Skills in Swimming Physical and Health Education Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Lesson Plan Presentation

Subject: Physical and Health Education

Class: Primary 2

Term: Second Term

Week: 9

Topic: Skills in Swimming

Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour:

  • Review basic physical activities learned in previous lessons.
  • Discuss any experiences related to swimming or water activities.

Key Words:

  • Swimming Skills, Floating, Flutter Kick, Front Crawl, Backstroke.

Behavioural Objectives:

  • Identify and describe various swimming skills.
  • Demonstrate basic swimming skills in a pool or simulated environment.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Motor Skills, Coordination, Listening, Following Instructions.

Learning Materials:

  • Visuals of swimming techniques, Diagrams of strokes, Pool or open area for demonstration.


  1. Floating: Maintain a horizontal position on the water’s surface.
  2. Breath Control: Control breathing while swimming and diving.
  3. Flutter Kick: Perform a continuous and rhythmic kicking motion.
  4. Front Crawl Stroke: Freestyle stroke with alternating arm movements.
  5. Backstroke: Swim on the back with a flutter kick and alternating arm strokes.
  6. Breaststroke: Swim with a frog-like kick and simultaneous arm movements.
  7. Treading Water: Stay afloat by moving arms and legs in a coordinated manner.
  8. Dolphin Kick: Undulating kick, often used in underwater swimming.
  9. Sidestroke: Swim on the side with a scissor kick and long arm pulls.
  10. Flip Turn: Execute a quick turn at the pool wall during laps.


  1. ________ is a skill where you maintain a horizontal position. a) Treading water
    b) Floating
    c) Backstroke
    d) Breaststroke
  2. ________ involves controlling breathing while swimming. a) Front Crawl
    b) Breath Control
    c) Flip Turn
    d) Sidestroke
  3. The rhythmic kicking motion in swimming is called the ________. a) Breaststroke
    b) Flutter Kick
    c) Dolphin Kick
    d) Backstroke
  4. Which stroke involves alternating arm movements in a freestyle manner? a) Breaststroke
    b) Front Crawl
    c) Sidestroke
    d) Flip Turn
  5. ________ is a swimming skill where you swim on your back. a) Floating
    b) Breaststroke
    c) Backstroke
    d) Treading water
  6. What is the frog-like kick used in swimming? a) Treading water
    b) Flip Turn
    c) Breaststroke
    d) Sidestroke
  7. Staying afloat by moving arms and legs is known as ________. a) Breaststroke
    b) Treading water
    c) Flutter Kick
    d) Front Crawl
  8. What is the coordinated undulating kick often used underwater? a) Flip Turn
    b) Sidestroke
    c) Treading water
    d) Dolphin Kick
  9. ________ is a stroke where you swim on your side. a) Front Crawl
    b) Sidestroke
    c) Flutter Kick
    d) Breath Control
  10. What skill involves a quick turn at the pool wall during laps? a) Flip Turn
    b) Backstroke
    c) Breaststroke
    d) Front Crawl
  1. Introduction:
  2. Review Previous Topic:
    • Check students’ understanding of safety rules.
    • Relate safety rules to the practical skills introduced today.
  3. Introduction of New Topic:
    • Introduce the topic of “Skills in Swimming.”
    • Explain that swimming involves different techniques and strokes.
  4. Discussion on Swimming Skills:
    • Present and discuss various swimming skills such as floating, flutter kick, front crawl, backstroke, etc.
    • Use visuals and simple language to enhance understanding.
  5. Demonstration:
    • Demonstrate each swimming skill in a pool or simulated environment.
    • Allow students to observe and ask questions.
  6. Learners’ Activities:
    • Divide students into groups for practice.
    • Assign each group a specific skill to practice and demonstrate.
  7. Assessment:
    • Observe students’ attempts at practicing swimming skills.
    • Provide feedback and guidance during the activities.
  8. Evaluation Questions:
    • Pose questions related to the discussed swimming skills.
    • Assess students’ understanding through interactive questions.
    • The scissor kick and long arm pulls are used in ________. a) Sidestroke
      b) Front Crawl
      c) Flip Turn
      d) Breaststroke
    • Which skill involves a continuous and rhythmic kicking motion? a) Flutter Kick
      b) Treading water
      c) Breath Control
      d) Backstroke
    • In swimming, what stroke includes a frog-like kick? a) Sidestroke
      b) Flip Turn
      c) Breaststroke
      d) Front Crawl
    • What is the term for staying afloat while moving arms and legs? a) Backstroke
      b) Treading water
      c) Flutter Kick
      d) Front Crawl
    • Which skill involves swimming with a continuous fluttering motion? a) Backstroke
      b) Front Crawl
      c) Sidestroke
      d) Breaststroke
  9. Conclusion:
    • Summarize the key swimming skills learned.
    • Announce a brief assessment to reinforce learning.

Note: Adjust the duration based on students’ engagement levels, and ensure safety measures during practical activities.

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