1. Software helps you to ————— (a) memories the computer (b) accomplish specific task (c) Control the system (d) Write on the computer.
  2. Application software are prNograms that tell the computer ————– (a) number of the system in the ICT (b) Names of the people in the ICT. (C) TO load a document (d) How to produce information 
  3. ————— software let you play games on your computer (a) phone (b) Computer (c) game (d) Com bat.
  4. A spreadsheet program helps you manage personal and ——– finances. (a) business (b) School (c) Bank.
  5. Commonly used database programs include (a) Word processor and Lotus approach (b) Powerpoint and access (c) Microsoft access and lotus approach (d) Computer book and Excel.
  6. ________  can be defined as the position the whole body assumes during the performance of any activities (a) influence (b) posture (c) safety (d) reasons
  7. ________ is the abnormal way of holding or carrying the body during the performance of various activities due to deviation from the normal axis of the bones (a) rapid growth (b) environment (c) postural defects (d) abdomen
  8. ______ can be simply defined as the illegal transportation of people from one place to another for the purpose of economic exploitation, slavery and forced labour. (a) human trafficking (b) slight and relax (c) individual force (d) heredity 
  9. ______ is one of the health implication of human trafficking (a) opportunities (b) occupation (c) depression (d) minimum
  10. ______ is one of the precaution against liability in physical and health education  (a) there should be regular inspection of equipment and apparatus (b) rest and sleep (c) defects (d) habit
  11. Organisms in Aquatic habitat have —————- bodies.  (a) floating  (b) streamlined (c) round (d) straight.
  12. One of this is not an adaptation for Aquatic organisms (a) possession of streamlined (b) possession of two legs (c) the use of fins and web digits for locomotion (d) the ability to feed by filter method . 
  13. The ability of plants in this habitat to possess climbing roots while others have tendrils is peculiar to the ————- (a) arboreal habitat (b) Aquatic habitat (c) Terrestial habitat (d) none of the above.
  14. The ———- control muscular activities of the body, hearing vision taste and smell. (a) cerebrum (b) hemisphere (c) cerebellum (d) oblongata 
  15. What makes Human unique?  (a) they have hands. (b) they have eyes (c) they have nails (d) higher intelligence due to highly developed brain   
  16. The following are first aid materials except ———– (a) iodine solution (b) cotton wool (c) syringe (d) balm 
  17. A first aider must ————- (a) prevent blood (b) worsen the victim’s condition  (c) protect the victim from excessive blood loss (d)  kill the victim 
  18. ABC is an acronym  for (a) applied biology course (b) airways bleeding circulation (c) abiodun Bukola craig  (d) actual  basic concept.
  19. Wood is used for the following except (a) toothpick (b) furniture (c) glass (d) canoes 
  20. ————- is used to produce cooking utensils (a) brass (b) lead (c) aluminium (d) copper


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