CLASS: PRIMARY 6            SUBJECT: Cultural & Creative Art


  1. ________ involves making pictures with pen, pencil etc.      (a) modelling      (b) drawing   (c) dying (d) printing
  2. Still-life drawing involves the drawing of ____________

    (a) natural objects         (b) living things    (c) man made objects    (d) air

  1. The drawing of man is a good example of still-life drawing. True / False
  2. Life drawing is the ________ (a) drawing of Living things (b) drawing of non-living things         (c) drawing of man-made objects        (d) drawing of pencils
  3. Life drawing is usually done in all these places, EXCEPT ________

    (a) church     (b) studio     (c) life room         (d) none of the above

  1. Imaginative composition requires more of your ________ to produce a creative scene. 

    (a)     knowledge     (b) observation         (c) pictorial         (d) creative

  1. Imaginative composition involves drawing from ___________

    (a) revelation     (b) imagination     (c) environment     (d) vision

  1. Events around us do not include _________ (a) cultural events (b) social events             (c) heavenly events         (d) naming ceremony
  2. Imaginative composition is more of your ability to _____ and _____

    (a) see and forget     (b) see and re-cap    (c) vision and imagination    (d) sing and dance

  1. A _________ sings in a festival. (a) teacher (b) mc     (c) musician        (d) host
  2. In a local festival, people always dance. True / False
  3. Husband can slap his wife in a marriage ceremony. True/ False
  4. Tie and dye is an act of designing clothes. True/ False
  5. All these are material for tie and dye EXCEPT ________  (a) rope    (b) twine   (c) block  (d) elastic
  6. The fabric is then removed from the liquid and the ties are removed also to show the _________     on the fabric. (a) line           (b) structure      (c) pattern        (d) design
  7. Tie and dye can be done with tying of _________ in various parts of the fabrics (a) rope    (b) nylon     (c) thread             (d) wire
  8. These rhythmic movements are dependent on the value of the ______ (a) books (b) notes (c) beat     (d) sound
  9. The ________ figure tells the numbers of beats in a bar.   (a) upper (b) lower (c) normal (d) beats
  10. All these are guide should be use in simple rhythmic time EXCEPT.

    (a) Quaver     (b) Tenor     (c) Semi quaver     (d) crotchet

  1. The beat in a compound rhythmic time are divided into three. True/False.
  2. The _________ is usually used as a standard of measurement.

    (a) leg     (b) finger    (c) head     (d) mouth

  1. People form a _________ when there is a need to sing and train their voices (a) song (b) dance     (c) choir     (d) music
  2. A choir is mostly found in the ______________________________________________________
  3. The part of a choir are all these EXCEPT.(a) soprano         (b) alto      (c) voice           (d) bass
  4. Tenor is the third voice range or category. True/False
  5. The voice must be able to sing within a given low to high sound mostly from the __________     (a) piano     (b) drum    (c) keyboard        (d) guitar
  6. Bass is the fourth voice range or category. True/ False
  7. The first of the four parts will sing or play the _______ (a) solo    (b) trid        (c) melody     (d) octet
  8. Groups of just four people, singing as quartets, can perform in four part harmony. True/False
  9. Mention one festival that people celebrate every year _________



1a.    Explain the meaning of a choir

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________


  1. State the parts of a choir

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________


  1. List two types of singing

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________


2a.    What is a life drawing?

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________


  1. Define Imaginative drawing.

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________


  1. Mention methods of decorating fabrics by tie and dye.

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________


3a.    Draw the following objects

  1. A car







  1. A flag








    iii.    A tree








4a.    What do you understand by rhythmic movement?

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________


  1. The beats in a compound rhythmic time are divided into three, list them.

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________


















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