Class:  J.S.S 2   Subject: Christian religious studies

` Answer all questions in this section

  1. The humility in Jesus was revealed by allowing a lesser person to ________ (a)Preach to him (b) Wash his feet (c)Baptize him (d)all of the above
  2. The wilderness where Jesus was tempted _______ (a) A place full of people (b)a place of prayer (c) A place without food and water (d)  an abode of spirit 
  3. The appearance of the dove during the baptism of Jesus signified ____________(a) The presence of God (b) the presence of the holy spirit (c) The presence of God (d) The Messiah of Jesus
  4. We can overcome temptation by _______(a)Fighting (b)Dancing (c)Using the word of God (d)All of the above 
  5. Temptation is a sin (a) Yes (b) No (c) Partial sin (d)None of the above 
  6. The practice of baptism is part of the ______ custom (a) Israelite (b) Egyptian (c) Jewish (d) All of the above 
  7. Jesus came from _____ to Jordan to be baptized by John (a) Galilee(b)Nazareth (c) Jerusalem (d) Israelite
  8. Jesus _____ his parents and followed them (a) Disobeyed (b)Obeyed (c)Disagreed (d)Fought
  9. During the baptism of Jesus ,_________(a)Angels sang sweet hymns (b) There was  a voice from heavens (c) The spirit of God stood by him (d)None of the above 
  10. According to Mathew, the second temptation of Jesus was that He should ______(a) Turn stone  to bread (b)Jump down from the pinnacle of the temple (c) Bow down and worship (d) Jump down and worship 
  11. The temptation of Jesus Christ on top of the mountain was to know if (a)Jesus would be enticed by beauty of the world (b)Jesus would succumb to hunger (c) Jesus would be abandoned by God (d)Jesus was really the son of God 
  12. Which of the prophet fore  told the birth of Jesus Christ (a) Isaiah (b) Jeremiah (c) Samuel (d) Solomon 
  13. Which angel announced the birth of Jesus Christ (a) Angel Michael (b) Angel Raphael (c) Angel Malakai (d)Angel Gabriel
  14. After the angel had left, Mary discovered she was pregnant some _________ later (a) Months (b) Weeks (c) Years (d)Days 
  15. Joseph and Mary had to go for census in ______(a)Jerusalem (b)Israel (c)Bethlehem(d)Egypt
  16. Jesus was wrapped with ________ in manager (a)Linen Clothes (b)Wool Clothes (c)Swaddling clothes (d) All of the above
  17. Who was the Roman emperor when Jesus was born (a)King Herod (b)Caesar Augustus (c) Caesar Agatha (d) King Saul 
  18. Who is the earthly father of Jesus Christ (a) Isiah (b) Joseph (c)David (d)Abraham 
  19. How many wise men visited Jesus (a) Five (b) Four (c)Three (d)We are not told 
  20. How did the shepherds know about the birth of Jesus Christ (a)They heard from the radio (b)someone told them (b)The angel told them (d)King Herold told them 
  21. Where was Jesus born? (a)On the road (b)Hospital(c)Manager (d)Galilee
  22. Jesus did not do many _______ in his town (a)Business (b)Healing (c)Preaching (d)All of the above 
  23. What was Jesus doing in the synagogue (a) He was playing (b) He was fighting (c)He was teaching the words (d)He was praying 
  24. James, Joseph, Simon, and ________ are Jesus’ brothers (a)Judas (b)Isaiah(c)Jeremiah (d)Jacob
  25. The wise men saw _____ in the sky when Jesus was born (a)Moon (b)Sun (c)Star (d)None of the above
  26. The wise men were directed to _____ palace (a)King David’s (b)King Sauls (c)King Caesar’s (d)non of the above 
  27. Herod called the ______ and ______ to inquire about the birth of Jesus(a) Pharisees and the scribes (b)Pharisees and Egyptians (c)Scribes and Israelites (d) Pharisees and Israelite
  28. God sent _______ to the Joseph to take his family to Egypt (a) Prophets (b)Man (c)Pastor (d)Angel
  29. ________ is the mother of Jesus (a) Elizabeth (b)Mary (c)Esther (d)Deborah 
  30. Why did Jesus and his family go to Jerusalem (a)to participate in the feast of Passover(b) To participate in the feast of Tabernacle (c)TO participate in the feast of Pentecost (d) To participate in the feast of Purim 



 Answer any three questions from this part 

  1. List five significance of the baptism of Jesus Christ 
  2. Mention the three temptation of Jesus Christ and His replies
  3. State the three gift that were given to Jesus by the wise men and their significance  3b. Mention two values of virginity before marriage
  4. Highlight five significance of Jesus Christ temptation
  5. Describe Jesus understanding of the word “Family”



Class:  J.S.S 2   Subject: Christian religious studies


Answer any three questions from this part 

  1. List five significance of the baptism of Jesus Christ 
  2. Mention the three temptation of Jesus Christ and His replies
  3. State the three gift that were given to Jesus by the wise men and their significance 

3b. Mention two values of virginity before marriage 

  1. Highlight five significance of Jesus Christ temptation
  2. Describe Jesus understanding of the word “Family”


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