The Day of Pentecost Christian Religious Studies Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 2














The Pentecost


Previous Lesson:

Second Term Welcome Test Christian Religious Studies Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1



Learning Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Explain what Pentecost means
  • Describe the events of the day of Pentecost
  • List the spiritual significance of the Pentecost
  • Students will understand the significance of the day of Pentecost in the history of the Christian church
  • Students will learn about the events that took place on the day of Pentecost
  • Students will be able to explain the spiritual significance of the Pentecost event



Learning Activities

  • Pupils as individuals, define the meaning of Pentecost
  • Pupils are are guided to describe the convent of the day of Pentecost
  • Pupils in small groups list the significance of the day of Pentecost

Embedded Core Skills

  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical thinking and problem solving


Learning Resources

  • The Holy Bible
  • Acts 2 verse 1
  • Acts 2 verse 1 to 13




  • Identification,
  • explanation,
  • questions and answers,
  • demonstration,
  • story-telling,
  • videos from source



Pentecost was a yearly celebration for the Jews where they thanked God for a bountiful harvest and sought blessings for the upcoming agricultural season. It took place 50 days after the Feast of Passover and was mandatory for all Jewish men to attend. As a result, Jerusalem was filled with people from all over the world, including Jews and non-Jews, during the celebration.

The event that occurred on the day of Pentecost

On the day of Pentecost, a remarkable event occurred in the history of Christianity. According to the Bible, the followers of Jesus were gathered together in a room in Jerusalem when they suddenly heard the sound of a mighty wind, and what appeared to be tongues of fire appeared above their heads.

The Holy Spirit descended upon them, and they began to speak in different languages, even though they had never learned those languages before. People from all over the world who were visiting Jerusalem for the celebration of Pentecost heard the disciples speaking in their own languages and were amazed.

Some people thought the disciples were drunk, but Peter, one of the apostles, explained to the crowd that what they were witnessing was the fulfillment of the prophecy of the coming of the Holy Spirit. He also preached to them about Jesus and the message of salvation, and many people were filled with the Holy Spirit and became followers of Jesus.

This event on Pentecost marked the beginning of the spread of Christianity and the power of the Holy Spirit to help the disciples share the message of Jesus with others.


The number of people that were saved on the day of Pentecost

The exact number of people who were saved on the day of Pentecost is not specified in the Bible. However, according to the book of Acts in the New Testament, a large crowd of people from various countries gathered in Jerusalem for the celebration of Pentecost, and when the disciples spoke in different languages, the people were amazed and began to listen to Peter’s message about Jesus.

It is reported that many people were filled with the Holy Spirit and became believers in Jesus as the Messiah. The Bible says that the number of people who were saved that day was about 3,000. This event marked a significant turning point in the early Christian church, and the message of salvation through Jesus continued to spread throughout the world.



The significance of the Holy Spirit

The Pentecost has significant spiritual meaning for Christians:


Fulfillment of Prophecy: The coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost was the fulfillment of a prophecy in the Old Testament about the promised gift of the Holy Spirit to believers.


Birth of the Church: The event on Pentecost marks the birth of the Christian church, as the Holy Spirit empowered the disciples to share the message of Jesus with others and the church began to grow and spread.


Empowerment of Believers: The Holy Spirit coming to the believers on Pentecost signifies the empowerment of all believers to live and serve as witnesses of Jesus to the world.


Gift of Different Languages: The ability of the disciples to speak in different languages on Pentecost symbolizes the universality of the gospel message and the ability of the Holy Spirit to break down barriers and bring people together.


Completion of the Trinity: The coming of the Holy Spirit completes the trinity of the Christian Godhead, representing the presence of God in the world and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers.


Sign of Renewal: The events of Pentecost serve as a reminder of God’s ongoing work of renewal and transformation in the world and in the lives of believers.



  1. What is the significance of the day of Pentecost in Christianity? a. It is the birth of the Christian church. b. It is the fulfillment of a prophecy in the Old Testament. c. It is the gift of the Holy Spirit to believers. d. All of the above.
  2. When did the event of Pentecost occur? a. 50 days after the Feast of Passover. b. 100 days after the Feast of Passover. c. 75 days after the Feast of Passover. d. 30 days after the Feast of Passover.
  3. Who were present in the room where the event of Pentecost occurred? a. The apostles of Jesus. b. The Jews from all parts of the world. c. The followers of Jesus. d. Both a and c.
  4. What happened on the day of Pentecost? a. The disciples spoke in different languages. b. People from all over the world heard the disciples speaking in their own languages. c. The Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples. d. All of the above.
  5. What was the sound that the disciples heard on the day of Pentecost? a. The sound of a mighty wind. b. The sound of a gentle breeze. c. The sound of thunder. d. The sound of silence.
  6. What did the people think when they heard the disciples speaking in different languages on the day of Pentecost? a. They thought the disciples were drunk. b. They thought it was a miracle. c. They thought it was a trick. d. They thought it was normal.
  7. Who preached to the crowd on the day of Pentecost? a. Peter. b. John. c. James. d. Andrew.
  8. What did Peter preach to the crowd on the day of Pentecost? a. The message of salvation through Jesus. b. The message of condemnation. c. The message of judgment. d. The message of prosperity.
  9. How many people were saved on the day of Pentecost according to the Bible? a. 3,000. b. 1,000. c. 5,000. d. 2,000.
  10. What does the event of Pentecost symbolize for Christians? a. The universality of the gospel message. b. The breaking down of barriers by the Holy Spirit. c. The empowerment of believers to serve as witnesses of Jesus. d. All of the above.
  11. The day of Pentecost marks the ________ of the Christian church.
  12. The event of Pentecost occurred ________ days after the Feast of Passover.
  13. The Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples in the form of ________.
  14. The disciples spoke in different languages on the day of Pentecost, which symbolizes the ________ of the gospel message.
  15. The people thought the disciples were ________ when they heard them speaking in different languages.
  16. ________ preached to the crowd on the day of Pentecost.
  17. According to the Bible, ________ people were saved on the day of Pentecost.
  18. The event of Pentecost serves as a reminder of God’s ongoing work of ________ and transformation in the world and in the lives of believers.
  19. The coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost was the fulfillment of a prophecy in the ________ Testament.
  20. The Holy Spirit coming to the believers on Pentecost signifies the ________ of all believers to live and serve as witnesses of Jesus to the world.



Lesson Presentation

Introduction (10 minutes):

  • Begin the lesson by asking students if they have ever heard of the word “Pentecost.”
  • Explain that Pentecost is a term that refers to an event in the history of the Christian church that took place 50 days after the Feast of Passover.
  • Ask students if they know what the Feast of Passover is and what it celebrates. (If necessary, provide a brief explanation of the Feast of Passover and its significance to the Jewish people).

Main Content (30 minutes):

  • Read the account of the Pentecost event in the book of Acts 2:1-41 in the Bible.
  • Explain the events that took place on the day of Pentecost, including the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples, the speaking in different languages, and Peter’s sermon to the crowd.
  • Discuss the significance of these events, including the birth of the Christian church, the spread of the gospel message to different people and languages, and the empowerment of the believers to live and serve as witnesses of Jesus to the world.
  • Use visual aids (optional) to help students better understand the events of the day of Pentecost.

Questions and Discussion (15 minutes):

  • Ask students questions to encourage deeper understanding and reflection on the topic. Some sample questions might include:
    • Why do you think the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples in the form of tongues of fire?
    • How did the people respond when they heard the disciples speaking in different languages?
    • What was the significance of Peter’s sermon on the day of Pentecost?
    • What does the Pentecost event tell us about the nature of God and his work in the world?

Conclusion (5 minutes):

  • Summarize the key points of the lesson, emphasizing the significance of the day of Pentecost in the history of the Christian church and its ongoing significance for believers today.
  • Encourage students to reflect on what they have learned and how they can apply it to their own lives.
  • Assign homework or additional reading, if desired.


  • Observe students during the lesson and participate in the discussion to gauge their understanding of the material.
  • Evaluate students’ written responses to questions and reflection prompts as homework or a follow-up assignment.

Weekly Assessment /Test

  1. What is the significance of the day of Pentecost in the history of the Christian church?
  2. When did the event of Pentecost occur in relation to the Feast of Passover?
  3. What was the form that the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples on the day of Pentecost?
  4. Why did the disciples speak in different languages on the day of Pentecost?
  5. How did the people respond when they heard the disciples speaking in different languages?
  6. Who preached to the crowd on the day of Pentecost?
  7. How many people were saved on the day of Pentecost according to the Bible?
  8. What is the significance of the event of Pentecost in the lives of believers today?
  9. How did the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost fulfill a prophecy in the Old Testament?
  10. What does the Holy Spirit coming to the believers on Pentecost signify for all believers?
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