CPU control unit functions Computer Studies IT Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Subject: Computer Studies

Class: Primary 3

Term: Second Term

Week: 5

Topic: Components of CPU: Define the control unit and outline its functions

Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should have basic knowledge of using a computer and understanding simple concepts.

Key Words: Components, CPU, Control Unit, Functions, Computer.

Behavioural Objectives:

  1. By the end of the lesson, students should be able to define the control unit of the CPU.
  2. Students should identify the functions of the control unit.
  3. Students should understand the importance of the control unit in a computer.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Basic computer literacy

Learning Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Computer with projector
  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Computer Studies Textbook Book 3

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Computer Studies
  • Computer Studies Textbook Book 3


Outline the various components of the CPU

  1. Central Processing Unit (CPU):
    • It’s like the brain of the computer.
    • It does all the thinking and calculations.
  2. Control Unit:
    • It tells the computer what to do.
    • Like a traffic officer directing traffic.
  3. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU):
    • It does the math and logic operations.
    • Adding, subtracting, comparing numbers, and more.
  4. Registers:
    • They are like small, super-fast storage areas inside the CPU.
    • They hold data temporarily while the CPU works on it.
  5. Cache Memory:
    • It’s a special type of memory that’s faster than regular memory.
    • It stores frequently used data to speed up the CPU’s operations.
  6. Example:
    • Imagine the CPU is like a chef in a kitchen.
    • The control unit tells the chef what dish to prepare.
    • The ALU does the chopping, mixing, and cooking.
    • Registers are like small bowls holding ingredients.
    • Cache memory is like a spice rack with commonly used spices.

Understanding the components of the CPU helps us know how computers process information! 😊🖥️


  1. The CPU stands for __________. a) Computer Programming Unit b) Central Processing Unit c) Control Processing Unit d) Central Programming Unit
  2. The __________ of the CPU tells the computer what to do. a) Control Unit b) Arithmetic Logic Unit c) Registers d) Cache Memory
  3. The __________ of the CPU does the math and logic operations. a) Control Unit b) Arithmetic Logic Unit c) Registers d) Cache Memory
  4. Registers are like small, super-fast __________ inside the CPU. a) storage areas b) screens c) keyboards d) printers
  5. Cache memory stores frequently used data to speed up the CPU’s __________. a) cooling b) operations c) shutdown d) upgrading
  6. The CPU is like the __________ of the computer. a) screen b) keyboard c) brain d) mouse
  7. The __________ tells the CPU what dish to prepare. a) Control Unit b) Arithmetic Logic Unit c) Registers d) Cache Memory
  8. Registers hold data __________ while the CPU works on it. a) temporarily b) permanently c) slowly d) quickly
  9. Cache memory is a special type of memory that’s __________ than regular memory. a) slower b) faster c) smaller d) bigger
  10. The CPU does all the thinking and __________. a) dancing b) singing c) calculations d) drawing
  11. The Control Unit is like a __________ directing traffic. a) chef b) doctor c) teacher d) traffic officer
  12. The Arithmetic Logic Unit does the __________ operations. a) cooking b) math c) cleaning d) painting
  13. Registers are like small bowls holding __________. a) ingredients b) clothes c) toys d) books
  14. Cache memory is like a spice rack with commonly used __________. a) clothes b) toys c) spices d) books
  15. Understanding the components of the CPU helps us know how computers __________ information. a) process b) store c) forget d) eat

These questions will help reinforce the understanding of the various components of the CPU for Primary 3 students.

Learners Centred Discussion
  1. What does CPU stand for?
    • Answer: CPU stands for Central Processing Unit.
  2. What is the function of the Control Unit in the CPU?
    • Answer: The Control Unit tells the computer what to do by coordinating and managing the operations of other CPU components.
  3. What does the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) do?
    • Answer: The ALU performs mathematical and logical operations, such as addition, subtraction, and comparisons.
  4. What are registers in the CPU?
    • Answer: Registers are small, super-fast storage areas inside the CPU that hold data temporarily while the CPU works on it.
  5. Why is cache memory important in the CPU?
    • Answer: Cache memory stores frequently used data to speed up the CPU’s operations, making the computer faster and more efficient.
  6. How does the CPU function in the computer?
    • Answer: The CPU acts as the brain of the computer, processing instructions and data to perform tasks and operations.
  7. Can you give an analogy for understanding the CPU components?
    • Answer: Yes, you can think of the CPU like a chef in a kitchen, with the Control Unit as the head chef directing operations, the ALU as the cook doing the math and cooking, registers as small bowls holding ingredients, and cache memory as a spice rack with commonly used spices.
  8. What happens if the CPU is not functioning properly?
    • Answer: If the CPU is not functioning properly, the computer may slow down or freeze, and tasks may take longer to complete.
  9. How do the CPU components work together to process information?
    • Answer: The Control Unit coordinates the operations of the other components, while the ALU performs calculations and logical operations. Registers and cache memory help store and access data quickly, allowing the CPU to process information efficiently.
  10. What are some real-world examples of CPUs in everyday devices?
    • Answer: CPUs are found in computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and even household appliances like smart TVs and washing machines, where they help control and manage operations.

Define the control unit and outline the functions of the control unit

Definition of Control Unit:

  • The control unit is like the boss of the computer.
  • It tells the computer what to do and when to do it.

Functions of the Control Unit:

  1. Coordination: It coordinates all the activities of the computer.
    • Example: Just like a conductor leading an orchestra, the control unit directs all the parts of the computer to work together harmoniously. 🎶
  2. Instruction Interpretation: It reads and interprets instructions from programs and applications.
    • Example: When you click on an icon to open a game, the control unit understands your command and starts the game.
  3. Execution: It carries out instructions by sending signals to other parts of the computer.
    • Example: If you type a letter on the keyboard, the control unit sends signals to the screen to display the letter.
  4. Decision Making: It makes decisions based on instructions and data.
    • Example: If you ask the computer to open a file, the control unit decides which part of the computer should handle the task.
  5. Timing Control: It controls the timing of operations to ensure they happen in the right order and at the right time.
    • Example: Just like a conductor keeping time for musicians, the control unit ensures that each operation happens at the right moment.

Understanding the control unit helps us know how computers follow instructions and perform tasks! 😊🖥️

Students Centred Discussion

  1. What is the control unit in a computer?
    • Answer: The control unit is like the boss of the computer, telling it what to do.
  2. What does the control unit do?
    • Answer: It coordinates all the activities of the computer and makes sure everything works together.
  3. Can you give examples of what the control unit does?
    • Answer: Sure! It reads instructions from programs, starts games, and shows letters on the screen when you type.
  4. How does the control unit help the computer work properly?
    • Answer: It makes decisions, controls timing, and ensures that tasks happen in the right order.
  5. Why is the control unit important?
    • Answer: Without it, the computer wouldn’t know what to do or when to do it.
  6. Does the control unit make decisions?
    • Answer: Yes, it makes decisions based on instructions and data from programs and applications.
  7. What is the role of the control unit in a computer system?
    • Answer: Its role is to interpret instructions, execute tasks, and ensure smooth operations.
  8. How does the control unit communicate with other parts of the computer?
    • Answer: It sends signals to other parts of the computer, like the screen and keyboard, to carry out tasks.
  9. Can you compare the control unit to something we know?
    • Answer: Yes, it’s like a conductor leading an orchestra, making sure all the instruments play together in harmony.
  10. What can we learn from understanding the control unit?
    • Answer: Understanding the control unit helps us understand how computers follow instructions and perform tasks efficiently.


  1. The control unit is like the __________ of the computer. a) boss b) worker c) teacher d) friend
  2. Its job is to tell the computer __________. a) stories b) jokes c) what to do d) what to eat
  3. The control unit coordinates all the __________ of the computer. a) activities b) games c) songs d) dances
  4. Just like a conductor leading an orchestra, it directs all the parts of the computer to work __________. a) together b) apart c) slowly d) randomly
  5. When you click on an icon to open a game, the control unit understands your command and __________ the game. a) closes b) starts c) pauses d) deletes
  6. If you type a letter on the keyboard, the control unit sends signals to the __________ to display the letter. a) printer b) screen c) mouse d) CPU
  7. The control unit makes __________ based on instructions and data. a) sandwiches b) decisions c) paintings d) dances
  8. It controls the timing of operations to ensure they happen in the __________ order. a) wrong b) right c) random d) opposite
  9. Just like a conductor keeping time for musicians, the control unit ensures that each operation happens at the right __________. a) moment b) day c) year d) month
  10. The control unit reads and interprets __________ from programs and applications. a) stories b) instructions c) jokes d) songs
  11. Its job is to __________ instructions by sending signals to other parts of the computer. a) ignore b) execute c) forget d) sleep
  12. If you ask the computer to open a file, the control unit decides __________ should handle the task. a) which part of the computer b) which game to play c) which song to sing d) which dance to perform
  13. The control unit is like the __________ of the computer, guiding and directing its actions. a) conductor b) singer c) dancer d) athlete
  14. Its main job is to __________ the computer what to do. a) ask b) tell c) guess d) shout
  15. Understanding the control unit helps us know how computers __________ instructions and perform tasks. a) follow b) forget c) ignore d) create

These questions will help reinforce the understanding of the control unit and its functions for Primary 3 students.

  1. Revision of previous topic: The teacher revises the previous topic, which was ” Meaning of Software and Hardware, and Differences between Software and Hardware”
  2. Introduction of the new topic: The teacher introduces the new topic by explaining that today we will learn about a very important part of the computer called the control unit, and its functions in the CPU.
  3. Teacher’s Activities:
    • Define the control unit using simple language.
    • Outline the functions of the control unit, emphasizing its role as the boss of the computer.
  4. Learners’ Activities:
    • Listen attentively to the teacher’s explanation.
    • Participate in discussions by asking questions and providing examples.
    • Take notes in their notebooks.


  • Observation during class discussions and activities.
  • Written assessment: Ten evaluation questions related to the topic.

Evaluation :

  1. What is the control unit in a computer?
  2. Can you define the functions of the control unit?
  3. Why is the control unit important in a computer?
  4. What does the control unit do in a computer system?
  5. How does the control unit communicate with other parts of the computer?
  6. Can you compare the control unit to something we know?
  7. Give an example of a task the control unit performs.
  8. What is the role of the control unit in executing instructions?
  9. How does understanding the control unit help us use computers better?
  10. What are the key words associated with the topic “Components of CPU: Define the control unit and outline its functions”?


  • The teacher goes round to mark students’ participation and written responses.
  • Summarize the main points of the lesson.
  • Provide feedback on students’ performance and address any questions or concerns they may have.
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