Revision Civic Education Primary 3 Week 11 First Term Plan Lesson Notes

Subject: Civic Education
Class: Primary 3
Term: First Term
Week: 11
Topic: Revision
Sub-topic: Reviewing Civic Values and Responsibilities

Duration: 30 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should recall basic civic values and understand the concept of responsibilities.

Key Words: Civic Values, Responsibilities, Respect, Honesty, Citizenship

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to identify and explain basic civic values, recognize responsibilities in daily life, and understand the importance of being good citizens.

Embedded Core Skills: Moral Development, Critical Thinking

Learning Materials: Flashcards with civic values, whiteboard, markers, scenario cards illustrating responsibilities, picture cards depicting good citizenship


  • Recap of Civic Values (Respect, Honesty, etc.)
  • Identification of Responsibilities
  • Understanding Good Citizenship

Hello Grade 3! Today, let’s talk about some super important things that help us be awesome members of our community! 🌟

Civic Values (Respect, Honesty, etc.): Think of respect as giving others a high-five for being unique, and honesty is like being a truth superhero. 🤝💪 Can you think of a time you showed respect or honesty?

Identification of Responsibilities: Responsibilities are like little tasks that make our days better. At home, it might be setting the table 🍽️ or keeping our room tidy. At school, it could be doing our homework 📚 or helping a friend. What’s a responsibility you have?

Understanding Good Citizenship: Being a good citizen is like being a hero in our community. 🦸‍♂️ It means helping, sharing, and caring for others. Imagine picking up litter in the park or helping a friend who is feeling sad. What’s something you can do to be a good citizen?

Remember, these values and responsibilities make our community a happier place for everyone! 🏡💙 Let’s be super citizens.

Step 1: Begin with a quick recap of civic values, asking students to define terms like respect and honesty.

Step 2: Introduce the concept of responsibilities, using scenarios to discuss everyday situations where responsibilities matter.

Step 3: Engage students in recognizing and discussing examples of good citizenship through picture cards.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Use flashcards to review civic values and ask students to give examples.
  • Present scenarios to discuss responsibilities, encouraging students to share their thoughts.
  • Facilitate a discussion on good citizenship using picture cards.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in discussions about respect, honesty, and other civic values.
  • Analyze and discuss responsibilities in various scenarios.
  • Identify positive examples of good citizenship in the picture cards.


  • Ongoing observation during discussions and scenario analysis.
  • Review of students’ contributions during the session.
  1. What does the word “respect” mean?
    • Respect means treating others with kindness and consideration, like listening when someone is talking and using polite words.
  2. Can you give an example of a responsible action at home?
    • A responsible action at home is cleaning up after playing with toys or helping with chores like setting the table for dinner.
  3. Name a civic value related to telling the truth.
    • Honesty is a civic value related to telling the truth. It’s important to be honest with others.
  4. Explain why it’s important to respect others.
    • Respecting others is important because it makes everyone feel valued and creates a friendly and positive community.
  5. What is one responsibility you have at school?
    • One responsibility at school is completing homework on time and bringing it back to class.
  6. Point to a scenario that shows honesty.
    • Point to a picture where someone admits they made a mistake or tells the truth even when it’s hard.
  7. How can you be a good citizen in your community?
    • Being a good citizen in the community involves helping neighbors, picking up litter, and following rules to make the neighborhood a better place.
  8. Give an example of showing respect to your teacher.
    • Showing respect to your teacher includes listening attentively, following instructions, and saying “please” and “thank you.”
  9. What does the word “responsibility” mean to you?
    • Responsibility means doing the tasks or jobs we’re expected to do, like completing chores or homework.
  10. Why is it important for everyone to be a good citizen?
    • Being a good citizen is important because it helps create a community where everyone feels safe, respected, and supported. It makes our world a better place for everyone.


  1. What does the word “respect” mean?
  2. Can you give an example of a responsible action at home?
  3. Name a civic value related to telling the truth.
  4. Explain why it’s important to respect others.
  5. What is one responsibility you have at school?
  6. Point to a scenario that shows honesty.
  7. How can you be a good citizen in your community?
  8. Give an example of showing respect to your teacher.
  9. What does the word “responsibility” mean to you?
  10. Why is it important for everyone to be a good citizen?

In today’s lesson, we revisited important civic values and explored the concept of responsibilities. The students actively engaged in discussions, sharing their understanding of respect, honesty, and responsibilities. Recognizing examples of good citizenship prepares them to be responsible and respectful members of their community.

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