3rd Term Exam Questions Pry 4 Agric






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  1. The operation carried out on the farmland before planting is done is known as ________ (a) post-planting operation (b) planting operation (c)  pre-planting operation 
  2. Harvesting and weeding are examples of ______ operation (a) pre-planting (b) post planting (c) planting 
  3. _________ is a simple farm tool used in wetting crops on the farmland (a) wheelbarrow (b) watering can (c) shovel 
  4. The simple farm tools shown below is called a _______ (a) Hand trowel (b) hard fork  (c) hoe
  1. The following are digging tools except ______ (a) pick axe (b) head pan (c) spade 
  2. The simple farm tools used in cultivating the soil, weeding and harvesting is ________ (a) basket (b) hoe (c) rake
  3. There are _______ types of simple farm tools (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 5
  4. Which of these is an example of animal farm tools? (a) trap and fishing net (b) cutlass and hoe  (c) shovel and wheelbarrow 
  5. Cultural practices can be grouped into ________ operations (a) two (b) three (c) four 
  6. Vegetables are crops that are planted in order to give ________ to the body (a) carbohydrate (b) vitamins and minerals (c) protein
  7. Tilling of the soil simply means ______ (a) overturning of the soil (b) breaking down of large lump soil (c) making ridges and gathering soil.
  8. _________ is a chemical for controlling pests. (a) herbicides (b) insecticides (c) pesticides 
  9. Which is the best soil for planting? (a) loamy (b) sandy (c) clay 
  10. _______ is the breaking down of rocks into smaller particles called soil (a) welding (b) weathering (c) weathering 
  11. _______ is the washing away of the topmost soil by water, wind or man (a) soil fertilizer (b) soil erosion (c) soil texture 
  12. The process of preserving food by using oil in order to prevent spoilage is known as ________ (a) frying (b) salting (c) drying 
  13. The topmost layer of the earth which supports plant growth and where some animals live is known as _______ (a) soil (b) cloud (c) water 
  14. Which of the soil is gritty, coarse and rough when felt? (a) loamy soil (b) clay soil (c) sandy soil
  15. Soil fertility can be increased by the following processes except ________ (a) manuring (b) mulching (c) overgrazing 
  16. Garri is a product of ________ (a) yam (b) cassava (c) maize  
  17. The process by which green plants manufacture their food from sunlight is called _________ (a) photosynthesis (b) photometer (c) photography 
  18. The chemical for killing pest is known as _______ (a) rodenticides (b) herbicides (c) pesticides
  19. ____ is the removal of unwanted plants on the farmland (a) mulching (b) weeding (c) tilling 
  20. Which of the following is a fishing tool? (a) hook and line (b) battery cages (c) bow and arrow
  21. _____ are chemicals used for killing insects (a) pesticides (b) insecticides (c) herbicides 
  22. The following are simple farm tools except ______ (a) hoe (b) tractor (c) spade 
  23. Which of the following is not example of ornamental plants? (a) bitter leaf (b) rose flower (c) hibiscus flower
  24. ______ is responsible for the green colour in plants (a) chloroquine (b) chlorophyll (c) chlorine
  25. ________ are plants which are planted mainly to beautify our surroundings (a) food crops (b) cash crops (c) ornamental crops
  26. Which of the following is not a cause of loss in soil fertility? (a) manuring (b) overgrazing (c) bush burning 


Section B

  1. (a) What are farm tools? _________________________________________________________


(b) List two groups of farm tools? (i) ___________________________________________________

(ii) _____________________________________________________


  1. (a) Mention two examples of pre-planting operations? (i) ______________________________

(ii) _________________________________

(b) What is post planting operations? _______________________________________________



  1. (a) List four examples of crop farm tools? (i) __________________________________________

(ii) _____________________________  (iii) _______________________________________

(iv) ____________________________________________

(b) Define tillage operation? _______________________________________________________



  1. (a) Define soil? __________________________________________________________________


(b) Mention four methods of preserving farm produce? (i) _______________________________

(ii)________________________________ (iii) _________________________________________

(iv) ________________________________________


  1. (a) What are ornamental plants? ___________________________________________________


(b) Give two examples of ornamental plants? (i) _______________________________________

(ii) ____________________________________ 



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