Subject:   C.R.S Class: BASIC 1

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A: Objective 

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section


  1. Who is the creator? (a) everybody   (b) a person who brings something into existence     (c)I don’t know 
  2. Who created you?   (a)Satan     (b)john     (c)God
  3. ___________ created heaven and earth?    (a)Paul    (b)God    (c)Jesus
  4. God created everything by his ______    (a)words     (b)hand    (c)legs
  5. How many days did he took God to created heaven and earth?   (a)7 days    (b)6 days    (c)5 days
  6. God rested and blesses on the  ____days   (a)6     (b)5    (c)7
  7. God created ______and ______ in the first day  (a)seas and river      (b)light and darkness   (c)plant and animals
  8. On the 5th day God created _______   (a)animals     (b)man     (c)light and darkness
  9. God created _____ on the last day  (a)sun and moon   (b)animals    (c)man
  10. God created _____  on the last day   (a)hatred    (b)image    (c)badness
  11. God created things for his  _______    (a)glory     (b)hatred   (c)badness
  12. We show our love for God by _____ his words   (a)hate     (b)disobey   (c)obey
  13. Who provides for all  our needs?   (a)God    (b)peter     (c)Satan
  14. Always read our bible and  ______  (a)curse    (b)fight     (c)pray
  15. All things created by God show is _____   (a)power   (b)hatreds    (c)wickedness
  16. _______  is the giver of family  (a)Paul      (b)God    (c)Satan
  17. Who protects our family (a)Satan     (b)peter    (c)God
  18. ______ and  _____ are  the first man and woman God created (a)Mary and Joseph (b)Adam and Eve    (c)Martar and Paul
  19. God put Adam and Eve in the garden of  _______   (a)Eden   (b)olive    (c)angel
  20. We _____ one another (a)hate    (b)fight   (c)love




  1. Who is the creator?  _________________________________________________


  1. How many days he took God to create heaven and earth?  _______ 
  1. List what God created in the following days 


1st day _________________________________


3rd day _________________________________


4th day   _________________________________


5th day __________________________________


  1. i. God created __________ in the last day
  1. God rested and bless _______ day


  1. write two reasons why God created things ____________________ ____________________________



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