Explain any five (5) strategies that adult teachers would adopt to facilitate learning among adults.

Strategies that adult teachers would adopt to facilitate learning among adults are:

A. Problem Solving Approach: Teaching adults through the problem-solving approach involves presenting real-life challenges or issues relevant to their experiences. Adults often learn best when they can apply new knowledge and skills to solve practical problems they encounter in their lives. This strategy makes learning more engaging and applicable.

B. Guided Discovery Method: The guided discovery method encourages adults to explore and discover knowledge themselves with the teacher’s guidance. For example, in an adult class, the teacher might lead a project addressing a community water problem. This hands-on approach fosters active learning and critical thinking among adults.

C. Utilizing Social Groups: Providing opportunities for adults to work in social groups can enhance their learning. For instance, a teacher could assign a group of adults to supervise manual labor for the class. This promotes collaboration, communication, and shared responsibility, making learning more interactive.

D. Peer Teaching and Group Assignments: Leveraging peer teaching and group assignments allows adults to learn from each other. When adults teach their peers or collaborate on assignments, they can gain different perspectives and insights. This approach encourages active participation and a sense of shared responsibility for learning outcomes.

E. Guidance and Counseling Support: Adult learners may have unique needs and challenges. Having guidance and counseling experts available in the educational institution can provide crucial support. These experts can help adults navigate personal and academic issues, ensuring that they receive the necessary guidance and emotional support to succeed in their learning journey.

These strategies recognize that adult learners often bring a wealth of life experiences to the classroom, and they aim to create a learning environment that is relevant, engaging, and supportive of their specific needs and goals.


1. Adult teachers can enhance learning by using the problem-solving _______.
a) Style
b) Approach
c) Technique

2. The guided discovery method involves _______ adults through practical projects.
a) Leading
b) Testing
c) Ignoring

3. In the guided discovery method, a teacher might guide adults in solving a _______ problem.
a) Personal
b) Community water
c) Math

4. Providing opportunities for effective use of social groups in the classroom encourages _______.
a) Isolation
b) Collaboration
c) Competition

5. A group of adults could be asked to supervise _______ labor for the teacher.
a) Manual
b) Written
c) Artistic

6. Peer teaching and group assignments are strategies that promote _______ among adults.
a) Independence
b) Collaboration
c) Isolation

7. Adult educators should exploit the potential of peer teaching and _______ assignments.
a) Individual
b) Group
c) Teacher-led

8. To support adult learners, schools should have guidance and _______ experts available.
a) Counseling
b) Teaching
c) Medical

9. The problem-solving _______ engages adults in practical challenges.
a) Test
b) Approach
c) Conclusion

10. In the guided discovery method, the teacher provides _______ while adults explore.
a) Answers
b) Guidance
c) Rewards

11. Effective use of social groups encourages _______ and shared responsibilities.
a) Isolation
b) Collaboration
c) Competition

12. Adults supervising class manual labor is an example of utilizing _______ groups.
a) Independent
b) Social
c) Teacher-led

13. Peer teaching allows adults to learn from _______.
a) Teachers only
b) Each other
c) Computers

14. Guidance and counseling experts can provide crucial support for adult learners’ _______ needs.
a) Emotional and academic
b) Financial and social
c) Physical and emotional

15. Guided discovery involves adults _______ new knowledge with the teacher’s guidance.
a) Discovering
b) Ignoring
c) Memorizing

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