Vocabulary Development Building New Words English Grammar Primary 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9


Lesson Plan Presentation

Class: Primary 3

Subject: English Grammar

Term: 1

Week: 9

Topic: Vocabulary Building and Comprehension

Sub-topic: Understanding and Using New Words

Duration: 50 minutes


  • Set Induction: Display a variety of books and ask students if they know the meanings of certain words. Discuss briefly why understanding new words is important.


  • Behavioral Objectives:
    1. Students will identify and pronounce new words.
    2. Students will recognize and explain the meanings of new words.
    3. Students will demonstrate the use of new words in sentences.
  • Previous Knowledge: Briefly review the importance of a strong vocabulary in effective communication.
  • Embedded Core Skills: Vocabulary building, pronunciation, comprehension, and application.

Lesson Development:

  • Learning Materials:
    • Word cards
    • Sample books
    • Whiteboard and markers
    • Illustrations
    • Sentences for practice
  • Content:
    1. Importance of vocabulary in language development.
    2. Strategies for identifying and pronouncing new words.
    3. Understanding and explaining meanings.
    4. Applying new words in sentences.

! Here are 10 words for vocabulary word building:

  1. Identify
    • Pronunciation: eye-den-tuh-fy
    • Meaning: To recognize or name something.
    • Demonstration: Can you identify the main characters in the story?
  2. Components
    • Pronunciation: kuhm-poh-nents
    • Meaning: Parts or elements that make up a whole.
    • Demonstration: Discuss the components of a computer system.
  3. Readable
    • Pronunciation: reed-uh-buhl
    • Meaning: Clear and easy to read.
    • Demonstration: Make sure your handwriting is readable.
  4. Engage
    • Pronunciation: en-geyj
    • Meaning: To participate or involve oneself.
    • Demonstration: How can we engage the students in this activity?
  5. Observations
    • Pronunciation: ob-zur-vey-shuhns
    • Meaning: Act of noticing or watching carefully.
    • Demonstration: Write down your observations during the experiment.
  6. Evaluation
    • Pronunciation: ih-val-yoo-ey-shun
    • Meaning: The process of assessing or judging something.
    • Demonstration: We will conduct an evaluation of your project.
  7. Fostering
    • Pronunciation: faw-ster-ing
    • Meaning: Promoting or encouraging the development of something.
    • Demonstration: Teachers play a key role in fostering a love for learning.
  8. Recap
    • Pronunciation: ree-kap
    • Meaning: To summarize or review.
    • Demonstration: Let’s quickly recap what we learned today.
  9. Assignment
    • Pronunciation: uh-sahyn-muhnt
    • Meaning: A task or piece of work given to someone.
    • Demonstration: Your assignment is to write a short story.
  10. Structured
    • Pronunciation: struhk-cherd
    • Meaning: Well-organized and arranged in a systematic way.
    • Demonstration: Create a structured outline for your essay.

Now, try using these words in sentences to reinforce your understanding!


  1. We will conduct an __________ of your project. a. Readable b. Assignment c. Evaluation d. Recap
  2. Teachers play a key role in __________ a love for learning. a. Fostering b. Identifying c. Structuring d. Recapitulating
  3. Let’s quickly __________ what we learned today. a. Recognition b. Assignment c. Recap d. Identifying
  4. Your __________ is to write a short story. a. Evaluations b. Observations c. Assignment d. Components
  5. Create a __________ outline for your essay. a. Structured b. Recognized c. Readable d. Engaged
  6. The process of assessing or judging something is called __________. a. Engaging b. Fostering c. Evaluation d. Identifying
  7. Another word for parts or elements that make up a whole is __________. a. Assignment b. Readable c. Components d. Recap
  8. To participate or involve oneself is to __________. a. Recognition b. Observing c. Assignment d. Engage
  9. Clear and easy to read is the definition of __________. a. Recap b. Readable c. Fostering d. Evaluation
  10. The act of noticing or watching carefully is called __________. a. Components b. Observations c. Identifying d. Recapitulating
  11. Can you __________ the main characters in the story? a. Recognize b. Identify c. Evaluate d. Engage
  12. Discuss the __________ of a computer system. a. Components b. Recap c. Assignment d. Readable
  13. Make sure your handwriting is __________. a. Observations b. Readable c. Structured d. Fostering
  14. How can we __________ the students in this activity? a. Assignment b. Recap c. Engage d. Recognize
  15. Write down your __________ during the experiment. a. Evaluations b. Observations c. Components d. Fostering


  • Presentation:
    1. Discuss the significance of a strong vocabulary.
    2. Introduce strategies for identifying and pronouncing new words.
    3. Model how to recognize and explain meanings using sample books.
    4. Engage students in creating sentences with new words.
  • Teacher’s Activities:
    • Provide examples of words with different pronunciations.
    • Encourage students to use context clues for word meanings.
    • Facilitate class discussions on the importance of vocabulary.
  • Learners’ Activities:
    • Practice pronouncing new words individually and in groups.
    • Discuss meanings of words using context.
    • Collaborate in creating sentences with the new words.


  • Ask students to pronounce and explain the meaning of a randomly selected word.
  • Evaluate their ability to use new words in sentences during class activities.
  • Observe participation in group discussions.

Ten Evaluation Questions:

  1. Why is having a good vocabulary important?
  2. Can you give an example of a word with multiple pronunciations?
  3. Explain a strategy you can use to identify the meaning of an unfamiliar word.
  4. How would you pronounce the word “fostering”?
  5. Provide a sentence using the word “comprehension.”
  6. Why is context important when understanding new words?
  7. What can you do to improve your pronunciation of new words?
  8. Give an example of a word that has a different meaning in different contexts.
  9. How would you explain the meaning of a word to a friend?
  10. Create a sentence using the word “recapitulating.”


  • Recap key points about identifying, pronouncing, and using new words.
  • Assign homework to read a short passage and identify new words, their meanings, and use them in sentences
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