Exploring Common Farm Animal Diseases: Causes, Examples, and Prevention Tips Agricultural Science Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Subject: Agricultural Science
Class: Primary 5
Term: Third Term
Week: 9
Topic: Common Diseases of Farm Animals
Sub-topic: Understanding diseases, their causes, and examples
Duration: 45 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

  • Students will define diseases of farm animals.
  • Students will identify the causes of diseases of farm animals.
  • Students will outline examples of farm animal diseases.

Key Vocabulary Words:

  1. Diseases
  2. Farm animals
  3. Causes
  4. Examples

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Textbooks
  • Visual aids (pictures of farm animal diseases)
  • Whiteboard and markers

Reference Books: Lagos State Scheme of Work for Agricultural Science, Primary 5

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

  • Review previous lessons on farm animals and their importance in agriculture.
  • Discuss the concept of health and the importance of keeping farm animals healthy.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Reading comprehension
  • Critical thinking
  • Communication


Common Diseases of Farm Animals:

  1. Define diseases of farm animals: Diseases of farm animals are illnesses or health conditions that affect animals raised on farms. 🐄
  2. Identify the causes of diseases of farm animals: The causes of diseases in farm animals can include bacteria, viruses, parasites, poor nutrition, and environmental factors. 🦠
  3. Outline some examples of farm animal diseases:
    • Foot-and-Mouth Disease: A viral disease that affects cloven-hoofed animals like cows and pigs, causing fever and blisters on the mouth and feet. 🐮
    • Mastitis: An inflammatory condition of the udder in dairy cows, often caused by bacteria, resulting in reduced milk production. 🐄
    • Newcastle Disease: A viral infection affecting poultry, causing respiratory and nervous system symptoms, leading to high mortality rates. 🐓
    • Scours: Diarrhea in young calves, often caused by bacterial or viral infections, leading to dehydration and weakness. 🐄
    • Blackleg: A bacterial infection in cattle, causing sudden death due to gas accumulation in muscles. 🐄

By understanding these diseases and their causes, farmers can take preventive measures to protect their animals’ health. 🌱


  1. Diseases of farm animals are illnesses or health conditions that affect ________ raised on farms.
    • a) humans
    • b) plants
    • c) animals
    • d) machines
  2. The causes of diseases in farm animals can include bacteria, viruses, parasites, poor ________, and environmental factors.
    • a) weather
    • b) nutrition
    • c) education
    • d) transportation
  3. Foot-and-Mouth Disease affects cloven-hoofed animals like cows and pigs, causing fever and blisters on the mouth and ________.
    • a) nose
    • b) ears
    • c) feet
    • d) tail
  4. Mastitis is an inflammatory condition of the udder in dairy cows, often caused by ________, resulting in reduced milk production.
    • a) parasites
    • b) viruses
    • c) bacteria
    • d) fungi
  5. Newcastle Disease is a viral infection affecting ________, causing respiratory and nervous system symptoms.
    • a) pigs
    • b) cows
    • c) chickens
    • d) goats
  6. Scours is diarrhea in young calves, often caused by bacterial or viral infections, leading to ________ and weakness.
    • a) dehydration
    • b) overhydration
    • c) hunger
    • d) strength
  7. Blackleg is a bacterial infection in cattle, causing sudden death due to gas accumulation in ________.
    • a) muscles
    • b) bones
    • c) organs
    • d) skin
  8. Diseases of farm animals affect their ________ and overall well-being.
    • a) nutrition
    • b) environment
    • c) health
    • d) education
  9. Farmers need to understand the causes of diseases to take ________ measures to protect their animals.
    • a) preventive
    • b) destructive
    • c) harmful
    • d) aggressive
  10. What are diseases of farm animals?
    • a) Illnesses or health conditions that affect animals raised on farms.
    • b) Medicines used to treat farm animals.
    • c) Food given to farm animals.
    • d) Equipment used on farms.
  11. What can cause diseases in farm animals?
    • a) Bacteria, viruses, parasites, poor nutrition, and environmental factors.
    • b) Sunshine and rain.
    • c) Farmers and veterinarians.
    • d) Plants and trees.
  12. What is one example of a disease that affects cows and pigs?
    • a) Foot-and-Mouth Disease.
    • b) Newcastle Disease.
    • c) Scours.
    • d) Blackleg.
  13. Which disease affects the udder in dairy cows?
    • a) Mastitis.
    • b) Foot-and-Mouth Disease.
    • c) Newcastle Disease.
    • d) Scours.
  14. What type of infection is Blackleg in cattle?
    • a) Bacterial.
    • b) Viral.
    • c) Fungal.
    • d) Parasitic.
  15. Why is it important for farmers to understand farm animal diseases?
    • a) To protect their animals’ health.
    • b) To harm their animals.
    • c) To sell their animals.
    • d) To ignore their animals’ health

Class Activity Discussion 

  1. What are diseases of farm animals?
    • Diseases of farm animals are illnesses or health conditions that affect animals raised on farms.
  2. What causes diseases of farm animals?
    • The causes of diseases in farm animals can include bacteria, viruses, parasites, poor nutrition, and environmental factors.
  3. Can you provide examples of farm animal diseases?
    • Examples of farm animal diseases include Foot-and-Mouth Disease, Mastitis, Newcastle Disease, Scours, and Blackleg.
  4. Why is it important to understand farm animal diseases?
    • Understanding farm animal diseases helps farmers take preventive measures to protect their animals’ health.
  5. What is Foot-and-Mouth Disease?
    • Foot-and-Mouth Disease is a viral disease that affects cloven-hoofed animals like cows and pigs, causing fever and blisters on the mouth and feet.
  6. What is Mastitis?
    • Mastitis is an inflammatory condition of the udder in dairy cows, often caused by bacteria, resulting in reduced milk production.
  7. What is Newcastle Disease?
    • Newcastle Disease is a viral infection affecting poultry, causing respiratory and nervous system symptoms.
  8. What is Scours?
    • Scours is diarrhea in young calves, often caused by bacterial or viral infections, leading to dehydration and weakness.
  9. What is Blackleg?
    • Blackleg is a bacterial infection in cattle, causing sudden death due to gas accumulation in muscles.
  10. How do farmers protect their animals from diseases?
    • Farmers protect their animals from diseases by practicing good hygiene, providing proper nutrition, and administering vaccinations.
  11. What are some signs that an animal may be sick?
    • Signs that an animal may be sick include loss of appetite, lethargy, fever, coughing, and diarrhea.
  12. Why is it important to quarantine sick animals?
    • Quarantining sick animals helps prevent the spread of diseases to healthy animals.
  13. How do farmers treat farm animal diseases?
    • Farmers treat farm animal diseases with medications prescribed by veterinarians, such as antibiotics and dewormers.
  14. What role do veterinarians play in managing farm animal diseases?
    • Veterinarians diagnose and treat farm animal diseases, as well as provide guidance on preventive measures and vaccination schedules.
  15. How can farmers prevent the spread of diseases on their farms?
    • Farmers can prevent the spread of diseases by practicing good biosecurity measures, such as limiting visitors, disinfecting equipment, and isolating sick animals.


  1. Introduction (5 minutes)
  2. Definition of Diseases of Farm Animals (5 minutes)
    • Define diseases of farm animals as illnesses or health conditions that affect animals raised on farms.
  3. Causes of Diseases of Farm Animals (10 minutes)
    • Discuss the causes of diseases in farm animals, including bacteria, viruses, parasites, poor nutrition, and environmental factors.
  4. Examples of Farm Animal Diseases (15 minutes)
    • Outline examples of farm animal diseases, such as Foot-and-Mouth Disease, Mastitis, Newcastle Disease, Scours, and Blackleg.
    • Show visual aids to illustrate each example.
  5. Teacher’s Activities (5 minutes)
    • Facilitate class discussion.
    • Answer any questions from students.
  6. Learners’ Activities (10 minutes)
    • Students participate in discussions.
    • Students ask questions and seek clarification.
  7. Assessment (5 minutes)
    • Ask students to name one example of a farm animal disease.
    • Review answers and provide feedback.


  • Summarize key points discussed during the lesson.
  • Encourage students to continue learning about farm animal health.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What are diseases of farm animals?
  2. What causes diseases in farm animals?
  3. Can you name one example of a farm animal disease?
  4. Why is it important to keep farm animals healthy?
  5. How can farmers prevent the spread of diseases on their farms?
  6. Describe one example of a bacterial disease in farm animals.
  7. How do veterinarians help manage farm animal diseases?
  8. What are some signs that an animal may be sick?
  9. Why is it important to quarantine sick animals?
  10. What role do vaccinations play in preventing farm animal diseases?

Note to Teacher:

  • Encourage student participation and engagement throughout the lesson.
  • Provide opportunities for students to ask questions and share their experiences related to farm animal health.

More Useful Links 

  2. Dangerous insects in our homes
  3. Pests and Diseases of Crop Plants
  5. Understanding Farm Animal Diseases: Causes, Examples, and Prevention


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