Cain and Abel Story Christian Religious Studies Kindergarten First Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Lesson Plan Presentation

Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: Kindergarten
Term: First Term
Week: 3
Age: 5 years

Topic: Cain and Abel Story
Sub-topic: The First Siblings

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Narrate the story of Cain and Abel.
  2. Identify Cain and Abel as the first children of Adam and Eve.
  3. Explain the importance of love and kindness.
  4. Understand the consequences of jealousy and anger.


  • Cain
  • Abel
  • Sacrifice
  • Jealousy
  • Anger
  • Brother

Set Induction:
The teacher will show a picture of two brothers playing and ask the pupils if they know any stories about brothers from the Bible.

Entry Behaviour:
Pupils have basic knowledge of family and siblings.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Picture cards of Cain, Abel, and their sacrifices.
  • Storybook of Cain and Abel.
  • Coloring sheets.
  • Crayons.

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge:
Discuss with pupils what they remember from the Adam and Eve story, especially about their children.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Observation

Reference Books:
Lagos State Scheme of Work for Kindergarten Christian Religious Studies.

Instructional Materials:

  • Picture cards
  • Storybook
  • Coloring sheets
  • Crayons


Explanation of the Topic:

  1. Cain and Abel: Cain and Abel were the first children of Adam and Eve. (Genesis 4:1-2)
  2. Different Jobs: Cain worked as a farmer, and Abel was a shepherd. (Genesis 4:2)
  3. Sacrifices to God: Cain and Abel both made sacrifices to God. Abel offered the best of his sheep, while Cain offered some of his crops. (Genesis 4:3-4)
  4. God’s Response: God was pleased with Abel’s offering but not with Cain’s. (Genesis 4:4-5)
  5. Jealousy and Anger: Cain became very jealous and angry because God favored Abel’s offering. (Genesis 4:5-6)
  6. The First Murder: In his anger, Cain killed his brother Abel. (Genesis 4:8)
  7. God’s Punishment: God punished Cain by making him a wanderer on the earth. (Genesis 4:9-12)


  1. Cain and Abel were the first children of ______.
    a) Noah
    b) Adam and Eve
    c) Abraham
    d) Isaac
  2. Cain worked as a ______.
    a) Shepherd
    b) Farmer
    c) Fisherman
    d) Carpenter
  3. Abel worked as a ______.
    a) Farmer
    b) Shepherd
    c) Carpenter
    d) Fisherman
  4. Abel offered the best of his ______ to God.
    a) Crops
    b) Sheep
    c) Fruits
    d) Fish
  5. God was pleased with ______’s offering.
    a) Cain
    b) Abel
    c) Adam
    d) Eve
  6. Cain became ______ of Abel.
    a) Happy
    b) Jealous
    c) Proud
    d) Sad
  7. In his anger, Cain ______ Abel.
    a) Helped
    b) Killed
    c) Hugged
    d) Ignored
  8. God made Cain a ______ on the earth.
    a) King
    b) Wanderer
    c) Farmer
    d) Shepherd
  9. Cain and Abel made ______ to God.
    a) Toys
    b) Sacrifices
    c) Houses
    d) Clothes
  10. The lesson from Cain and Abel’s story is to avoid ______.
    a) Love
    b) Jealousy and anger
    c) Kindness
    d) Friendship

Class Activity Discussion

  1. Who were Cain and Abel? Cain and Abel were the first children of Adam and Eve.
  2. What was Cain’s job? Cain was a farmer.
  3. What was Abel’s job? Abel was a shepherd.
  4. What did Cain and Abel offer to God? Cain offered crops, and Abel offered the best of his sheep.
  5. Whose offering did God accept? God accepted Abel’s offering.
  6. Why did Cain become jealous of Abel? Because God was pleased with Abel’s offering and not with his.
  7. What did Cain do to Abel out of jealousy? Cain killed Abel.
  8. What was Cain’s punishment from God? God made Cain a wanderer on the earth.
  9. What can we learn from Cain and Abel’s story? We should avoid jealousy and anger and be kind and loving.
  10. Why is it important to make good choices like Abel? Because God is pleased with good and sincere actions.


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, “Adam and Eve Story,” discussing the creation of humans and the first family.

Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic, “Cain and Abel Story,” using a storybook and picture cards to illustrate the events.

Step 3: The teacher allows the pupils to share their thoughts and understanding of the story and corrects any misconceptions.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Show picture cards and read the Cain and Abel story.
  • Ask pupils questions to check understanding.
  • Guide pupils in a coloring activity of Cain and Abel with their offerings.

Learners’ Activities

  • Listen to the Cain and Abel story.
  • Answer questions about the story.
  • Participate in the coloring activity.


Ten Evaluation Questions:

  1. Who were the first children of Adam and Eve?
  2. What was Cain’s job?
  3. What was Abel’s job?
  4. What did Abel offer to God?
  5. Whose offering did God accept?
  6. Why did Cain become jealous of Abel?
  7. What did Cain do to Abel?
  8. What was Cain’s punishment?
  9. What can we learn from Cain and Abel’s story?
  10. Why is it important to make good choices like Abel?

The teacher goes around to mark the pupils’ work and provides necessary feedback. The pupils will display their coloring sheets and share what they have learned about the story of Cain and Abel.

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