Class:    SS2 Subject: AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE       Time:  


  1. The practice of cutting only matured forest trees and allowing other young ones to grow is known as ______ a) regeneration b) afforestation c) deforestation d) selective exploration
  2. Liming is used to correct soil’s a) neutrality b)acidity c) cation exchange capacity d)porosity
  3. Replenishing soil nutrients involves the following except a) leaching b) bush fallowing c)cover cropping d) liming 
  4. The type of survey used for determining the flatness or steepness of farmland is a) chain survey b) soil survey c) topography survey d) transverse survey.
  5. Farm survey equipment includes the following except a) ranging pole b) arrows c)datum d) chain.
  6. Nitrogen is taken by plant root in the form of a) nitrate b)nitrite c) nitric acid d) nitrogen gas 
  7. In the process of recycling carbon in nature, carbon dioxide is used by crops during a)respiration b) decomposition c) photosynthesis d) transpiration
  8. Factors to be considered when choosing surface irrigation include the following except a)soil fertility b) soil type c) type of crop grown d) water source
  9. The effect of oil spillage is that it a) causes excess soil acidity b) cause increase in feed intake in farm animals c) increases soil microbial activities d) increases  the breeding pathogens
  10. The human activity that has positive effects on the forest management is a) afforestation b) poaching c) industrialization d) bush burning
  11. In planning a farm stead, the structure which should be located  on high elevation is the a) fish pond b) piggery c) farm house d) processing shed
  12. The main use of gunter’s chain is ______ a) taking measurement of distances b) determining the depth of soil moisture c) restraining bulls d) calculating slope of the land 
  13. Drainage refers to a) removal of excess water from the soil b) removal of nutrients from the soil c) addition of water to the soil d) protection of soil from erosion
  14. Irrigation water is passed underneath the soil through a) sprinkler b) canals c) drips d) pipes
  15. _____ is an importance of water a) mulching b) cover cropping c) medium for absorption of mineral salt bt the root d) organic manure
  16. _____ is a combination of animal wastes such as animal feaces, urine and animal bedding which collectively undergo decomposition a) greenyard manure b) farm yard manure c) composite manure d) fertilizer
  17. The continuous movement of water from the atmosphere to the earth and the earth to the atmosphere a)water cycle b) carbon cycle c) nitrogen cycle d) phosphorous cycle
  18. A person who grows and sell flower is called______ a) florist b)culturist c) flower producer d) producers
  19. A plot of land devoted to the cultivation of fruit trees is called a) orchard b) farmstead c) forest d)ranch
  20. _____is made of wood or metal and usually painted white, black, white and red color a) measuring tape b) theodolite c) ranging pole d) arrow.
  21.   Excess water is removed from the farmland using perforated pipe dug under the ground in a process called a) sub surface drainage b) surface drainage c) over flooding d) Irrigation 
  22. Some of the problems associated with irrigation includes all except a) inadequate water supply b) irrigation equipment is expensive c) fertilizer can be applied through this system d) it disturbs free movement of farm machineries
  23. The main sources of pollution on agricultural land include all except a) ammonia gas from animal waste b) noise c) chemicals d) freshwater 
  24. The form of irrigation which discharges water through nozzles called emittors at selected spacing is called a)  drip irrigation b) sprinkler c) emittery d) nozzle
  25. Which of the following sources of water is least useful for irrigation purposes? a) sea b) river c) lake d) borehole
  26. The growing of both forest trees and arable crops simultaneously on the same piece of land is termed a) mixed cropping b) taungya system c) pastoral farming d) mixed farming 
  27. The most efficient irrigation method on large scale farms involves the use of a) overhead irrigation facilities b) flooding system c) underground porous pipe d) shadoof system
  28. Which of the following farm implement is not hand operated a) garden shears b) ridger c) cutlasses d) secateurs 
  29. An advantage of individual system of land ownership is that a) a land may be fragmented b) land cannot be used as a collateral c) it encourages long term planning d) it encourage land litigation 
  30. Which of the following is not a factor of soil formation a) topography b) land reservation c) parent material d) climate 


Answer any two (2) questions and no 5 

1a) Define the term farm surveying (2 marks)

  1. b) State two ways by which each of the following factor influence the siting of farm
  2. i) Soil type (2 marks)
  3. ii) water supply (2 marks)

 iii) Topography (2 marks)

  1. c) List 2 macro nutrients/elements in the soil (2 marks)

2a) what is soil drainage   (2 marks)

  1. b) List 3 economic importance of drainage to the agricultural production   (3 marks)
  2. c) List 3 factors influencing nutrient availability in the soil (3 marks)
  3. d) List 2 methods of replenishing lost nutrients in the soil (2 marks)

3a) list the types of agricultural pollution that you know (2 marks)

  1. b) Draw annotated diagram of the nitrogen cycle (4 marks)
  2. c) List 2 ways of conserving water in the soil (2 marks)
  3. d) List 2 problems associated with irrigation system (2 marks)

4a) what is Deforestation and Afforestation (2 marks)

  1. b) List 3 importance of ornamental plants (3 marks)
  2. c) Mention 3 ornamental plants you know (3 marks)
  3. d) Give 2 importance of irrigation to crop production (2 marks)

Alternative to practical

5) Specimen A – urea fertilizer

    Specimen B – poultry manure 

    Specimen C – peg

    Specimen D – ranging pole 

    Specimen E – secateurs

  1. Give 3 differences between Specimen A and B (3 marks)
  2. Give 2 effect of excessive use of specimen A on the crop production  (2 marks)
  3. Give 2 differences between specimen C and D  (2 marks)
  4. Give two maintenances practices of using farm surveying equipment    (2 marks)
  5. Give 1 use of specimen E   (1 marks)
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