Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.


Duration: 2 ½ HR

Class: JSS 1

Approximate 5364 to 3 significant figures (a) 536 (b) 5300 (d) 5360 (d) 5370
24350 rounded to the nearest thousand is ________ (a) 24000 (b)24350 (c) 20000 (d)25000
178.4673 rounded to 2 decimal place is ________ (a) 178.00 (b)178.47 (c) 178.46 (d)170.47
Round up 0.007081 correct to 2 significant figure is ________________ (a) 0.01 (b)0.0070 (c) 0.0071 (d)0.00708
What is the value of the digit 7 in the number 624.97 (a) 7 hundreds (b)7tens (c) 7 hundredth (d)7 tenths
What is the place value of 5 in figure 35296? (a) 500000 (b) 50000 (c) 5000 (d) 500
Evaluate 1001two – 110two (a) 11two (b)101two (c) 111two (d)10two
Calculate 1011two × 11two (a)10011two (b) 100001two (c)11101two (d)10001two
Convert denary number 45 to a number in binary (a) 101101two (b) 11010 two (c) 11011011 two (d) 10010 two
Add 1110two + 111two (a) 11010two (b)10101two (c)101001two (d)10011two
Simplify 11two + 111two + 1101two (a)10101two (b) 10111two (c) 11011two (d) 11101two (e) 11111two
Convert 7810 to a number in base two (a) 11100110two (b) 11000111two (c) 1001111two (d) 1001110two
Simplify 6 – (-12) (a) -8 (b) -18 (c) 8 (d) 18
10 more than x is _____________(a) 10x (b) 10x+x (c)x + 10 (d)10 – x
Multiply y by itself , the answer is _____________ (a)2y (b) y2 (c) 2y2 (d)2y3
If x+5 = 50, what is the value of x (a) 45 (b) 52 (c) 55 (d) -55
If 5 is added to a number, the result is 17, what is the number? (a) 12 (b) 22 (c) 17 (d) 5x
If x+ 15 = 25 then x = __________ (a) 15 (b)25 (c)5 (d)10
b divided by 2 = ______________ (a) b⁄2(b)2⁄b (c) 2b (d) b – 2
Evaluate x – 18 + x when x = 9 (a) 9 (b)18 (c) 0 (d) -9
Base two numbers are called …………………………….. Number system.
Base ten numbers are called ____________________ Numbers system or _____________________ Number system
Base two numbers has how many digits? _________________________.
Expand 5(2x – 3) the result is __________________

If x = 5, what is the value of 2×2 + 5 _____________
The coefficient of x in the expression 7 – 9x is ______________________
Shade thinks of a number. She doubles it and then adds 5 to the result. Her answer is 45. What number did Bola thinks of? ___________________________
Solve for p in the equation 8p +7 = 6p + 11, then p = ___________________
Adebola is x years old, four years ago, her age in terms of x is _______________
A man receives x naira. He spends #10 000 on house rent and has #15 000 left. What is the value of x? ______________________


Answer three questions only from this section
1a. Calculate the value of 5.766 + 81.34 and give your answer correct to 3 significant figure (3s.f) 4mks
1b. Round off 450 789 to the nearest hundreds (nearest 100’s) 2mks
1c. Give 16.8695 correct to 2 d.p. 2mks
1d. Subtract 79 p from £3.25 2mks

2a. Write 356eight in expanded form 2mks
2b. Evaluate 11001two – 111two leaving your answer in binary. 2mks
2c. What is the sum of 1011two and 10011 two 2mks
2b. Multiply 1011two by 101two 4mks

3a. Convert binary number 1110011 to a base ten number 2mks
3b. Convert the decimal number 59 to a binary number 3mks
3c. Round of 258.909 to the nearest whole number 2mks
3d. Calculate the value of 425 x 24 and give your answer correct to 3s.f 3mks
4a. Solve for x in the equation 5x – 4 = 16 . 2mks
4b. Solve the equation 10 -2x =3x + 25 3mks
4c. If x=3, y=2 and z=2, then Evaluate z(5x-y) 3mks
4d. Simplify 5x+2y + 7x – y 2mks

5a. If p = -2, q = 5 and r = 10, evaluate 2pq/5r 3mks
5b. Solve the equation 7 – 2y = 3 2mks
5c. Samuel thinks of a number, he multiplied it by 5 and added 3 to the answer. If the result is 13, what is the number he thinks of? 3mks
5d. Solve the equation 9x-20=8-5x 2mks


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