CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: Verbal Reasoning
Give the class name of each of these set of words
Example: apple orange mango cashew fruit
- bee ant moth mosquito ________
- teaching law engineering accounting _____________
- gun revolver arrow _________
- parrot eagle peacock drake _______
- fork pot knife plate _________
In each of the following set of words only one is correctly spelt, others are wrong. Underline the correctly spelt word.
- wednesday wesday weddnesday wednextday
- quene quew quiw quaww
- quiet qaiet quiaet quet
9 february febrary feburuary febrruary
- niece ninece nince niec
complete each of these analogies using the right word from the brackets
- see and saw; cut and ________ ( cut, cutted, cutting, cute)
- owl and hoot; dog and _______ (below, bark, hiss, mew)
- Bird and nestling; lion and _________ (piglet, den, cub, squah)
- god and goddess; manager and _________ (managers, manageress, goddess, female)
- Needle and thread; boat and _________ ( stick, paddle, foot, leg )
Use the sound words in the box to complete the following sentences. The first one is done for you.
Bleating, hissing, barking, croaking, Grunting
- The frogs are croaking in the lake
- The pigs are all ____________
- The dogs are __________ at the stranger.
- Five of the sheep are _________ because they are hungry.
- The snakes were ___________ on the top of the cashew tree.
Complete these similes
Example: As old as the hills
- As _________ as Solomon
- As _________ as bone
- As crafty as a ____________
- As cunning as a ___________
- As simple as _____________