First Term Mid Term Test Social Studies Primary 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Mid Term Break Review Assignment

Part A: Objective Questions

  1. Foods are things we eat to keep us ______.
    • a) sad
    • b) healthy
    • c) tired
    • d) weak
  2. Amala is a traditional food of the ______ tribe.
    • a) Igbo
    • b) Yoruba
    • c) Hausa
    • d) Chinese
  3. Tuwo Shinkafa is eaten by the ______ people.
    • a) Yoruba
    • b) Igbo
    • c) Hausa
    • d) Italian
  4. Fufu is a popular food among the ______.
    • a) Igbo
    • b) Hausa
    • c) Yoruba
    • d) Indian
  5. Rice is a food that is eaten by ______.
    • a) only Igbo
    • b) only Hausa
    • c) all tribes
    • d) none
  6. Plantains are enjoyed by ______ cultural groups in Nigeria.
    • a) some
    • b) none
    • c) all
    • d) few
  7. Chinese people eat ______.
    • a) Naan
    • b) Fried Rice
    • c) Pizza
    • d) Gbegiri
  8. Italian food includes ______.
    • a) Pasta
    • b) Amala
    • c) Fufu
    • d) Tuwo Shinkafa
  9. Naan is a type of bread from ______.
    • a) China
    • b) India
    • c) Italy
    • d) Nigeria
  10. Oha Soup is a traditional dish of the ______ tribe.
    • a) Hausa
    • b) Yoruba
    • c) Igbo
    • d) Chinese
  11. Culture includes ______.
    • a) only food
    • b) only clothes
    • c) language, food, clothes, and more
    • d) only music
  12. The Hausa people are known for eating ______.
    • a) Sushi
    • b) Pizza
    • c) Tuwo Shinkafa
    • d) Burger
  13. A major element of culture is ______.
    • a) technology
    • b) communication
    • c) agriculture
    • d) tradition
  14. People eat together to ______.
    • a) fight
    • b) bond
    • c) ignore each other
    • d) argue
  15. Eating together as a family provides ______ support.
    • a) emotional
    • b) financial
    • c) technical
    • d) physical
  16. Foods help us to ______.
    • a) fall sick
    • b) stay weak
    • c) stay healthy
    • d) get tired
  17. One effect of eating as a family is ______ relationships.
    • a) weaker
    • b) stronger
    • c) worse
    • d) fewer
  18. Fufu is commonly eaten by the ______.
    • a) Yoruba
    • b) Hausa
    • c) Igbo
    • d) Chinese
  19. An important cultural practice in Nigeria is ______.
    • a) eating alone
    • b) family gatherings
    • c) ignoring traditions
    • d) not communicating
  20. A common food in Indian culture is ______.
    • a) Fried Rice
    • b) Naan
    • c) Pasta
    • d) Gbegiri
  21. ______ is a type of food enjoyed by all cultural groups in Nigeria.
    • a) Rice
    • b) Sushi
    • c) Naan
    • d) Pasta
  22. Children learn ______ during family meals.
    • a) bad habits
    • b) table manners
    • c) to ignore
    • d) nothing
  23. One way to keep family traditions alive is by ______.
    • a) fighting
    • b) eating together
    • c) ignoring each other
    • d) not communicating
  24. Family meals can help reduce ______.
    • a) stress
    • b) happiness
    • c) love
    • d) bonding
  25. ______ is an effect of eating together on family relationships.
    • a) Separation
    • b) Stronger relationships
    • c) Arguments
    • d) Weakening
  26. The Yoruba people traditionally eat ______.
    • a) Pasta
    • b) Amala
    • c) Sushi
    • d) Naan
  27. One benefit of eating together as a family is ______.
    • a) poor relationships
    • b) better relationships
    • c) more arguments
    • d) less communication
  28. Cultural sharing during meals helps in ______.
    • a) misunderstandings
    • b) bonding
    • c) fighting
    • d) separation
  29. Traditional food of the Igbo people includes ______.
    • a) Pizza
    • b) Oha Soup
    • c) Sushi
    • d) Naan
  30. Family meals provide time to ______ experiences.
    • a) hide
    • b) forget
    • c) share
    • d) ignore

Part B: Theory Questions

  1. Define foods.
  2. Mention two types of food eaten by the Yoruba tribe.
  3. What is the importance of eating together as a family?
  4. List three types of food commonly eaten by Nigerian families.
  5. State one effect of eating as a family.
  6. How does eating together help in cultural sharing?
  7. Name a traditional food of the Hausa people.
  8. Why is it important to keep family traditions alive?
  9. What can children learn during family meals?
  10. List two benefits of eating together as a family.
  11. Mention one common food eaten by all cultural groups in Nigeria.
  12. How can family meals reduce stress?
  13. Name a traditional food of the Igbo people.
  14. What are the benefits of healthy eating habits in families?
  15. Mention one effect of eating together on family relationships.
  16. State one reason why people eat together.
  17. Name two foods eaten by the Yoruba people.
  18. What is a common Indian food?
  19. List two foods that help in bonding families.
  20. How can eating together help in better communication?

Part C: True or False Questions

  1. Eating together helps family members bond. (True / False)
  2. Amala is a traditional food of the Igbo tribe. (True / False)
  3. Tuwo Shinkafa is eaten by the Hausa people. (True / False)
  4. Fufu is a popular food among the Yoruba. (True / False)
  5. Families that eat together have weaker relationships. (True / False)
  6. Family meals can encourage healthy eating habits. (True / False)
  7. Oha Soup is a traditional dish of the Igbo tribe. (True / False)
  8. Plantains are enjoyed by many cultural groups in Nigeria. (True / False)
  9. Rice is a food that is eaten by only the Hausa people. (True / False)
  10. Family meals provide emotional support. (True / False)
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