Identification of Computer Icons and their uses Computer Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Subject: Computer Studies

Class: Primary 2

Term: Second Term

Week: 4

Topic: Identification and Functions of Computer Icons

Sub-topic: Understanding different computer icons and their uses.

Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should be familiar with basic computer components like the monitor, keyboard, and mouse.

Key Words: Icon, Computer, Identify, Function, Mouse, Keyboard.

Behavioral Objectives:

  • By the end of the lesson, students should be able to identify common computer icons.
  • Students should be able to explain the functions of at least five computer icons.
  • Students should demonstrate the ability to interact with basic computer icons.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Observation
  • Communication
  • Fine motor skills (for practical interaction with icons)

Learning Materials:

  • Computer with various icons on the desktop
  • Pictures or flashcards of common computer icons
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Small cards with icon names for a quick matching game


  1. What is an icon on the computer?
    • An icon on the computer is a small picture or symbol that represents a program, file, or function. It helps you quickly recognize and access different things on the computer.
  2. Can you name two functions of a folder icon?
    • A folder icon on the computer is used to organize and store files. It helps keep similar files together in a digital space.
  3. What does the trash bin icon do on the computer?
    • The trash bin icon on the computer is like a digital garbage bin. It is used to delete or throw away files that you no longer need.
  4. How do you open a file using the book icon?
    • To open a file using the book icon, you usually click on it with the mouse. The book icon represents documents or files, and clicking on it opens up the content inside, just like opening a book to read.
  1. Folder Icon:
    • Use: Helps organize files and keep them in one place.
  2. Trash Bin Icon:
    • Use: Deletes unwanted files, like a digital garbage bin.
  3. Printer Icon:
    • Use: Represents printing; used to print documents.
  4. Magnifying Glass Icon:
    • Use: Helps search for things, like a digital detective tool.
  5. Settings Gear Icon:
    • Use: Takes you to the computer’s settings for adjustments.
  6. Home Icon:
    • Use: Takes you to the main or starting screen.
  7. Play Triangle Icon:
    • Use: Starts or plays multimedia, like videos or music.
  8. Book Icon:
    • Use: Represents documents or reading; opens files.
  9. Speech Bubble Icon:
    • Use: Indicates messaging or chatting.
  10. Question Mark Icon:
    • Use: Often used for help or information; click for assistance.


  1. The Folder Icon helps to __________ and keep files in one place. a) Delete b) Organize c) Print d) Play
  2. The Trash Bin Icon is like a digital __________ for unwanted files. a) Playground b) Garden c) Garbage bin d) Book
  3. The Printer Icon is used to __________ documents. a) Organize b) Print c) Delete d) Play
  4. The Magnifying Glass Icon helps to __________ for things on the computer. a) Play b) Search c) Print d) Read
  5. The Settings Gear Icon takes you to the computer’s __________ for adjustments. a) Main screen b) Settings c) Trash bin d) Playground
  6. The Home Icon takes you to the __________ or starting screen. a) Main screen b) Settings c) Trash bin d) Playground
  7. The Play Triangle Icon starts or plays __________, like videos or music. a) Files b) Books c) Videos d) Trash
  8. The Book Icon represents __________ and opens files. a) Settings b) Reading c) Printing d) Playing
  9. The Speech Bubble Icon indicates __________ or chatting. a) Reading b) Organizing c) Messaging d) Printing
  10. The Question Mark Icon is often used for __________ or information. a) Help b) Play c) Trash d) Read
  11. The Heart Icon is often used to __________ something you like. a) Play b) Organize c) Delete d) Favorite
  12. The Envelope Icon is commonly used for __________. a) Chatting b) Printing c) Playing d) Deleting
  13. The Camera Icon is used for __________ photos. a) Organizing b) Chatting c) Printing d) Taking
  14. The Clock Icon is used to __________ the time or schedule. a) Organize b) Print c) Play d) Show
  15. The Money Icon is often used for __________ transactions. a) Playing b) Organizing c) Printing d) Financial


  1. Introduction:
  2. New Topic Introduction:
    • Define what an “icon” is in the context of computers.
    • Explain that icons represent different functions on a computer.
  3. Teacher’s Activities:
    • Show pictures or flashcards of common computer icons.
    • Discuss each icon’s function with simple explanations.
    • Demonstrate how to interact with icons using the mouse.
  4. Learners’ Activities:
    • Identify icons on the computer screen.
    • Discuss and ask questions about the functions of each icon.
    • Practice clicking on icons using the mouse.
  5. Assessment:
    • Observe students’ ability to identify icons.
    • Check their understanding of icon functions during discussions.
    • Assess their practical interaction with icons using the mouse.
  6. Evaluation :
    1. What is an icon on the computer?
    2. Can you name two functions of a folder icon?
    3. What does the trash bin icon do on the computer?
    4. How do you open a file using the book icon?
    5. Which icon is used for chatting or messaging?
    6. Explain the function of the magnifying glass icon.
    7. What happens when you click the play triangle icon?
    8. Identify one icon used for printing.
    9. How do you adjust computer settings? (Referring to the settings gear icon)
    10. Why is it important to know about computer icons?


  • The teacher goes round to observe and mark students’ interactions with icons.
  • Provides feedback and assistance where needed.
  • Concludes the lesson by summarizing key points and encouraging questions
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