MAT. 3: 13 – 17, MARK 1: 9 – 11, Luke, 3: 21 –22
- Meaning of the synoptic gospels
- The baptism of Jesus Christ
- Significance of the baptism of Jesus Christ
Synoptic Gospels are the first three gospels, which have striking similarities in their style of writing, chronological arrangement of events in life and ministry of Jesus Christ. In other words, their accounts can be seen generally from the same point of view. They are Mathew, Mark and Luke. Synoptic writers are referred to as synoptists.
There are three different accounts of Jesus’ baptism in the Bible. They are all called “synoptic” because they are all similar. The first account is from the book of Mark, the second is from the book of Matthew, and the third is from the book of Luke.
1. What are the Synoptic Gospels?
2. Who wrote the Synoptic Gospels?
3. What is the relationship between the Synoptic Gospels?
4. What are the main themes of the Synoptic Gospels?
5. How do the Synoptic Gospels differ from each other?
- What are Synoptic gospels?
- Explain the relevance of the synoptic gospel.
Mt. 3: 13 –17, Mark 1: 9 – 11, Luke 3: 21 – 22
All the synoptic writers reported the baptism of Jesus. According to Mathew, Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist in River Jordan. When Jesus came to John to be baptized. John was reluctant to baptize him because he felt that it was Jesus who ought to baptize him. But Jesus told him to allow it to be so in order to fulfill righteousness.
Jesus Christ was dipped into the water and heaven opened and the spirit of God descended on him like a dove and he heard a voice, which says:
“This is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased”.
There is a disparity among the synoptic gospels about the time the dove descended on Jesus. While Mathew and Mark says that this happened as Jesus was being baptized; Luke says it happened after the baptism as Jesus prayed. Luke 3: 21 – 22.
- Discuss the baptism of Jesus
- Also only Mathew reported John’s reluctance to baptize Jesus. The rest did not.
- It was significant because it symbolizes Jesus’ identification with sinners.
- It served as a example for his disciples to follow.
- This pattern that was laid down by Jesus was continued in the early church.
- Apart from the meaning it had for Jesus, this act of baptism was significant for the ministry of John the Baptist. The miraculous happening, which accompanied it, gave John an opportunity for divine approval of his ministry.
- The baptism of Jesus provided a forum for a public confirmation of his messiahship and being Son of God.
- It indicated that Jesus’ mission on earth will mainly benefit sinners hence his decision to identify himself with sinful humanity.
- What is baptism?
- State two significance of the baptism of Jesus
- What is baptism?
- State two significance of the baptism of Jesus.
- Give an account of the first creation.
- Narrate the second account of creation.
- List the characteristics of the new life.
- Jesus was baptized at the____.(a) lake (b)River Jordan(c) River Galilee (d) dead sea
- Jesus was baptized by_____. (a) John the Baptist (b) St Paul (c) St Peter (d) St Augustus
- The statement, “this is my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased”, “Son” here refers to___. (a) John the Baptist (b) Peter (c) Paul (d) Jesus Christ
- John the Baptist was in the wilderness and his food was _____ and _____ (a) bread and honey (b) locust and wild honey (c) quail and honey (d) beans and honey
- _____ was the fore runner of Jesus Christ (a) Isaiah (b) John the Baptist (c) Elijah (d) ElishaWRITE OUT FIVE QUESTIONS ON
John The Baptist criticized_______ for their crooked dealings of the lucrative money changing business in the temple
(a) Zacchaeus
(b) Florentius
(c) Judas Iscariot
(d) Simon Magus
7. Jesus Christ chose 12 disciples as _____ (a) his bodyguards (b) his ministers (c) apostles (d) archangels
8. The 12 disciples of Jesus Christ were also known as_______ _____. (a) saints (b) apostles (c) prophets (d) angels
9. Jesus was crucified on the cross at ____ _____. (a) Golgotha (b) Gethsemane
(c) Mount Everest
(d) Sinai mountain
10. Jesus Christ resurrected on the ______ day after his crucifixion. (a) 3rd (b) 4th (c) 5th (d) 6th
11. The apostles founded the church of God in _____ after Jesus Christ’s resurrection (a) 50 AD (b) 33 AD (c) 66 AD (d) 150 AD
12. There are four gospels in the New Testament and they are Matthew, Mark, Luke and _____. (a) John
(b) Peter
(c) Paul
(d) Thomas
13. The early Christians had a special reverence for the book of ______ _______. (a) Psalms (b) Acts of Apostles (c) Revelations (d) Gospels
- Explain the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist
- State four significance of the baptism
Describe John the Baptist as a forerunner of Jesus Christ
Discuss the role and significance of the 12 disciples in Christianity
Explain the place where Jesus Christ was crucified and resurrected
Explain why John the Baptist criticized Judas Iscariot and Zacchaeus
Discuss the four different gospels in the New Testament
Explain why early Christians had a special reverence for the book of Revelations
Compare and contrast Jesus Christ as teacher and savior with other religious teachers and saviors such as Buddha, Krishna, etc.
Discuss the importance of the four Gospels in Christian theology, including their role and significance in shaping Christian doctrine and beliefs.