Revision Christian Religious Studies Primary 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Detailed Lesson Plan for Christian Religious Studies

Week 11: Revision

Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: Primary 2
Term: First Term
Week: 11
Age: 7 years
Topic: Revision of Previous Lessons on Prayer

Behavioural Objectives:

  1. Recall definitions and types of prayer.
  2. Describe the meaning, benefits, and forms of prayer.
  3. Identify Jesus as a man of prayer and his teachings on prayer.

Key Words:
Prayer, Types of Prayer, Benefits of Prayer, Forms of Prayer, Jesus

Set Induction:
The teacher starts with a short prayer and asks pupils to share what they remember about different types of prayer.

Entry Behaviour:
Pupils should have basic knowledge of different prayers and their benefits from previous lessons.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Pictures of Bible figures praying
  • Flashcards with types and forms of prayer

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge:
The teacher reviews the types and forms of prayer, benefits of prayer, and Jesus’ prayer life.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Memory Recall
  • Critical Thinking
  • Application of Knowledge

Instructional Materials:

  • Whiteboard
  • Markers
  • Flashcards


Review Points:

  1. Definition and Types of Prayer:
    • Intercessory, Thanksgiving, Confession of Sin, Petition, Supplication
  2. Meaning, Benefits, and Forms of Prayer:
    • Meditation, Verbalization, Adoration, Groaning
  3. Jesus the Man of Prayer:
    • Jesus’ prayer habits, teachings on prayer, the Lord’s Prayer

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. ______ is asking God to help others.
    • a) Intercessory
    • b) Thanksgiving
    • c) Confession
    • d) Supplication
  2. ______ is thanking God for His blessings.
    • a) Petition
    • b) Supplication
    • c) Thanksgiving
    • d) Intercessory
  3. ______ is admitting our sins to God.
    • a) Supplication
    • b) Petition
    • c) Confession
    • d) Adoration
  4. ______ is asking God for something we need.
    • a) Petition
    • b) Confession
    • c) Groaning
    • d) Adoration
  5. ______ is earnestly and humbly asking God for something.
    • a) Meditation
    • b) Supplication
    • c) Intercessory
    • d) Thanksgiving
  6. ______ is quietly thinking and focusing on God.
    • a) Verbalization
    • b) Meditation
    • c) Adoration
    • d) Groaning
  7. ______ involves praising and worshiping God.
    • a) Verbalization
    • b) Meditation
    • c) Adoration
    • d) Groaning
  8. ______ is emotional prayers without words.
    • a) Verbalization
    • b) Meditation
    • c) Adoration
    • d) Groaning
  9. ______ is speaking out prayers.
    • a) Verbalization
    • b) Meditation
    • c) Adoration
    • d) Groaning
  10. Jesus often went to a ______ place to pray.
    • a) noisy
    • b) quiet
    • c) crowded
    • d) busy
  11. The angels adore God in ______.
    • a) heaven
    • b) earth
    • c) the sea
    • d) hell
  12. Paul prayed for the ______ he founded.
    • a) cities
    • b) mountains
    • c) churches
    • d) rivers
  13. Groaning in prayer helps us express deep ______ to God.
    • a) emotions
    • b) laughter
    • c) sadness
    • d) joy
  14. Verbalizing in prayer can be done by ______.
    • a) thinking
    • b) speaking
    • c) drawing
    • d) writing
  15. Meditation helps us to ______ on God’s word.
    • a) run
    • b) reflect
    • c) shout
    • d) ignore
  16. Adoration in prayer is a way to ______ God.
    • a) thank
    • b) ignore
    • c) adore
    • d) reject
  17. Jesus taught us to pray using the ______.
    • a) Ten Commandments
    • b) Lord’s Prayer
    • c) Sermon on the Mount
    • d) Beatitudes
  18. Prayers of ______ give thanks to God.
    • a) petition
    • b) intercession
    • c) thanksgiving
    • d) confession
  19. In the Bible, ______ prayed while he was in the lion’s den.
    • a) Daniel
    • b) Jonah
    • c) David
    • d) Elijah
  20. ______ prayer is asking God for something specific.
    • a) Adoration
    • b) Confession
    • c) Petition
    • d) Meditation
  21. ______ prayer is asking God to help others.
    • a) Intercessory
    • b) Petition
    • c) Thanksgiving
    • d) Confession
  22. ______ is saying sorry to God for our sins.
    • a) Adoration
    • b) Confession
    • c) Petition
    • d) Meditation
  23. Jesus often went to ______ to pray alone.
    • a) mountains
    • b) rivers
    • c) deserts
    • d) synagogues
  24. Jesus’ prayers were often filled with ______.
    • a) anger
    • b) love
    • c) fear
    • d) doubt
  25. The Bible tells us to pray ______.
    • a) once a week
    • b) without ceasing
    • c) only in church
    • d) only at night
  26. ______ prayed to God for wisdom to lead Israel.
    • a) Saul
    • b) Solomon
    • c) Samson
    • d) Samuel
  27. The Lord’s Prayer is found in the book of ______.
    • a) Genesis
    • b) Matthew
    • c) Acts
    • d) Revelation
  28. Prayer is a way to build a ______ with God.
    • a) wall
    • b) relationship
    • c) distance
    • d) barrier
  29. ______ is an act of praising God for His greatness.
    • a) Groaning
    • b) Meditation
    • c) Adoration
    • d) Confession
  30. Jesus is known as a man of ______.
    • a) strength
    • b) wisdom
    • c) prayer
    • d) knowledge

Theory Questions

  1. Describe one form of prayer where we speak out our prayers.
  2. Name one person from the Bible who meditated on God’s word. Explain why meditation is important in prayer.
  3. Explain why Christians adore God in prayer. Use one Bible verse to support your answer.
  4. When might someone use groaning in prayer? Provide an example.
  5. Choose one Bible figure who prayed and explain briefly why their prayer was important.
  6. How does verbalizing in prayer help us communicate with God?
  7. Why is meditation important for Christians?
  8. Give an example of a prayer of adoration from the Bible.
  9. Describe a situation where groaning in prayer might be used.
  10. Why did Jesus find it important to pray often?

True or False Questions

  1. Jesus never prayed alone. _____
  2. Meditation is a form of prayer where we speak out loud. _____
  3. Adoration in prayer involves praising God. _____
  4. Groaning in prayer is an emotional expression without words. _____
  5. Paul prayed for the churches he founded. _____
  6. Hannah prayed for a new house. _____
  7. Jesus taught us to pray using the Lord’s Prayer. _____
  8. Intercessory prayer is asking God to help others. _____
  9. Confession in prayer means thanking God. _____
  10. Christians should only pray in church. _____


  1. Memory Recall Game:
    • Use flashcards to match types of prayer with their descriptions.
  2. Bible Figure Identification:
    • Show pictures of Bible figures praying and ask pupils to identify them.
  3. Group Discussion:
    • Divide pupils into groups to discuss and share examples of each form of prayer.


  • Oral questioning during discussions.
  • Matching activities with flashcards.
  • Group participation and understanding of concepts.

The teacher summarizes the revision session, emphasizing the importance of understanding different forms of prayer and learning from Bible figures who prayed. The teacher then administers the fill-in-the-blank, theory, and true/false questions for assessment.

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