
Agricultural Science



SS 1



Second Term / 2nd Term



Week 10






Previous Knowledge: The pupils have previous knowledge of




that was taught in their previous lesson.



Behavioural  Objectives : At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to



  • Definition and Meaning of Farm Mechanization
  • Mechanized Agricultural Operations
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Farm Mechanization
  • Limitation/Problems of Farm Mechanization
  • Prospects of Farm Mechanization



Instructional Materials 


Methods of Teaching 

  • Role modelling
  • Questions and Answers
  • Explanation
  • Discussion
  • Recitation
  • Imitation
  • Story Telling
  • Dramatization



Definition and Meaning of Farm Mechanization

Mechanization can be defined as the use of modern implements as well as motorized equipment like plough, harrow, bridger, and also the use of agro-chemicals like insecticides, herbicides, fertilizers and improved seeds in the farm.

Farm Mechanization can be defined as the application of engineering, scientific and technological principles to agricultural production, storage and processing of farm products.

Farm Mechanization means the use of modern farm inputs instead of human efforts to increase agricultural productivity and efficiency.

Mechanized Agricultural Operations

Farm Mechanization covers almost all agricultural operations such as land preparation(ploughing, harrowing and ridging), planting, husbandry, fertilizer application, weeding, crop health, irrigation, crop harvesting, storage and processing, and animal care and management, milking, egg collection as well as processing and storage of farm animal produce.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Farm Mechanization

Advantages of Farm Mechanization

The following are the advantages of farm mechanization:

1. It reduces farm drudgery i.e. it makes it easy to avoid unpleasant manual jobs

2. It increases productivity i.e. large hectares of land can be put under cultivation

3.It facilitates timeliness of operations.

4. Farm operations are done and completed within a short period of time Farm

5. Mechanization encourages large scale farming

6.It reduces the cost of production and labour on the farm

7. It improves the quality of produce through proper processing.

8. Farm Mechanization helps in reclaiming waste lands.

9. There is reduction in the health hazard of the farmers due to manual or over-labour in the farm

10. It enables people to become specialized in certain operations within the farm.

11. It increases farmer’s income and improves his standard of living.

12. It increases yield/output per unit of land. It permits additional cropping each season by rapid harvesting and seedbed preparation


Disadvantages of Farm Mechanization

The following are the disadvantages of farm mechanization:

1. Displacement of farm workers. With the use of machines, the operations that can be done by many farm workers can now be carried out by few hands. This will make some workers to be jobless and unemployed

2. Destruction of soil structure. The use of machines such as tractors and bulldozers result in the destruction of fragile soil structure, leading to erosion.

3. Compaction of Soil. The use of heavy machines not only destroys the soil structure but also leads to the compaction (compression) of the soil.

4. Environmental Pollution. The exhaust and the dust raised by motor-vehicles used in pulling agricultural implements and other heavy equipment for processing of farm produce constitute environmental pollution.

5. Mechanization may limit production of some crops which are not easily mechanized eg. cocoyam and yam.

6. Farm Machines cannot control themselves; they need human labour to control them and such labour may not be readily available.

7. Mechanization accelerates the spread of pests and diseases due to contamination of machinery and equipment.

8. Most farm machines are expensive therefore, many farmers cannot afford them.

9. The cost of maintaining farm machines is very high. This is due to inadequate technical knowhow and spare parts. The use of farm machines can damage crops if not carefully and properly handled.

10. Unstable fuel supply: The use of farm machines relies heavily on fuel and electricity which may not be readily available and costly.

11. Farm Mechanization can lead to possible degradation of the soils or landscape.

12. Deforestation and Erosion. The use of machines encourages complete destruction of forest and removal of organic matter-rich-top soil. This makes the soil to loose its fertility.

Limitation/Problems of Farm Mechanization Factors limiting/hindering farm mechanization in Nigeria and other African countries are:

1. Small farm holdings

Most agricultural activities in Nigeria are in the hand of peasant farmers who have small hectares of farm to work. The fragmentation of land or small parcels of farms owned by the farmers are not economical for the use of machines to practice mechanization

2. Economic factors

Most farmers are poor and cannot afford the machines. Cost of hiring machines is high as well as maintenance. There is also inadequate machinery in the country.

3. Technical limitations

The manpower to operate and service the farm machines and equipment is not sufficiently available. Spare parts/maintenance facilities are not available while most of the machines are not adaptable to our local environment and needs.

4. Nature of vegetation and topography

The farmland in the tropics contains thick vegetation, tree stumps, many hills and valleys. These breakdown parts of machines and implements, cause obstructions and render them useless.

5. Social problems

Many people who would have been employed on the farm are rendered jobless as a result of the use of machines.

6. Seasonality of operation

In most part of the nation, agriculture is rain fed. Thus, machines remain idle after the cropping season. This makes the acquisition uneconomical.

7. Dependence on imported machines

Nigeria depends on imported machines which are not suitable for our soils. The machines suitable for the soil types have not been developed locally.

Prospects of Farm Mechanization

In spite of numerous limitations and problems of farm mechanization in Nigeria, many if not all farm operations could eventually be mechanized through the cooperation of farmers themselves, and with the assistance and strong commitment of the government. To achieve full mechanization of farm operations in future, the following should be done:

1. Farmers should form cooperative societies to enable them pool their resources together to own and operate farm machines.

2. The cost of farm machines should be subsidized by the government so that farmers can afford them.

3. Farmers should be given access to loans at single digit interest rate.

4. Farmers should be encouraged to carry out cooperative or communal farming so as to reduce the effect of land tenure system. Simple and less expensive farm machines and implements should be developed locally.

5. The government should establish agricultural engineering schools or stations to train personnel for fabricating, servicing and repair of farm machines.

6. Farmers should be educated to accept modern systems of farming in areas of mechanization.

7. Tractor hire service. The impact of tractor hire service should extend from state capitals to rural areas.

8. Private Sectors and NGOs Participation: Government should create enabling environment that can serve as incentives to attract the private sectors and N GOs into investing in agriculture.

9. For farm mechanization to be meaningful in the tropics, its introduction should be gradual, starting with crops and other operations where it is economically feasible.

Presentation : 

The topic is presented step by step

Step 1: The class teacher revises the old topic

Step 2: The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step 3: The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and gives room for pupils” participation


Class Teacher and Pupils Activities. Interaction or Participation 

This involves class teacher and pupils’ interaction, conversation, imitation or modeling through discussion, play method or just by recitation or asking and answering questions that are related to the topic that has just been taught.





1. Define the term mechanization.

2. What do you understand by farm mechanization?

3. Mention seven agricultural operations that can be mechanized

4. State a machine that can be used to carried out such operations.

5. Define the term mechanization

6. State six advantages of farm mechanization

7.  Enumerate five disadvantages of using farm machines.

8. List five factors limiting farm mechanization in Nigeria.

9. Briefly discuss two of the factors mentioned above.

10 State eight obstacles of farm mechanization in your country.

11. Suggest five ways to encourage farm mechanization in Nigeria.

12. State five benefits of using farm machines

13. Enumerate six effects of using machines on the farm

14. Describe five agricultural operations that can be mechanized

15. List out seven machines that can be used to carried out agricultural operations


Conclusion : 

The class teacher concludes the lesson by giving the pupils some notes on the topic that has just been taught. He goes round to mark and he does the necessary corrections.




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