • Jesus comforted people to show His love and give them hope.
  5. What can we do to show care for others?
    • We can show care by helping people in need and being kind.
  6. Why is it important to help people in need?
    • Helping people in need shows love and makes them feel better.
  7. How does Jesus show His love for people?
    • Jesus shows His love by caring for their needs and helping them.
  8. What should we do when someone is sad?
    • We should comfort them and be with them to show we care.
  9. Why did Jesus feed the hungry crowd?
    • Jesus fed the hungry crowd to care for their physical needs and show His love.
  10. How can we be like Jesus in showing care?
    • We can be like Jesus by being kind, helping others, and showing love.


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic which was “Jesus Loves All the Little Children.”
Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic by showing a picture of Jesus helping people and explaining that Jesus cares for everyone.
Step 3: The teacher allows the pupils to share their thoughts on times they felt cared for and how they can care for others.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Show pictures and tell stories about Jesus’ care for people.
  • Ask questions to engage pupils and guide them in answering.
  • Sing a song about Jesus’ care with the pupils.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen to the stories.
  • Answer questions and share their thoughts.
  • Sing along with the teacher.


  • Ask pupils to identify ways Jesus showed care for others.
  • Have pupils describe ways they can show care for people around them.
  • Let pupils explain why it is important to care for others.


Evaluation Questions:

  1. Who does Jesus care for?
  2. How did Jesus show care for the sick?
  3. What did Jesus use to feed the hungry crowd?
  4. Why did Jesus comfort people?
  5. What can we do to show care for others?
  6. Why is it important to help people in need?
  7. How does Jesus show His love for people?
  8. What should we do when someone is sad?
  9. Why did Jesus feed the hungry crowd?
  10. How can we be like Jesus in showing care?

The teacher goes around to mark the pupils’ work and gives feedback. The teacher also summarizes the lesson and emphasizes that Jesus cares for everyone and we should show care for others too.

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