Greed and Its Consequence – The Story of Greedy Ahab (1 Kings 21:1-29) and Gehazi’s Greed (2 Kings 5:1-27)

Lesson Plan Presentation:

Topic: Greed and Its Consequence – The Story of Greedy Ahab (1 Kings 21:1-29) and Gehazi’s Greed (2 Kings 5:1-27)

Grade Level: SS2


  1. To define greed and its negative consequences
  2. To analyze the stories of Greedy Ahab and Gehazi’s greed and the consequences of their actions
  3. To discuss ways of curbing greed in Nigeria and promoting positive values such as integrity and honesty.

Materials Needed:

  • Bibles or copies of the Bible passages (1 Kings 21:1-29 and 2 Kings 5:1-27)
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Handouts with multi-choice questions on the topic
  • Audio-visual aids (optional)






  • Greedy Ahab IKings 21;1-29
  • Greedy Gehazi I Kings5;1-27
  • Lessons to learn from Ahab and Gehazi’s greed.


Greed is a strong desire to acquire more wealth, possessions or power than one needs or deserves. It is a negative trait that can have harmful consequences both for the individual and society as a whole. Here are some examples to help explain greed and its consequences to SS 2 students:

  1. Individual Consequences: When a person becomes too greedy, they tend to prioritize their own interests over the interests of others. This can lead to them taking advantage of others, including family members, friends, and even strangers. For instance, an employee who embezzles company funds to enrich themselves at the expense of the company, their colleagues and shareholders is being greedy. They may think that they are benefiting from this action, but in the long run, they will face the consequences of their greed such as being fired, prosecuted, and losing the trust and respect of others.
  2. Social Consequences: Greed also has negative consequences for society as a whole. For example, a wealthy businessman who uses his power and influence to exploit the poor, evade taxes and engage in corrupt practices may enjoy the benefits of his greed for a while, but eventually, the society will suffer. When the wealth gap between the rich and poor becomes too wide, it leads to social unrest, poverty, crime, and injustice. This can harm the fabric of the society and affect everyone’s quality of life.
  3. Environmental Consequences: Greed can also lead to environmental problems. For instance, when a corporation puts profits over the environment, they may engage in activities that harm the environment such as pollution, deforestation, and over-exploitation of natural resources. This can lead to climate change, ecological imbalances, and other environmental disasters that affect not only the present generation but also future generations.

In summary, greed is a negative trait that can have harmful consequences for individuals, society, and the environment. It is important to practice self-control and consider the welfare of others when making decisions to avoid the negative consequences of greed


  1. What is greed? a. A strong desire to acquire more wealth, possessions or power than one needs or deserves b. A positive trait that can benefit both individuals and society c. A neutral trait that does not have any consequences
  2. What are the individual consequences of greed? a. Taking advantage of others b. Building stronger relationships with family and friends c. Gaining more respect from colleagues and peers
  3. What are the social consequences of greed? a. Social harmony and equality b. Poverty, crime, and injustice c. Economic growth and development
  4. What is an example of an individual consequence of greed? a. An employee who is fired for embezzlement b. An entrepreneur who invests in his business to create jobs c. A student who studies hard to excel in academics
  5. What is an example of a social consequence of greed? a. Social harmony and equality b. Increased wealth gap between rich and poor c. Reduced crime rates and peaceful society
  6. What is an example of an environmental consequence of greed? a. Overexploitation of natural resources b. Preservation of wildlife and ecosystem c. Development of renewable energy sources
  7. Why is it important to practice self-control and consider the welfare of others when making decisions? a. To avoid the negative consequences of greed b. To gain more power and wealth c. To become more popular among peers
  8. What are the long-term consequences of greed? a. Harm to the environment and society b. Increased personal satisfaction and happiness c. Improved relationships with family and friends
  9. How can greed harm the environment? a. Through pollution, deforestation, and over-exploitation of natural resources b. Through conservation of wildlife and ecosystem c. Through the development of renewable energy sources
  10. What is the best way to avoid the negative consequences of greed? a. Practicing self-control and considering the welfare of others b. Pursuing personal interests and goals without regard for others c. Ignoring the consequences and enjoying the benefits of greed


Ahab approached Naboth the Jezreelite,asking for his Vineyard. Naboth refused, saying he cannot part with his inheritance. Ahab was so sad that he was unable to eat for days.When asked by Jezebel what the problem was, he told her how Naboth refused to give him his Vineyard. Jezebel then promised to get the land for him at all cost.

Jezebel conspired with some base fellows to accuse Naboth of cursing God and the king.This was to get rid of Naboth. It was eventually carried out. Naboth was accused of blaspheming God and he was taken out of the city and stoned to death.


God sent prophet Elijah who came to Ahab and told him bluntly that God was very displeased with him. He prophesied that Ahab will die where Naboth died. As for his wife Jezebel, the dogs will also eat her fleshby the wallof Jezreel.Although in I Kings 21;27-29, God postponed Ahab’s punishment until the days of his children because of his humility and repentance.

The story of Greedy Ahab in 1 Kings 21:1-29 is an excellent example of how greed can have severe consequences.

Ahab was a king of Israel who had everything he needed in life, including a beautiful palace and a lovely vineyard. However, he was still not satisfied, and he coveted his neighbor’s vineyard, which was next to his palace. He asked the neighbor, Naboth, to sell him the vineyard or exchange it for a better one, but Naboth refused, saying that the vineyard was his family’s inheritance and he could not sell it.

Ahab was so consumed with greed that he became depressed and refused to eat. His wife, Jezebel, saw his distress and took it upon herself to get the vineyard for him. She plotted to have Naboth falsely accused of blasphemy and then stoned to death. After Naboth’s death, Jezebel told Ahab that he could take the vineyard.

However, God was displeased with Ahab’s greed and sent the prophet Elijah to confront him. Elijah told Ahab that he had sinned against God by coveting Naboth’s vineyard and shedding innocent blood. He prophesied that Ahab’s family would suffer a similar fate, and dogs would lick up his blood in the same spot where Naboth was killed.

In the end, Ahab’s greed led to his downfall. He died in battle, and his wife, Jezebel, was killed, as prophesied by Elijah. The consequences of his greed affected his entire family and his kingdom.

This story teaches us that greed can have severe consequences, not only for the individual but also for those around them. It is essential to be content with what we have and not covet what belongs to others, as it can lead to harm, injustice, and even loss of life


  1. Who was Greedy Ahab? a. A king of Israel b. A prophet of God c. A wealthy merchant
  2. What did Ahab covet from his neighbor Naboth? a. His vineyard b. His palace c. His cattle
  3. What did Naboth refuse to do for Ahab? a. Sell his vineyard b. Give him a better vineyard in exchange c. None of the above
  4. Who plotted to have Naboth falsely accused and stoned to death? a. Ahab b. Jezebel, Ahab’s wife c. Elijah, the prophet
  5. What did Jezebel do after Naboth’s death? a. Gave the vineyard to Ahab b. Repented of her sin c. None of the above
  6. How did God react to Ahab’s greed? a. He blessed him b. He was displeased with him c. He ignored him
  7. Who did God send to confront Ahab about his sin? a. Elijah, the prophet b. Jezebel, his wife c. Naboth’s family
  8. What did Elijah prophesy would happen to Ahab’s family? a. They would prosper b. They would suffer a similar fate as Naboth c. They would be rewarded for Ahab’s greed
  9. How did Ahab die? a. In battle b. Of natural causes c. None of the above
  10. What lesson can we learn from the story of Greedy Ahab? a. Greed can have severe consequences b. Coveting what belongs to others can lead to harm, injustice, and loss of life c. All of the above
  11. What role did Jezebel play in the murder of Naboth.
  12. Give examples of greed among Nigerian leaders and the ruled, suggesting ways of curbing it.

What role did Jezebel play in the murder of Naboth

Jezebel, the wife of King Ahab, played a significant role in the murder of Naboth. After Naboth refused to sell his vineyard to Ahab, the king became depressed and refused to eat. Jezebel saw his distress and took it upon herself to get the vineyard for him. She plotted to have Naboth falsely accused of blasphemy and then stoned to death. After Naboth’s death, Jezebel informed Ahab that he could take the vineyard.

Therefore, Jezebel was the one who orchestrated Naboth’s death, and she was fully responsible for the crime. Her actions were motivated by her desire to fulfill her husband’s greed and obtain the vineyard for him, even if it meant breaking God’s commandments. As a result, both Jezebel and Ahab faced severe consequences for their greed and injustice

Give examples of greed among Nigerian leaders and the ruled, suggesting ways of curbing it.

  1. Corruption in the government: Nigerian leaders have been accused of corruption, bribery, and embezzlement of public funds. These practices have contributed to underdevelopment, poverty, and other social problems. To curb greed in the government, there should be strict enforcement of anti-corruption laws, and corrupt leaders should be held accountable for their actions.
  2. Fraudulent practices among the people: Some Nigerians engage in fraudulent practices such as internet fraud, commonly known as “yahoo yahoo,” and other scams that prey on innocent victims. To reduce these activities, there should be increased public awareness campaigns about the dangers of fraud and strict enforcement of laws against fraudulent practices.
  3. Land grabbing: Land grabbing has become a significant problem in Nigeria, with some individuals and groups using force to acquire land from others. To address this problem, there should be strict enforcement of laws protecting property rights, and individuals who engage in land grabbing should be prosecuted.
  4. Tax evasion: Many Nigerians engage in tax evasion, which deprives the government of much-needed revenue for development. To curb tax evasion, there should be increased public awareness campaigns on the importance of paying taxes, and the government should also improve its tax collection system to make it more efficient.
  5. Materialism and consumerism: Some Nigerians are driven by a desire for material possessions, leading to excessive consumption and waste. To address this problem, there should be public education campaigns on responsible consumption and the importance of sustainable living.

In conclusion, curbing greed in Nigeria requires the active participation of both the government and the citizens. It requires a collective effort to promote values such as integrity, honesty, and respect for the rule of law. By taking these steps, Nigeria can promote sustainable development, reduce poverty, and create a better future for all its citizens


Elisha was a servant of God and prophet in Israel,whose period came immediately after Elijah.Naaman, the Syrian king’s army commander came to Elisha to be cured of his leprosy.Namaan was still at the gate when Elisha sent a servant to tell Namaan to go and wash himself in River Jordan seven times. The commander was annoyed because he thought  Elisha would perform an instant miracle. But on persuasion by his servant, he went to wash himself and was completely cleansed.He came back with gifts for the prophet to show his appreciation, Elisha refused to collect anything from him. This was the point where the devil tempted  Gehazi- the prophet’s servant.He went after Naaman and lied that his master had asked for  some of the gifts to entertain some visitors who had just come. Naaman was delighted to part with the gifts. 


Gehazi took possession of the gifts and hid them. His master asked him where he went but he lied to his master who already knew what he had done. Elisha pronounced instant judgment on him. Naaman’s leprosy came upon Gehazi instantly as he left Elisha’s presence as white as snow.

The story of Gehazi’s greed in 2 Kings 5:1-27 is another excellent example of how greed can have severe consequences.

Naaman, a Syrian commander, had leprosy and was seeking a cure. He was directed to Elisha, a prophet of God, who instructed him to wash himself in the Jordan River seven times. Naaman was healed and offered Elisha a gift, which he declined. However, Gehazi, Elisha’s servant, was overcome with greed and chased after Naaman to ask for a portion of the gift. Naaman happily gave Gehazi what he asked for, and Gehazi then hid it in his house.

When Elisha asked Gehazi where he had been, he lied and said that he had not gone anywhere. Elisha, being a prophet, knew that Gehazi had been greedy and had lied to him. He pronounced a curse on Gehazi, and he was struck with leprosy, the same disease that Naaman had been cured of.

This story teaches us that greed can have severe consequences, not only for the individual but also for those around them. Gehazi’s greed led to his downfall, and he suffered the same fate as Naaman had before his healing. Gehazi’s actions were not only dishonest but also dishonored the name of God and the prophet Elisha.

Therefore, we must learn to be content with what we have and not be consumed by greed. We should be honest in all our dealings and avoid coveting what belongs to others, as it can lead to harm, injustice, and even loss of life. Like Elisha, we must recognize and confront greed, and like Naaman, we must learn to be grateful for what we receive, without any expectation of a return


The satisfaction derivable from greed is only short-lived, whereas the consequences are bitter and  can lead to self –destruction.


Greed does not pay at all;as in most cases, we pay for greed with our own lives like Ahab did.

Let us always be contented with what we have 

God cannot be silent when the well -to -do try to exploit the needy out of greed as in the case of Ahab.



  1. Who was Naaman?
  2. Narrate the story of Naaman and mention two important lessons which Namaan learnt from his healing.


  1. Who was Gehazi? a. A Syrian commander b. A prophet of God c. A servant of Elisha
  2. What did Naaman seek from Elisha? a. A cure for leprosy b. A gift for his wife c. An audience with the king
  3. How was Naaman cured of leprosy? a. By washing himself in the Jordan River seven times b. By receiving a potion from Elisha c. By praying to God for healing
  4. What did Naaman offer Elisha as a gift? a. A portion of his wealth b. A portion of his land c. A portion of his clothing
  5. What did Gehazi do when Naaman offered him a gift? a. He declined the gift b. He accepted the gift c. He asked for a different gift
  6. What did Gehazi do with the gift he received from Naaman? a. He used it to buy food b. He hid it in his house c. He gave it to Elisha
  7. What did Gehazi tell Elisha when he asked where he had been? a. He lied and said he had not gone anywhere b. He told the truth and said he had gone to see Naaman c. He said he had gone to buy food
  8. What was the consequence of Gehazi’s greed? a. He became wealthy and successful b. He was struck with leprosy c. He was rewarded by Elisha
  9. What lesson can we learn from the story of Gehazi’s greed? a. Greed can have severe consequences b. Honesty is always the best policy c. Wealth and material possessions are the keys to happiness
  10. How can we avoid the negative consequences of greed? a. By being content with what we have b. By always seeking more wealth and possessions c. By being dishonest in our dealings


  1. What role did Jezebel play in the murder of Naboth.
  2. Who was Naaman?
  3. Narrate the second creation account of the universe.
  4. Differentiate between the first and the second creation account.

Lesson Plan Presentation:

Topic: Greed and Its Consequence – The Story of Greedy Ahab (1 Kings 21:1-29) and Gehazi’s Greed (2 Kings 5:1-27)

Grade Level: SS2


  1. To define greed and its negative consequences
  2. To analyze the stories of Greedy Ahab and Gehazi’s greed and the consequences of their actions
  3. To discuss ways of curbing greed in Nigeria and promoting positive values such as integrity and honesty.

Materials Needed:

  • Bibles or copies of the Bible passages (1 Kings 21:1-29 and 2 Kings 5:1-27)
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Handouts with multi-choice questions on the topic
  • Audio-visual aids (optional)



  • Start with a brief definition of greed and its negative consequences.
  • Ask students if they have heard or witnessed any examples of greed in their environment.
  • Explain that the lesson will focus on two biblical stories that illustrate the consequences of greed: Greedy Ahab and Gehazi’s greed.


  1. Define Greed – Start by defining greed and its consequences. Use real-life examples to illustrate the negative effects of greed, such as corruption, injustice, and poverty.
  2. The Story of Greedy Ahab – Provide a summary of the story of Greedy Ahab from 1 Kings 21:1-29, highlighting the consequences of his greed and the role played by Jezebel. Use audio-visual aids, such as pictures or videos, to make the story more engaging.
  3. The Story of Gehazi’s Greed – Provide a summary of the story of Gehazi’s greed from 2 Kings 5:1-27, highlighting the consequences of his actions and his dishonesty towards Elisha. Use audio-visual aids, such as pictures or videos, to make the story more engaging.
  4. Ways of Curbing Greed in Nigeria – Discuss the different ways of curbing greed in Nigeria, such as promoting positive values like integrity and honesty, strict enforcement of anti-corruption laws, and public awareness campaigns against fraudulent practices, materialism, and consumerism.


  • Summarize the key points discussed in the lesson, highlighting the consequences of greed and the importance of curbing it.
  • Distribute handouts with multi-choice questions on the topic to assess students’ understanding.
  • Encourage students to reflect on the lesson and think of ways they can promote positive values in their environment.


  • The teacher will assess students’ understanding through class participation and the completion of the handouts with multi-choice questions on the topic.
  • The teacher can also assign a written essay on the topic as an additional assessment


Comprehensive Christian  Religious Knowledge for SS1-3 by Martins I Amaechi. Pages 67-71



  1. In order to murder Naboth, he was falsely accused of  A. cursing God and the king  B. bribery and Negligence C. stealing war spoils D. arrogance
  2. Dogs licked Jezebel’s blood  within the bounds of  ( a) Jezreel B. Jericho  C.ZidonD. Damascus
  3. Naboth died by  A. hanging B. public execution  C. stoning D. electrocution
  4. Namaan, the army commander came from A. Jericho B. Syria C. Assyria D.babylon
  5. As punishment, Gehazi was stuck with a disease called  A. Tuberculosis  B. leprosy C. paralysis D. palsy
  6. Which biblical story illustrates the consequences of greed? a. The story of Adam and Eve b. The story of David and Goliath c. The story of Greedy Ahab and Gehazi’s greed
  7. What are some of the consequences of greed? a. Corruption, injustice, and poverty b. Wealth, power, and success c. Happiness, prosperity, and peace
  8. What role did Jezebel play in Greedy Ahab’s downfall? a. She encouraged him to be greedy b. She plotted to have Naboth falsely accused and stoned to death c. She declined Ahab’s request to get Naboth’s vineyard
  9. What was Gehazi’s position in Elisha’s household? a. A prophet of God b. A Syrian commander c. A servant of Elisha
  10. How was Naaman cured of leprosy? a. By washing himself in the Nile River b. By receiving a potion from Elisha c. By washing himself in the Jordan River seven times
  11. What did Naaman offer Elisha as a gift? a. A portion of his wealth b. A portion of his land c. A portion of his clothing
  12. What did Gehazi do when Naaman offered him a gift? a. He declined the gift b. He accepted the gift c. He asked for a different gift
  13. What was the consequence of Gehazi’s greed? a. He became wealthy and successful b. He was struck with leprosy c. He was rewarded by Elisha
  14. What lessons can we learn from the stories of Greedy Ahab and Gehazi’s greed in terms of the consequences of greed? a. Greed can have severe consequences, both for individuals and society b. Wealth and power are the keys to happiness c. Greed is not always bad and can lead to positive outcomes
  15. What are some ways of curbing greed in Nigeria, and what role can individuals and society play in promoting positive values like integrity and honesty? a. Promoting positive values like integrity and honesty b. Strict enforcement of anti-corruption laws c. Encouraging materialism and consumerism



  1. Narrate the punishment received by Ahab and Gehazi as a result of their greed.
  2. What role did Jezebel play in the murder of Naboth.
  3. Define greed and give examples of how it can manifest in individuals and societies.
  4. What are some of the consequences of greed, both for individuals and society as a whole?
  5. Describe the story of Greedy Ahab from 1 Kings 21:1-29 and the role played by Jezebel in his downfall.
  6. Describe the story of Gehazi’s greed from 2 Kings 5:1-27 and the consequences of his actions.
  7. What lessons can we learn from the stories of Greedy Ahab and Gehazi’s greed in terms of the consequences of greed?
  8. What are some ways of curbing greed in Nigeria, and what role can individuals and society play in promoting positive values like integrity and honesty?
  9. How can the government enforce anti-corruption laws to combat greed and corruption in Nigeria?
  10. What are some examples of fraudulent practices in Nigeria, and how can public awareness campaigns help to reduce them?
  11. How can promoting responsible consumption and sustainable living help to reduce materialism and consumerism, which are driven by greed?
  12. What role can education play in promoting positive values and reducing greed, both at the individual and societal levels?
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