The Birth of Jesus Christ Christian Religious Studies Kindergarten First Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Lesson Plan Presentation

Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: Kindergarten
Term: First Term
Week: 9
Age: 5 years

Topic: The Birth of Jesus Christ
Sub-topic: Understanding the Nativity Story

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Retell the story of the birth of Jesus.
  2. Identify the key characters in the nativity story.
  3. Understand the significance of Jesus’ birth.
  4. Express the joy and meaning of Christmas.


  • Jesus
  • Mary
  • Joseph
  • Bethlehem
  • Shepherds
  • Angels
  • Manger
  • Wise Men

Set Induction:
The teacher will show a nativity scene and ask the pupils if they recognize any of the figures and what they know about Christmas.

Entry Behaviour:
Pupils have basic knowledge of Christmas celebrations.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Nativity scene figures or pictures
  • Storybook of the birth of Jesus
  • Coloring sheets with nativity scenes
  • Crayons

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge:
Discuss with pupils their experiences and what they know about Christmas and the birth of Jesus.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Observation

Reference Books:
Lagos State Scheme of Work for Kindergarten Christian Religious Studies.

Instructional Materials:

  • Nativity scene figures/pictures
  • Storybook
  • Coloring sheets
  • Crayons


Explanation of the Topic:

  1. Angel’s Message to Mary: The angel Gabriel told Mary that she would have a special baby named Jesus. (Luke 1:26-38)
  2. Joseph’s Dream: An angel appeared to Joseph in a dream, telling him that Mary’s baby was from God. (Matthew 1:20-21)
  3. Journey to Bethlehem: Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem for a census. (Luke 2:1-5)
  4. No Room at the Inn: There was no room for them at the inn, so they stayed in a stable. (Luke 2:6-7)
  5. Jesus’ Birth: Jesus was born in the stable and laid in a manger. (Luke 2:7)
  6. Shepherds and Angels: Angels appeared to shepherds in the fields, announcing Jesus’ birth, and the shepherds visited the stable to see Jesus. (Luke 2:8-20)
  7. Visit of the Wise Men: Wise men from the East followed a star to find Jesus, bringing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (Matthew 2:1-12)


  1. The angel ______ told Mary she would have a special baby.
    a) Michael
    b) Gabriel
    c) Raphael
    d) Uriel
  2. Mary and Joseph traveled to ______ for a census.
    a) Nazareth
    b) Jerusalem
    c) Bethlehem
    d) Egypt
  3. There was no room at the ______ for Mary and Joseph.
    a) House
    b) Inn
    c) School
    d) Temple
  4. Jesus was born in a ______.
    a) House
    b) Palace
    c) Stable
    d) Tent
  5. Jesus was laid in a ______.
    a) Bed
    b) Cradle
    c) Manger
    d) Basket
  6. The angels announced Jesus’ birth to ______.
    a) Soldiers
    b) Shepherds
    c) Farmers
    d) Kings
  7. The shepherds visited Jesus in the ______.
    a) House
    b) Temple
    c) Stable
    d) Field
  8. The wise men followed a ______ to find Jesus.
    a) Cloud
    b) Star
    c) Bird
    d) Angel
  9. The wise men brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and ______.
    a) Myrrh
    b) Silver
    c) Perfume
    d) Spices
  10. Jesus’ birth is celebrated on ______.
    a) New Year
    b) Easter
    c) Christmas
    d) Thanksgiving

Class Activity Discussion

  1. Who told Mary she would have a special baby? The angel Gabriel.
  2. What was the name of Mary’s special baby? Jesus.
  3. Where did Mary and Joseph travel for a census? Bethlehem.
  4. Where was Jesus born? In a stable.
  5. What was Jesus laid in after He was born? A manger.
  6. Who did the angels announce Jesus’ birth to? The shepherds.
  7. Who visited Jesus after His birth? The shepherds and the wise men.
  8. What guided the wise men to Jesus? A star.
  9. What gifts did the wise men bring to Jesus? Gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
  10. When do we celebrate the birth of Jesus? On Christmas.


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, “The Good Samaritan,” discussing the importance of kindness and helping others.

Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic, “The Birth of Jesus Christ,” using a storybook and nativity scene figures or pictures to illustrate the events.

Step 3: The teacher allows the pupils to share their thoughts and understanding of the story and corrects any misconceptions.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Show nativity scene figures or pictures and read the story of the birth of Jesus.
  • Ask pupils questions to check understanding.
  • Guide pupils in a coloring activity of the nativity scene.

Learners’ Activities

  • Listen to the story of the birth of Jesus.
  • Answer questions about the story.
  • Participate in the coloring activity.


Ten Evaluation Questions:

  1. Who told Mary she would have a special baby?
  2. What was the name of Mary’s special baby?
  3. Where did Mary and Joseph travel for a census?
  4. Where was Jesus born?
  5. What was Jesus laid in after He was born?
  6. Who did the angels announce Jesus’ birth to?
  7. Who visited Jesus after His birth?
  8. What guided the wise men to Jesus?
  9. What gifts did the wise men bring to Jesus?
  10. When do we celebrate the birth of Jesus?

The teacher goes around to mark the pupils’ work and provides necessary feedback. The pupils will display their coloring sheets and share what they have learned about the birth of Jesus.

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