Second Term Revision and Readiness Test Computer Studies Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1

1. “………………………………………………. is referred to as the father of the modern-day computers.”

Answer: Charles Babbage

Explanation: Charles Babbage is called the father of modern computers because he designed the first mechanical computer called the Analytical Engine.

2. “State four functions or characteristics of a computer. …………………………………..”


  1. Calculation
  2. Storage of Information
  3. Communication
  4. Automation

Explanation: Computers can perform calculations, store information, communicate with other devices, and automate tasks.

3. “Write four things a computer can do ……………………………………………………………..”


  1. Play Games
  2. Create Documents
  3. Browse the Internet
  4. Draw Pictures

Explanation: Computers can do various tasks like playing games, creating documents, browsing the internet, and even drawing pictures.

4. “Draw a computer mouse and label four parts of it.”

Note: Drawing not possible in this text format, but the teacher can guide the students to draw a simple mouse and label parts like left button, right button, scroll wheel, and body.

5. “State any two input devices. ……………………………… …………………………………..”


  1. Keyboard
  2. Mouse

Explanation: Input devices are tools like the keyboard and mouse that allow us to give instructions to the computer.

6. “Define computer hardware components. ………………………………………………………”

Explanation: Computer hardware components are the physical parts of a computer system, such as the monitor, keyboard, mouse, and system unit.

7. “Mention the three types of keyboards. …………………………………………………………..”


  3. Dvorak

Explanation: Keyboards come in different layouts, like QWERTY, AZERTY, and Dvorak, depending on the region.

8. “List four parts of the system unit. ……………………………………………………………”


  1. CPU (Central Processing Unit)
  2. RAM (Random Access Memory)
  3. Hard Drive
  4. Motherboard

Explanation: The system unit contains important components like the CPU, RAM, hard drive, and motherboard.

9. “Data processing takes place in the ……………………………………………………………”

Answer: CPU (Central Processing Unit)

Explanation: The CPU is like the brain of the computer and is responsible for processing data.

10. “What is the full meaning of RAM? ……………………………………………………………..”

Answer: Random Access Memory

Explanation: RAM is a type of memory that the computer uses to store data temporarily for quick access.

11. “Mention the two types of software. ………………………………………………………………. “


  1. Application Software
  2. System Software

Explanation: Software includes programs like games (application software) and the operating system (system software).

12. “Name the two types of monitor. ………………………………… ………………………………”


  1. CRT (Cathode Ray Tube)
  2. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

Explanation: Monitors can be CRT or LCD, each having different technologies for displaying images.

13. “……………………………………. Is an electronic device that walks accurately.”

Answer: Robot

Explanation: A robot is an electronic device that can perform tasks with precision and accuracy.

14. “Name three parts of the Abacus. …………………. ….………………… ………………….”


  1. Beads
  2. Wires
  3. Frame

Explanation: The abacus has beads, wires, and a frame and is used for simple calculations.

15. “In order to connect different parts of the computer system together, ………………. …………………………… are needed.”

Answer: Cables or Wires

Explanation: Cables or wires are necessary to connect different parts of the computer system, like the monitor, keyboard, and mouse, so they can work together.


Second Term Revision and Readiness Test Computer Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1


  1. “………………………………………………. is referred to as the father of the modern-day computers.”
    • a) Steve Jobs
    • b) Bill Gates
    • c) Charles Babbage
    • d) Mark Zuckerberg
  2. “State four functions or characteristics of a computer. …………………………………..”
    • a) Entertainment, Sleeping, Cooking, Drawing
    • b) Calculation, Storage, Communication, Automation
    • c) Singing, Eating, Running, Jumping
    • d) Flying, Swimming, Reading, Talking
  3. “Write four things a computer can do ……………………………………………………………..”
    • a) Play Music, Cook Food, Drive a Car, Plant Trees
    • b) Play Games, Create Documents, Browse the Internet, Draw Pictures
    • c) Dance, Sleep, Eat, Travel
    • d) Swim, Read Books, Paint, Exercise
  4. “Draw a computer mouse and label four parts of it.”

    (No options provided – Drawing exercise)

  5. “State any two input devices. ……………………………… …………………………………..”
    • a) Screen, Printer
    • b) Keyboard, Mouse
    • c) Speaker, Microphone
    • d) CD Drive, USB Port
  6. “Define computer hardware components. ………………………………………………………”
    • a) Physical parts of a computer system
    • b) Software programs
    • c) Computer games
    • d) Internet connections
  7. “Mention the three types of keyboards. …………………………………………………………..”
    • a) ABC, XYZ, 123
    • b) QWERTY, AZERTY, Dvorak
    • c) Red, Blue, Green
    • d) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
  8. “List four parts of the system unit. ……………………………………………………………”
    • a) CPU, RAM, Hard Drive, Motherboard
    • b) Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, Printer
    • c) Operating System, Software, Applications, Games
    • d) Speakers, Microphone, Webcam, USB Ports
  9. “Data processing takes place in the ……………………………………………………………”
    • a) Monitor
    • b) Keyboard
    • c) CPU (Central Processing Unit)
    • d) Printer
  10. “What is the full meaning of RAM? ……………………………………………………………..”
    • a) Random Access Memory
    • b) Read-Only Memory
    • c) Random Automated Machine
    • d) Real-Time Action Module
  11. “Mention the two types of software. ………………………………………………………………. “
    • a) Food Software, Game Software
    • b) Application Software, System Software
    • c) Soft Music, Loud Music
    • d) Blue Software, Red Software
  12. “Name the two types of monitor. ………………………………… ………………………………”
    • a) LCD, CRT
    • b) Red, Green
    • c) Monitor 1, Monitor 2
    • d) Big Screen, Small Screen
  13. “……………………………………. Is an electronic device that walks accurately.”
    • a) Robot
    • b) Computer
    • c) Smartphone
    • d) Printer
  14. “Name three parts of the Abacus. …………………. ….………………… ………………….”
    • a) Beads, Wires, Frame
    • b) Screen, Keyboard, Mouse
    • c) RAM, CPU, Hard Drive
    • d) Calculator, Notebook, Pen
  15. “In order to connect different parts of the computer system together, ………………. …………………………… are needed.”
    • a) Magic Spells
    • b) Cables or Wires
    • c) Invisible Threads
    • d) Bluetooth Signals
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