First Term Mid Term Assessment Basic Science Primary 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Basic Science Primary 3 First Term Mid Term Assessment Week 7

Subject: Basic Science
Class: Primary 3
Term: First Term
Week: 7
Age: 8 years

Assessment Overview

The Mid Term Assessment aims to evaluate pupils’ understanding and retention of key concepts covered in the first half of the term. The assessment will include questions on topics from Weeks 1 through 6.

Assessment Content

  1. Measurement of Length
    • Meaning of length
    • Instruments of measuring length
    • Metric units of length
  2. Measurement of Mass
    • Meaning of mass
    • Instruments of measuring mass
    • Metric units of mass
  3. Measurement of Time
    • Meaning and instruments of measuring time
    • Standard metric units of time
  4. Forms of Energy (Light Energy)
    • Meaning of light energy
    • Sources and uses of light energy
  5. Mirror-Image Formation
    • Properties of light
    • Types of mirrors
    • Reflection of light

Assessment Format

  1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
  2. Fill-in-the-Blank Questions
  3. Short Answer Questions

Sample Questions

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. What is the unit of measuring length?
    a) Kilogram
    b) Meter
    c) Second
    d) Ampere
  2. Which instrument is used to measure mass?
    a) Ruler
    b) Thermometer
    c) Balance
    d) Stopwatch
  3. How is time measured?
    a) In grams
    b) In liters
    c) In seconds
    d) In meters
  4. What is the primary source of light energy?
    a) Lamp
    b) Sun
    c) Candle
    d) Moon
  5. What type of mirror creates a virtual image?
    a) Concave mirror
    b) Convex mirror
    c) Plane mirror
    d) Colored mirror

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. Light energy is essential for _____, which helps plants grow.
    a) photosynthesis
    b) digestion
    c) heating
    d) freezing
  2. A _____ is used to measure the length of an object.
    a) balance
    b) ruler
    c) thermometer
    d) stopwatch
  3. The unit for measuring mass is the _____.
    a) liter
    b) meter
    c) gram
    d) second
  4. A _____ mirror is used to see a reflection of oneself.
    a) plane
    b) convex
    c) concave
    d) magnifying
  5. The process by which light bounces off a surface is called _____.
    a) reflection
    b) absorption
    c) refraction
    d) dispersion

Short Answer Questions

  1. Name two instruments used for measuring length.
    Answer: Ruler, Tape measure
  2. What is the purpose of a balance in measuring mass?
    Answer: To determine the weight of objects
  3. How do we measure time? Give one example.
    Answer: Time is measured in seconds, minutes, and hours. An example is a clock.
  4. List two sources of light energy.
    Answer: Sun, Lamp
  5. Why is a plane mirror important for personal grooming?
    Answer: It allows us to see our reflection clearly.

Assessment Procedure

  • Duration: 45 minutes
  • Materials Needed: Pen/pencil, answer sheet, any required instruments for practical questions
  • Instructions: Pupils should answer all questions to the best of their ability. Encourage them to review their answers before submitting.


After the assessment, review the answers and provide feedback to the pupils to reinforce their understanding of the topics covered.

Let me know if you need any additional details or adjustments!



CLASS: PRIMARY 3                         



SUBJECT: Basic Science And Technology              

TIME: 2 Hour

NAME: ___ ________________


Instruction: Answer all the questions

  1. __________ is used for measuring length (a) ruler (b) bag (c) hair
  2. All are units of length except _________ (a) metre (b) kilometer (c) kilogram
  3. __________ is used for measuring mass (a) ruler (b) bag            (c) scale
  4. __________ is the unit of length (a) millimeter            (b) centimeter           (c) both
  5. Which is bigger, kilogram or tonne? _______________________
  6. The metric unit of mass is ___________ (a) cm (b) g                (c) dm
  7. ___________ is used for measuring time in the past. (a) wrist watch (b) sunglass (c) crowing the cock
  1. ___________ is the unit for time (a) kg (b) sec           (c) g
  2. All these are instrument used in measuring time EXCEPT ____________ (a) watch        (b) stone        (c) phone
  1. Living things can be __________ (a) plants (b) animals (c) all of the above
  2. Non-living things can __________ (a) die (b) none of the above (c) eat
  3. Plants undergo different stages of growth from generation to production of flowers and ____________  (a) fruits (b) animals (c) walking
  4. __________ can move from one place to another. (a) plants (b) none (c) animals
  5. _____________ animals are animals that lives around us.

(a) domestic  (b) wild (c) animals

  1. The young one of a dog is called _____________ (a) kid (b) puppy (c) chick
  2. ___________ feeds their young ones with milk. (a) snake (b) goat (c) birds
  3. ___________ is used for measuring height. (a) clock (b) bath room scale(c) height scale
  1. _______ is used for measuring things in the past.(a) the foot (b) ruler (c) scale
  2. ____________ is used to measure weight of an object. (a) ruler (b) spring balance (c) bathroom scale
  3. 100 centigrams is equal to __________ (a) 1 centigram (b) 1 gram (c) 1 tonne
  4. The mass of an object is the same ____(a) on earth (b) in space (c) everywhere
  5. 1000 millimetres is equal to ____(a) 1 kilometre (b) 1 metre (c) all of the above
  6. Plants can be used as ______________ except.(a) shade (b) clothes (c) medicine
  7. We use ___________ soil for planting (a) loamy soil (b) clay soil (c) sandy soil
  8. The soil used for moulding different thing is called _______(a) loamy soil (b) clay soil (c) sandy          soil
  1. How many types of soil do we have? (a) 18      (b) 7    (c) 3
  2. ____________ helps the roots of plant stay in the soil.

(a) food          (b) water        (c) soil

  1. We ____________ with sand. (a) build houses (b) eat (c) make clothes
  2. ____________ soil is red in colour. (a) clay soil (b) sandy soil (c) loamy soil
  3. Plants can do the following except ____(a) reproduce (b) growth (c) movement


  1. What is Length?       (3 marks)
  2. List 3 things we can use to measure length. (3 marks)
  3. Write the metric units of length (5 marks)
  4. What is Mass?          (3 marks)
  5. List 5 types of balances    (3 marks)
  6. What is soil? (4 marks)
  7. List the 3 types of soil (3 marks)
  8. What is Living thing           (3 marks)
  9. List 3 characteristics you can find both in animals and plants. (3 marks)

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