

CLASS: PRIMARY 3                        


SUBJECT: Agricultural Science



Instruction: Answer all the questions

  1. ___________ carries pollens from one flower to another. (a) butterfly (b) book (c) sport wear
  2. Farm tools make work __________ on the farm. (a) hard (b) worst (c) easy
  3. Which of the following insect produces honey. (a) ant (b) termites (c) bee
  4. We use wheel barrow for ______(a) carrying farm produce (b) animals (c) carrying human being
  5. ____________ are the chemicals found food needed for growth and body well being. (a) poisoning (b) nutrients (c) decay
  6. Body building foods are called ____________ (a) fatty food (b) protein (c) water
  7. Energy giving foods are called ______________ (a) protein (b) carbohydrates (c) fats and oil
  8. Carbohydrates gives the body the needed ____________ (a) energy (b) vitamins (c) protein
  9. ____________ is an example of energy giving foods. (a) beans (b) pawpaw (c) millet
  10. ____________ is an example of Tuber crop. (a) guinea corn (b) cocoyam (c) millet
  11. Proteinous foods help ____________ the body (a) build (b) damage (c) mal-nourish
  12. One of these is not a body building food. (a) beans (b) cassava (c) cray fish
  13. _____________ is an example of crop origin (a) meat (b) egg (c) beans
  14. Body building foods are classified into___________ (a) 4            (b) 2          (c) 3
  15. We have ___________ classes of food. (a) 3 (b) 8              (c) 6
  16. Fruits gives the body ______________ (a) energy (b) vitamins (c) carbohydrates
  17. Energy giving foods are classified into ___________ (a) 2               (b) 4               (c) 3
  18. Pineapple, mangos and oranges are examples of ____________(a) vegetables (b) fruits (c) protein
  19. Fruits gives the body _____________ (a) carbohydrate (b) protein (c) vitamins
  20. ____________ can also be used as food (a) meat (b) fruits (c) vegetables
  21. Lime fruits can be used as __________(a) food (b) medicine (c) cream
  22. Vegetables and fruits protect the body against _________(a) sleeping (b) diseases (c) obesity
  23. Vegetable are classified into leafy vegetables and ___________

(a) fruit vegetables (b) bitter vegetables (c) seed vegetables

  1. We use palm oil to make _______________ (a) soap (b) drink (c) clothes
  2. Fatty foods contains ___________(a) protein (b) fat (c) blood
  3. Palm oil, groundnut oil is an examples of __________ (a) fatty (b) carbonhydrates (c) bitter
  4. Oil is used for _______________ (a) baking (b) bathing (c) playing
  5. Which of the following insect live in colony. (a) ants (b) butterflies (c) snakes
  6. ____________ is needed for form work (a) gun (b) bottle (c) cutlass
  7. ____________ is the cultivation and rearing of animals for human use.

(a) vegetables (b) civic education (c) agriculture




  1. What is fruit crop                 (3 marks)
  2. List 10 types of fruits          (5 marks)
  3. List 5 importance of fruits and vegetable crops (5 marks)
  4. List the classes of Energy giving foods with 5 examples each (3 marks)
  5. List 3 uses of oil (2 marks)
  6. List 6 tools used on the farm (5 marks)
  7. What is food? (4 marks)
  8. List 5 types of food (3 marks)






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