Guided Composition on Bicycle/Automobile Composition English Grammar Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject: English Grammar

Class: Primary 5

Term: First Term

Week: 6

Topic: Guided Composition on Bicycle/Automobile

Sub-topic: Composing Descriptive Essays

Duration: 45 minutes

Set Induction: Start the lesson by asking the students what types of transportation they are familiar with. Discuss the differences between bicycles and automobiles.

Previous Knowledge: Students should have a basic understanding of the components of a composition and be able to construct simple sentences.

Entry Behaviour: Students are expected to participate in class discussions and ask questions.

Behavioral Objectives:

  • By the end of the lesson, students should be able to compose a guided essay describing either a bicycle or an automobile.
  • Students should be able to structure their essays using an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Embedded Core Skills: Writing, composition, creative expression, and organization.

Learning Materials:

  • Chalkboard or whiteboard
  • Chalk or markers
  • Prepared essay templates for bicycles and automobiles
  • Writing materials for students

Teaching Methods: Guided composition, class discussion, and peer review.

Introduction (Step 1): In this English Grammar lesson, we will embark on a journey of creative writing. Today, we’ll explore the art of descriptive essays, focusing on two fascinating modes of transportation: bicycles and automobiles. We’ll learn how to describe these conveyances vividly and take our readers on a journey of words.

Explanation of the Components (Step 1): Before we dive into our guided composition, it’s essential to understand the components of a descriptive essay. An essay typically consists of three parts: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion.

  1. Introduction: This is where you introduce your topic to the reader. It sets the stage for what you’ll be describing. It should be engaging and capture the reader’s attention, making them eager to learn more.
  2. Body: The body of your essay is where you delve into the details. Describe the subject thoroughly. In our case, this is where you paint a picture of your chosen mode of transportation – the bicycle or the automobile.
  3. Conclusion: The conclusion brings your essay to a satisfying end. It should summarize what you’ve described and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Guided Composition Exercise (Step 2): Now, let’s put this knowledge into practice. You have two options: you can choose to write a descriptive essay about a bicycle or an automobile. I’ll provide you with a template to help structure your essay. Use descriptive words and phrases to create a vivid image in your reader’s mind. Remember, you’re not just telling; you’re showing.

So, choose your topic, follow the template, and get ready to embark on a descriptive adventure!

Here are simplified guidelines for writing a composition on “My Bicycle”:

  1. Choose a Title: Start with a catchy title like “My Bicycle.”
  2. Introduction: Begin with a short introduction about your bicycle and why it’s special.
  3. Describe Its Appearance: Write about how your bicycle looks, its color, wheels, and handlebars.
  4. Talk About Its Features: Describe any unique features like gears, comfortable seats, or bells.
  5. Explain How It Makes You Feel: Share your feelings and emotions when you ride your bicycle.
  6. Discuss Freedom and Adventures: Explain how your bicycle gives you the freedom to explore and have fun.
  7. Conclusion: Wrap it up by summarizing why your bicycle is important to you.

Remember to use descriptive words to make your composition vivid and interesting


  1. Introduction to the guided composition on bicycles and automobiles.
  2. Explanation of the components of a descriptive essay (introduction, body, conclusion).
  3. Guided composition exercise with templates for bicycles and automobiles.
  4. Peer review and feedback.



Step 1: Introduction (10 minutes)

  • Start by discussing the purpose of descriptive essays and their importance.
  • Explain the components of a descriptive essay: introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Emphasize the use of descriptive language to paint a vivid picture.

Step 2: Guided Composition (20 minutes)

  • Provide students with essay templates for both bicycles and automobiles.
  • Have students choose one topic and complete the essay by following the template.
  • Encourage them to use descriptive language and elaborate on the chosen topic.

Step 3: Peer Review and Feedback (10 minutes)

  • Students pair up and exchange essays for peer review.
  • Encourage constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement.
  • Discuss common strengths and areas for improvement as a class.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Facilitate class discussions.
  • Provide guidance on structuring essays.
  • Oversee the peer review process.

Learners Activities:

  • Listen attentively during the introduction.
  • Choose either a bicycle or an automobile for the composition.
  • Complete the guided essay with descriptive details.
  • Participate in peer review and provide feedback.
  • Title: My Bicycle

    Introduction: A bicycle is an amazing invention that many people use for fun and transportation. I have a special bicycle that I want to tell you about. It’s more than just a simple bike; it’s my trusty companion for exciting adventures.

    Body: My bicycle is a vibrant shade of red, and it gleams in the sunlight. It has two wheels with sturdy rubber tires, and they help it roll smoothly along the roads. The handlebars are just the right height for me, and they’re coated with comfortable grips. When I grasp them, I feel like I can go anywhere.

    The most fascinating part is the gears. They let me pedal easily when the road is flat, and when I encounter a hill, I can switch to a lower gear for extra power. It’s like a secret strength that helps me conquer any slope.

    My bicycle has a cozy, cushioned seat that’s perfect for long rides. I can sit comfortably and enjoy the wind in my face. There’s also a little bell on the handlebars that I ring to let people know I’m coming. It adds a touch of music to my journey.

    But what I love most about my bicycle is the freedom it gives me. When I ride, I can explore new places, visit friends, and feel the fresh air on my face. It’s like a magical adventure every time I hop on it.

    Conclusion: In conclusion, my bicycle is more than just a means of transportation. It’s my wonderful friend, my trusty companion, and my ticket to exciting adventures. I’m grateful for my bicycle because it gives me the freedom to explore the world and create amazing memories.


  • Assess students based on their participation in the guided composition and the quality of their essays.
  • What is the purpose of the introduction in a composition about your bicycle? a) To conclude the essay b) To introduce the topic and grab the reader’s attention c) To describe the bicycle’s appearance d) To discuss the essay’s conclusion
  • What part of the bicycle composition should describe the bicycle’s color, wheels, and handlebars? a) Introduction b) Conclusion c) Body d) Title
  • What feature of the bicycle is described in the composition when discussing gears, comfortable seats, and bells? a) The bicycle’s appearance b) The conclusion of the essay c) Unique features of the bicycle d) The introduction
  • In the bicycle composition, what should be shared to express how the bicycle makes you feel? a) A summary of the essay b) Detailed information about the bicycle’s gears c) Your emotions and feelings when riding the bicycle d) A description of the bicycle’s color
  • What should be the focus when discussing the freedom and adventures in the composition about your bicycle? a) A summary of the essay’s introduction b) How the bicycle looks c) The feelings you get when you ride the bicycle d) How the bicycle gives you the freedom to explore and have fun
  • What part of the composition should provide a brief summary of the entire essay? a) Introduction b) Body c) Conclusion d) Unique features of the bicycle
  • Which of the following should be used to make the bicycle composition vivid and interesting? a) Short and plain sentences b) Use of common words only c) Use of descriptive words d) Avoiding any emotional expressions
  • What is the main purpose of the title in a composition about your bicycle? a) To conclude the essay b) To summarize the unique features of the bicycle c) To grab the reader’s attention and introduce the topic d) To describe the bicycle’s color
  • What type of words should you use to make your bicycle composition descriptive and interesting? a) Common words b) Emotional expressions c) Descriptive words (adjectives) d) Technical terms
  • In the bicycle composition, what part of the essay allows you to explain why your bicycle is important to you? a) Introduction b) Unique features of the bicycle c) Conclusion d) How the bicycle looks



  • Summarize the key points discussed in the lesson.
  • Emphasize the importance of using descriptive language in writing and structuring essays effectively.

Note: This lesson plan aims to improve students’ writing skills by guiding them through the process of composing descriptive essays. It encourages creativity, descriptive language use, and effective essay structure.

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