The Birth of Jesus Christ Christian Religious Studies JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1

Lesson Plan for Christian Religious Studies

Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: JSS 2
Term: First Term
Week: 1
Age: 12-13 years
Topic: The Birth of Jesus
Sub-topic: I. Narrate the Annunciation of the Birth
II. Discuss the Story of the Birth of Jesus
III. State the Importance of the Visit by the Wise Men and their Gifts
Duration: 80 minutes

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Narrate the annunciation of the birth of Jesus.
  2. Discuss the story of Jesus’ birth.
  3. State the significance of the visit by the Wise Men and their gifts.


  • Annunciation
  • Birth
  • Wise Men
  • Gifts
  • Jesus Christ

Set Induction

The teacher begins by asking students if they know how people announce the birth of a baby in their families or communities. This will get them to think about the joy surrounding a newborn.

Entry Behavior

Students are familiar with stories of birth announcements and celebrations in their communities.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Bible (New Testament: Matthew 1:18-25, Luke 1:26-38, and Matthew 2:1-12)
  • Pictures of the nativity scene
  • Drawing charts showing the Wise Men and their gifts
  • A replica of the gifts (gold, frankincense, and myrrh)

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Students have learned about the prophets of old foretelling the coming of a Messiah. This lesson connects with that prior knowledge.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Listening comprehension

Learning Materials

  • Bible passages (Luke 1:26-38; Matthew 2:1-12)
  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Visuals of the nativity scene

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Christian Religious Studies
  • Holy Bible (New International Version)

Instructional Materials

  • Bible
  • Visual aids (pictures, charts)
  • Writing board and marker

Content Outline

  1. Annunciation of the Birth of Jesus
    The annunciation refers to the announcement made by the angel Gabriel to Mary, informing her that she would give birth to a son, Jesus, who would be the Son of God. Gabriel also tells her that her cousin Elizabeth is expecting a child, despite her old age.
  2. The Birth of Jesus
    Jesus was born in Bethlehem, in a manger, because there was no room at the inn. Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem due to a census ordered by the Roman governor. Jesus’ birth was a humble event, celebrated by shepherds who were informed by angels.
  3. The Visit by the Wise Men and Their Gifts
    Wise Men (Magi) from the East followed a star that led them to Jesus. They brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

    • Gold: Represented Jesus’ kingship.
    • Frankincense: Symbolized His divinity.
    • Myrrh: Acknowledged His future suffering and death.

Examples Relevant to the Topic

  1. Angel Gabriel’s announcement to Mary.
  2. Joseph and Mary’s journey to Bethlehem.
  3. Jesus’ birth in a manger.
  4. The star leading the Wise Men.
  5. The gifts from the Wise Men: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Evaluation: Fill-in-the-blank Questions

  1. The angel who visited Mary was called ___ (a. Michael, b. Gabriel, c. Raphael, d. Uriel).
  2. Jesus was born in the town of ___ (a. Nazareth, b. Jerusalem, c. Bethlehem, d. Galilee).
  3. The Wise Men followed a ___ to find Jesus (a. moon, b. star, c. sun, d. light).
  4. The Wise Men came from the ___ (a. West, b. East, c. South, d. North).
  5. One of the gifts the Wise Men brought was ___ (a. silver, b. frankincense, c. pearl, d. ivory).
  6. Jesus’ mother was named ___ (a. Ruth, b. Sarah, c. Mary, d. Rachel).
  7. Jesus’ earthly father was called ___ (a. Jacob, b. Peter, c. Joseph, d. John).
  8. Jesus was placed in a ___ after His birth (a. crib, b. manger, c. bed, d. palace).
  9. ___ appeared to the shepherds to announce Jesus’ birth (a. Angels, b. Kings, c. Soldiers, d. Fishermen).
  10. The Wise Men gave Jesus gifts because they recognized Him as a ___ (a. king, b. warrior, c. fisherman, d. priest).
  11. Frankincense symbolized ___ (a. kingship, b. divinity, c. death, d. life).
  12. Myrrh represented ___ (a. kingship, b. wealth, c. suffering, d. joy).
  13. The angel Gabriel also told Mary about ___ being pregnant (a. Elizabeth, b. Martha, c. Ruth, d. Esther).
  14. Jesus was born during the reign of ___ (a. Caesar Augustus, b. King David, c. Herod, d. Solomon).
  15. The census that took place was ordered by ___ (a. Pilate, b. Caesar Augustus, c. Herod, d. Gabriel).

Class Activity Discussion: FAQs

  1. Who told Mary about the birth of Jesus?
    Answer: The angel Gabriel.
  2. Where was Jesus born?
    Answer: Bethlehem.
  3. Why did Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem?
    Answer: For a census.
  4. What was Jesus placed in after birth?
    Answer: A manger.
  5. Who followed the star to visit Jesus?
    Answer: The Wise Men.
  6. What gifts did the Wise Men bring?
    Answer: Gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
  7. What does gold symbolize?
    Answer: Kingship.
  8. What does frankincense represent?
    Answer: Divinity.
  9. What does myrrh symbolize?
    Answer: Jesus’ future suffering.
  10. Who appeared to the shepherds?
    Answer: Angels.
  11. What message did the angels bring to the shepherds?
    Answer: The birth of Jesus.
  12. Who was Joseph?
    Answer: Jesus’ earthly father.
  13. Where did the Wise Men come from?
    Answer: The East.
  14. What does the star represent?
    Answer: The guiding light to Jesus.
  15. Who was Mary?
    Answer: The mother of Jesus.


  1. Step 1: Revising the previous topic, which was “The Prophecy of the Messiah.”
  2. Step 2: Introducing the new topic: “The Birth of Jesus” by reading from the Bible (Luke 1:26-38, Matthew 2:1-12).
  3. Step 3: Allowing pupils to share their knowledge about the nativity story, correcting them where necessary.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Read relevant Bible passages aloud.
  • Display visual aids showing the nativity scene and the Wise Men.
  • Guide class discussions and correct misconceptions.

Learners’ Activities

  • Listen to Bible passages.
  • Participate in discussions.
  • Ask questions and provide answers based on their understanding.

Evaluation Questions

  1. Who told Mary about the birth of Jesus?
  2. Where was Jesus born?
  3. What was Jesus placed in after birth?
  4. What gifts did the Wise Men bring?
  5. What does frankincense represent?
  6. Who followed the star to visit Jesus?
  7. Why did Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem?
  8. What does myrrh symbolize?
  9. Who appeared to the shepherds?
  10. What does gold symbolize?


The teacher goes around, marks students’ answers, and provides feedback on the topic, reinforcing key points about the birth of Jesus.

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