DATE: ……………………………….

TOPIC: Communication


  • Types of communication: Oral; Written, Visual; Non-verbal, etc.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of communication.

Sub-Topic 1: Meaning of communication and types of communication;

Meaning of communication

Communication is the act of sending and receiving information, feelings, ideas and opinions from one person to another through different media. Communication is a two way process which involve sending information and receiving feedback. Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place to another.


Communications are important to commerce because of the following. 

  1. They make internal trade possible 
  2. They make international trade possible 
  3. Communications break cultural barriers so that people of various ethnic nationalities are able to understand themselves better.
  4. Communication help to link the producer and the consumer thereby making distribution of goods and services effective.
  5. Communication is the life wire of today’s business organization. No business can exist without effective communication.
  6. Communication has made transportation as an aid to trade efficient. This is because with wireless means of communication, ships and aircrafts are monitored and controlled to avoid accidents.


There are mainly four types of communication which are used in various ways to convey the final message to the receiver.

  1. oral communication or verbal communication

 Verbal communication includes sounds, words, language, and speech. Speaking is an effective way of communicating and helps in expressing our emotions in words. This type of communication can be through face to face, telephone.

Advantages of oral communication

  1. Oral communication allows for immediate feedback such as the opportunity to clarify doubt.
  2.  The sender is able to clarify messages sent to avoid confusion.
  3. Oral messages are flexible and can easily be adapted to many diverse situations.
  4. It is very fast.

Disadvantages of oral communication

  1. Misrepresentation of message or misunderstanding and wrong response may occurs.
  2. Spoken communication is influenced by both verbal and non-verbal communication such as tone or body language.
  3. It consumes precious time.
  4. It lacks aid to human memory.



Written communication involves sending and receiving information through the exchange of written documents.  Written communication is the medium through which the message of the sender is conveyed with the help of written words. Letters, personal journals, e-mails, reports, articles, and memos are some forms of written communication. It provides permanent records as information are documented.

Advantages of written communication

  1.  Unlike other forms of communication, written messages can be edited and rectified before it is communicated to the receiver. Thereby, making written communication an indispensable part of informal and formal communication.
  2.  This form of communication sum up features of visual communication as well, especially when the messages are conveyed through electronic devices such as laptops, phones, and visual presentations that involve the use of text or words.
  3. Written communication is good for complicated and vital instructions, which can be given in a summarized and uniform way.
  4. There is lesser chance for distortion and misunderstanding of the message
  5. Authority is effectively transmitted with a written order than with an oral or verbal one.
  6. It provides permanent record.

Disadvantages of written communication

  1. It is impersonal.
  2. People may not always read them as a result of commitments and distractions.
  3. It does not answer questions and there is no immediate feedback.
  4. The language of the message may be too difficult to understand thereby causing ineffective communication.
  5. It takes time to prepare.



This form of communication involves the visual display of information, wherein the message is understood or expressed with the help of visual aids. For example, topography, photography, signs, symbols, maps, colors, posters, banners and designs help the viewer understand the message visually. Visual communication is the transfer of information through the use of visual representation such as graph, pictorials from the sender to the receiver.

Advantages of visual communication

  1. Information can be presented in a clear way.
  2. The information can be seen as more interesting and appealing.
  3. It shows actual situations.
  4. It can reach many people at fixed date and time.

Disadvantages of visual communication

  1. There is no immediate feedback.
  2. Visual signals may be intercepted by external factors.
  3. It is expensive to operate.

Non-verbal communication.


 Non-verbal communication manages to convey the sender’s message without having to use words. This form of communication supersedes all other forms because of its usage and effectiveness. Nonverbal communication involves the use of physical ways of communication, such as tone of the voice, touch, and expressions. Symbols and sign language are also included in nonverbal communication. Body posture and language convey a lot of nonverbal messages when communicating verbally with someone.

Folded arms and crossed legs are some of the defensive nonverbal signals conveyed by people. Shaking hands, patting and touching, express feelings of intimacy. Facial expressions, gestures and eye contact are all different ways of communication. Creative and aesthetic nonverbal forms of communication include music, dancing and sculpturing.

Advantages of non-verbal communication

  1. Meanings and expression of feelings are reinforced.
  2. It saves time.

Disadvantages of non-verbal communication

  1. Meaning can only be inferred from body languages.
  2. One language is not always consistent. 
  3. One gesture may be several meanings and several gestures may have the same meaning.
  4. Only simple and limited message can be sent.


  1. State four types of communication.
  2. Explain any two.
  3. State the advantages of non-verbal communication over oral communication

Sub-Topic2: Advantages and Disadvantages of communication

Advantages of communication

  1. Communication enables orders, messages and information to be passed quickly and accurately between people. 
  2. It allows businessmen to make immediate contacts with one another through the use of telephone, telegrams, radiophone and telex.
  3. It makes payments for goods and services easier and faster by mail or telegraphic transfers.
  4. It supplies information about products.
  5. It reduces the risk which is likely to happen during the travelling. 
  6. It ensures improvement of product’s standard through effective feedback mechanism.
  7. The world has become a global village through internet facilities.

Disadvantages of communication

    1. Communication exposes people, especially young ladies and men to social vices like prostitution, cultism and internet fraud.
    2. It creates chances for producers to give false information about their products to consumers.



  1. Highlight five advantages and three disadvantages of communication.


Objective test.

    1. Which of the following is not a type of communication. A.. oral b. written c. visual d. sound.
  • Which of the following defies communication? Movement of goods. B. transmission of information c. movement of people d. storing of information e. distribution of newspapers.


  1. Explain the meaning of communication.
  2. State how communication has helped commerce.
  3. Itemize five advantages of communication.
  4. List five disadvantages of communication.
  5. State four forms of communication.
  6. Explain five reasons why communication is  important to a business


Read commerce for Senior Secondary School book2 by Onuka P S et al; (pages 84-86)Extension Modern Commerce for Senior Secondary School by A .A. Bello et al; .(pages 178-179)


Read about communication: (a) Nigeria traditional means of communication e.g gong, drum etc. (b) development of postal, telegraphic and telephone services as provided by NIPOST and NITEL.


  1. Mention five of Nigeria traditional means of communication
  2. Trace the development of postal, telegraphic and telephone services as provided by NIPOST and NITEL [mediator_tech]


  1. Commerce for Senior Secondary School book2 by Onuka P S et al; Melrose Books and Publishing Limited.
  2. Extension Modern Commerce for Senior Secondary School by A .A. Bello et al; Extension Publication Limited.
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