Class:  S.S.S 1      Subject: BIOLOGY        Time:   


        Answer all questions in this section 

  1. At the end of photosynthesis, the green leaf is tested for starch and not glucose, because (a) the glucose is used up immediately to provide energy for the needs of the leaf (b) the glucose formed is immediately converted to starch (c) Starch is stored only in leaves (d) there are no chemicals for glucose test in leaves
  2. Life exists in an organized form so as to carry out efficiently the (a) Food chain of organism (b) Organization of life (c) Characteristics of living things (d) Comparison of unicellular and multicellular organism
  3. The usefulness of science finds application in the following except (a) Stealing (b) Medicine (c) Transportation (d) Engineering
  4. The ability of organisms to respond to stimuli is growth(a) Growth (b) Respiration (c) Sensitivity (d) Reproduction
  5. Which of the following levels of organization in living things is in the correct sequence, starting from the most complex to the simplest? (a) Tissue-cell-organ-system (b) System- organ-tissue-cell (c) Cell- tissue-organ- system(d) Organ-system-tissue-cell
  6. One of the differences between plants and animals is that (a) growth is indefinite in animals but definite in plants (b) Nutrition is autotrophic in plant but halophytic in animals (c) In plants there are excretory system but in animal waste products are stored away (d) plant react slowly to external stimuli while animals react more quickly
  7. The following are the major types of carbohydrates except (a) Triglyceride (b) Polysaccharide (d) Monosaccharide (d) Disaccharide
  8. The ability of living things to respond to changes in external and internal stimuli such as light, hunger, water sound is known as (a) Death (b) Development (c) Growth (d) Irritability
  9. The starting point of the scientific method is  (a) Observation (b) Theory (c) Hypothesis (d) Law
  10. The vast science of which deals with plants is known as (a) Zoology (b) Botany (c) Physiology (d) genetics
  11. The book called historical Animalism which describes a broad classification, structure, behavior and reproduction animal was published by (a) Johann Gregor Mandel (b) Michael Faraday (c) Aristotle (c)Theophrastus
  12. The loss of water from different parts of the plant shoot is (a) Transpiration (b) Respiration (c) Translocation (d) Vaporization
  13. The following life processes are common to both plants and animals except (a) Respiration (b) Growth (c) Reproduction (d) Photosynthesis
  14. Which of the following food substances is INCORRECT linked to its enzymes (a) Protein- trypsin (b) fat -lipase (c) Sucrose-pepsin (d) Starch- amylase
  15. In testing for starch in a leaf, the leaf is first boiled in water about a minute so that the (a) cell walls are hardened (b) Cells are killed (c) Chlorophyll is dissolved out (d) Iodine will penetrate
  16. Hydra is considered to be at tissue level of organization of life because it (a) has numerous cell that perform different functions (b) has developed organ and system (c) has poorly developed nervous system (d) Reproduced by building
  17. Substance making up living things are directly and indirectly from (a,) Blood, Sand, Air (b) Urine, Blood, Gas (c) Water, Soil, Blood (d) Water, Air, Soil
  18. ________ are organic catalysts of protein origin produced by living cells which help to speed up or slow down the rate of chemical reaction but remain chemically unchanged (a) catalyst (b) Zymogens (c) Enzymes (d) Molecules
  19. The structural and functional unit of life is (a) Tissue (b) Organs (c) Cell (d) System
  20. The following are the names of systems in mammals (a) Root system (b) Digestive system (c)Circulatory system (d) Reproductive system 



Answer any four questions, question one is compulsory  


1a. Give a suitable name for the experiment above 

1b. List the steps to carry out the experiment 

1c. Label two part from the experiment set-up 

2a. Define the term Organization of life 

2b. List and explain the levels of organization of life 

  1. Explain biology under the following headings 
  2. History
  3. Branches (the major one) 
  4. List two usefulness of science 
  5. Define science 
  6. list five characteristics of living things and explain in full detail 

5a. Explain the term Photosynthesis with the aid of chemical equation 

5b. list and explain the two modes of nutrition exhibited by plants and animals respectively 






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