Types of Suspicious Movement Security Education Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Class: Primary 4

Term : First Term 

Week : Week 6

Subject : Security Education

Topic: Suspicious Movement

Duration: 45 minutes

Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define what suspicious movement means.
  2. Identify common signs of suspicious movement.
  3. Understand the importance of reporting suspicious activity to authorities.

Materials Needed:

  • Visual aids or images depicting various scenarios.
  • Whiteboard and markers.

Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Begin the lesson by asking students if they know what “suspicious movement” means.
  • Explain that suspicious movement refers to actions or behaviors that seem unusual or out of place and may be a cause for concern.

Main Content (30 minutes):

Step 1: Defining Suspicious Movement (5 minutes):

  • Write “Suspicious Movement” on the board and define it as actions or behaviors that make you feel uneasy or worried about someone’s intentions.
  • Emphasize that it’s essential to be aware of your surroundings and recognize when something doesn’t seem right.
  • “Suspicious movement” refers to actions or behaviors that appear unusual, strange, or out of place in a given context, raising concerns or making individuals uneasy about someone’s intentions. It often involves behaviors that may indicate a potential threat or wrongdoing, prompting individuals to be vigilant and alert to their surroundings. Recognizing suspicious movement is crucial for personal safety and security.
  • 1. Suspicious movement refers to actions or behaviors that appear __________ or out of place.a) Normal
    b) Funny
    c) Unusual
    d) Colorful

    2. When you notice __________ movement, it may make you feel uneasy.
    a) Ordinary
    b) Familiar
    c) Suspicious
    d) Happy

    3. __________ movement often indicates a potential threat.
    a) Friendly
    b) Suspicious
    c) Playful
    d) Musical

    4. Suspicious movement can make you feel __________ about someone’s intentions.
    a) Excited
    b) Relaxed
    c) Worried
    d) Hungry

    5. It’s important to be __________ of your surroundings to recognize suspicious movement.
    a) Unaware
    b) Careful
    c) Clumsy
    d) Loud

    6. Suspicious movement may involve actions that don’t seem __________ in a particular situation.
    a) Different
    b) Strange
    c) Logical
    d) Fun

    7. Recognizing suspicious movement helps in maintaining __________ and security.
    a) Confusion
    b) Danger
    c) Safety
    d) Laughter

    8. If you observe __________ movement, it’s essential to stay vigilant.
    a) Suspicious
    b) Friendly
    c) Happy
    d) Creative

    9. Suspicious movement may include someone acting __________ or making threats.
    a) Shy
    b) Aggressively
    c) Polite
    d) Calmly

    10. When you see __________ activity, it’s crucial to report it to authorities.
    a) Unfamiliar
    b) Dangerous
    c) Exciting
    d) Unimportant

    11. Reporting __________ movement helps keep communities safe.
    a) Normal
    b) Suspicious
    c) Boring
    d) Colorful

    12. It’s important to be aware of your __________ to recognize suspicious movement.
    a) Surroundings
    b) Dreams
    c) Toys
    d) Shoes

    13. Suspicious movement often involves behaviors that raise __________.
    a) Curiosity
    b) Concerns
    c) Happiness
    d) Hopes

    14. Recognizing __________ movement is essential for personal safety.
    a) Playful
    b) Suspicious
    c) Musical
    d) Peaceful

    15. If you see someone leaving a bag unattended in a public place, it may be considered __________ movement.
    a) Ordinary
    b) Suspicious
    c) Beautiful
    d) Delicious


Step 2: Signs of Suspicious Movement (15 minutes):

  • Show visual aids or images depicting various scenarios and discuss common signs of suspicious movement, such as:
    • Someone constantly looking around nervously.
    • Carrying a bag or backpack and leaving it unattended in a public place.
    • Trying to enter restricted areas without permission.
    • Behaving aggressively or making threats.
    • Taking photos or videos of sensitive places without a clear reason.
  • Encourage students to share any experiences or observations they may have had.

Common Signs of Suspicious Movement 

  1. Constantly Looking Around: Someone who is frequently glancing around nervously, as if checking for something or someone.
  2. Unattended Bags or Packages: Bags, backpacks, or packages left unattended in public places without an apparent owner.
  3. Unauthorized Entry: Attempting to enter restricted or secure areas without proper authorization or permission.
  4. Aggressive Behavior: Behaving in an aggressive or confrontational manner, such as shouting or making threats.
  5. Photographing Sensitive Locations: Taking photos or videos of sensitive or high-security places without a clear or legitimate reason.
  6. Avoiding Eye Contact: Avoiding making eye contact with others, especially when it’s customary to do so.
  7. Wearing Inappropriate Clothing: Wearing clothing that doesn’t match the weather or the surroundings, which could hide something.
  8. Loitering: Standing or hanging around a location for an extended period without a clear purpose.
  9. Inappropriate Questions: Asking questions that seem irrelevant or suspicious in a particular context, such as security-related inquiries.
  10. Excessive Nervousness: Displaying extreme nervousness or fidgetiness, especially when approached or questioned.
  11. Changing Appearance: Rapidly changing physical appearance or disguising oneself, such as wearing hats or sunglasses indoors.
  12. Lack of Personal Belongings: Not carrying personal belongings like a wallet, identification, or a purse.
  13. Unusual Odors or Substances: Emitting unusual odors or carrying suspicious substances that are out of place.
  14. Inconsistent Stories: Providing conflicting or inconsistent information when questioned about their actions or intentions.
  15. Suspicious Vehicle Behavior: Vehicles that are parked in unusual locations, repeatedly circling an area, or displaying other abnormal driving patterns.
  16. Excessive Interest in Security Measures: Showing undue interest in security measures, such as studying the layout of a building or security cameras.
  17. Ignoring Signs or Warnings: Ignoring warning signs or instructions related to safety or security.
  18. Attempts at Concealment: Making efforts to conceal one’s identity, face, or actions from public view.

It’s important to remember that noticing one or more of these signs does not necessarily mean that someone is engaging in criminal activity, but it may warrant further observation or reporting to authorities if it raises genuine concerns about safety or security. Being vigilant and reporting suspicious movement can contribute to the safety of a community.





Certainly! Here are 15 fill-in-the-blank questions about identifying common signs of suspicious movement:

1. Someone who keeps looking around nervously may be showing signs of _________.
a) Happiness
b) Confidence
c) Suspicion
d) Excitement

2. Leaving a bag unattended in a public place without an owner is an example of _________ movement.
a) Normal
b) Suspicious
c) Friendly
d) Playful

3. Trying to enter a place without permission or authorization is called _________ entry.
a) Authorized
b) Secure
c) Restricted
d) Open

4. Acting aggressively, like shouting or making threats, is a sign of _________ behavior.
a) Calm
b) Friendly
c) Aggressive
d) Polite

5. Taking photos or videos of sensitive places without a good reason is _________.
a) Boring
b) Common
c) Suspicious
d) Exciting

6. Not carrying personal belongings like a wallet or identification is a sign of _________.
a) Preparedness
b) Unusual behavior
c) Forgetfulness
d) Normalcy

7. Standing around a place for a long time without a clear purpose is called _________.
a) Loitering
b) Dancing
c) Singing
d) Racing

8. Avoiding eye contact with others when it’s customary is considered _________.
a) Politeness
b) Shyness
c) Unusual
d) Rudeness

9. Wearing clothing that doesn’t match the weather or surroundings is _________.
a) Stylish
b) Comfortable
c) Inconspicuous
d) Suspicious

10. Asking irrelevant or strange questions in a particular context is _________.
a) Friendly
b) Curious
c) Suspicious
d) Helpful

11. Displaying extreme nervousness or restlessness when approached is acting _________.
a) Calm
b) Cool
c) Anxious
d) Friendly

12. Providing different or conflicting information when questioned is being _________.
a) Helpful
b) Honest
c) Inconsistent
d) Reliable

13. Not paying attention to warning signs or safety instructions is _________ behavior.
a) Careful
b) Responsible
c) Ignorant
d) Fun

14. Making efforts to hide one’s face or identity is a form of _________.
a) Clumsiness
b) Stealth
c) Openness
d) Honesty

15. Cars that repeatedly circle an area or park in unusual places may be showing _________ behavior.
a) Safe
b) Suspicious
c) Friendly
d) Courteous


Step 3: Reporting Suspicious Activity (10 minutes):

  • Explain the importance of reporting suspicious activity to responsible adults or authorities.
  • Teach students how to contact emergency numbers (like 911) in case of immediate danger.
  • Emphasize that reporting helps keep communities safe.

Reporting suspicious activity is an essential step in maintaining safety and security in our communities. When you observe something that raises concerns or appears out of the ordinary, reporting it to the appropriate authorities or responsible individuals can help prevent potential threats or wrongdoing. Here are some key points to remember when reporting suspicious activity:

  1. Stay Calm: Keep a clear mind and stay calm when you observe something unusual. Panic or fear can make it challenging to report accurately.
  2. Do Not Intervene: Avoid confronting or engaging with individuals engaged in suspicious activity. Your safety is the top priority.
  3. Note Details: Pay attention to specific details like the location, date, time, and a description of the individuals or vehicles involved.
  4. Document What You See: If it’s safe to do so, take notes or pictures discreetly. These can be valuable when reporting.
  5. Contact Authorities: Report the suspicious activity to the appropriate authorities or responsible individuals. This may include the police, security personnel, or your supervisor at work or school.
  6. Use Emergency Numbers: If you believe there is an immediate threat or danger, use emergency numbers like 911 to report the situation.
  7. Provide a Clear Description: When reporting, provide a clear and concise description of what you observed. Include all relevant details to help authorities understand the situation.
  8. Follow Up: If you have reported suspicious activity, follow up with authorities or the responsible party to provide any additional information they may need.
  9. Trust Your Instincts: If something doesn’t feel right, trust your instincts. It’s better to report something that turns out to be harmless than to ignore a potential threat.
  10. Community Awareness: Encourage community members to be vigilant and report suspicious activity. It contributes to the safety of everyone.

Remember that reporting suspicious activity is a responsible and civic-minded action. It helps law enforcement and security personnel prevent potential risks and maintain a safe environment for all. Your vigilance can make a significant difference in ensuring the safety of your community.





1. When you see something unusual or worrying, it’s important to __________ it.
a) Share
b) Ignore
c) Report
d) Forget

2. Stay _________ when reporting suspicious activity.
a) Excited
b) Calm
c) Bored
d) Angry

3. Avoid __________ with individuals engaged in suspicious activity.
a) Interfering
b) Laughing
c) Dancing
d) Hiding

4. Document important _________, like date, time, and location.
a) Numbers
b) Details
c) Stories
d) Songs

5. If you believe there’s an immediate danger, call _________ for help.
a) A friend
b) 911
c) Your teacher
d) Your pet

6. Use clear and _________ language when reporting.
a) Confusing
b) Angry
c) Concise
d) Funny

7. Reporting helps authorities understand the _________ better.
a) Weather
b) Problem
c) Dance
d) Food

8. Trust your _________ if something doesn’t feel right.
a) Dog
b) Instincts
c) Homework
d) Shoes

9. It’s better to report something harmless than to _________ a potential threat.
a) Forget
b) Ignore
c) Share
d) Cook

10. When reporting, include a description of what you __________.
a) Smell
b) Observed
c) Ate
d) Dreamed

11. Encourage your __________ to report suspicious activity.
a) Friends
b) Neighbors
c) Pets
d) Games

12. Who should you contact to report suspicious activity, like the police or security?
a) The weatherman
b) Your teacher
c) The authorities
d) Your toys

13. Provide authorities with _________ details to help them understand the situation.
a) Random
b) Unimportant
c) Relevant
d) Confusing

14. If you see something that raises concerns, it’s your _________ to report it.
a) Responsibility
b) Hobby
c) Game
d) Food

15. Stay __________ when observing and reporting suspicious activity.
a) Bored
b) Calm
c) Excited
d) Angry


Conclusion (5 minutes):

  • Summarize the key points of the lesson: what suspicious movement means, signs to watch for, and the importance of reporting.
  • Encourage students to share any concerns or questions.

Homework Assignment (5 minutes):

  • Assign homework where students write a short paragraph about what they would do if they observed suspicious movement in their neighborhood or school.
  • Encourage them to discuss this with their parents or guardians.


  • Assess students’ understanding through class discussions, their ability to identify signs of suspicious movement, and their completion of the homework assignment
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