Edu Delight Tutors





  1. _____ is any thing that we eat to keep us alive. (a) rat (b) food (c) fool
  2. We eat food _____day (a) every (b) some (c) table
  3. There are ____ classes of food (a) 6 (b) 3 (c) 10
  4. We get food we eat from various ____(a) ke(b) hole (c) sources
  5. We can get food in the ___-(a) bush (b) market (c) toilet
  6. Water is a clear ___liquid (a) dirty (b) colourless (c) colourful
  7. There are _____sources of water (a) 10 (b) 3(c) 1
  8. We use water for ____(a) cooking (b) walking (c) sleeping
  9. There are ___types of religion in Nigerian (a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 6
  10. Christians believe in ____(a) Jesus Christ(b) shrine (c) Daddy
  11. _____means that the food that we eat does not harm us (a) food safety (b) water cloth© iron
  12. When food stays too long, it becomes_____(a) safe (b) spoilt (c) too good
  13. Meet is obtained from ____on the farm.a) cattle (b) stick (c) plantTap water is an example of ____of water(a) source (b) river (c) hand
  14. Without water, there will be no ____(a) life (b) sun (c) hot
  15. The muslims worship in the ____(a) church(b) mosque (c) house
  16. Traditional worshipers believe in various ___(a) gods (b) pepper (c) cups
  17. ____ is the movement of goods and people from one place to another (a) walking(b) transportation (c) eyeing
  18. ______walk on water (a) canoe (b) bus(c) aeroplane
  19. In the olden days people walk on ____(a) land (b) sea (c) helicopters


  1. Yam is an example of __________________
  2. We can buy bread and eggs in the __________
  3. Fishermen catch fishes in the ______________
  4. Water is an important item in ____________
  5. There are ______major religions in Nigeria.
  6. Christians worship in the _________________
  7. _____________ is an example of transportation.
  8. _______________ is an example of olden days means of transportation
  9. A good water must not have _____________
  10. We can get meat from __________________


  1. Mention 2 sources of water

a _____________________________________

  1. ____________________________________
  1. _____________ and ______________ are examples of found that we eat.
  2. Mention 2 object of worship in Christianity
  1. _____________________________________


  1. State 3 uses of water
  1. ___________________________________


iii. ___________________________________

  1. ______________________ is an examples of problem of transportation.[mediator_tech]




Underline the correct answer


  1. Which of the following is a means of road transportation?
  2. Canoe                   b.  Helicopter                       c.  Bicycle


  1. In the olden days, which of these is not a means of transportation?
  2. Horse             b.  Donkey                c.  Ferry


  1. Are harmful substances good for our health? (Yes or No)


  1. __________is an harmful substance (a) Kerosene   b. Water
  2. Food


  1. Is expired medicine a harmful substance? (Yes or No)


  1. Drug abuse means use of drugs without the advice of a _______

(a) Farmer    (b) Doctor   (c) Teacher


  1. The use of drug abuse can cause (a)  mental illness b. Wealth
  2. Success


  1. We can also consult a __________on drug prescription
  2. Carpenter                       b. Mechanic             c. Pharmacist


  1. Which of these methods can be used to purify water for drinking
  2. Steaming b.  Boiling        c.  Burning


  1. Can we use well water for batching (Yes /  No)


  1. Which of these is a common accident in our home (a) sleeping (b0 slipping from the staircase (c) eating cold food
  2. Pouring ____on one’s self is a common accident at home (a) hot water (b) cold tea (c) Cold water
  3. _____is one of the causes of accidents in the home (a) politeness (b) carefulness (c0 carelessness
  4. _____can also cause accident (a) obstruction (b) reading (c) help
  5. Which of these can cause accident in the home (a) Dry and neat floor (b) slippery floor (c) painted surface
  6. We should always keep the floor ____(a) wet (b) dry (c) dirty
  7. Dangerous object must be _____(a) kept away (b) let out (c) put on
  8. Which of these is a dangerous object? (a) Bowl (b) Spoon (c) Knife
  9. _____are dangerous objects (a) broken bottles (b) cups (c) chairs
  10. Victims of accidents are treated in _____(a) toilet (b) hospital (c) hotel



  1. What is an accident
  2. Accident victim should be given ……………


  1. Mention two (2) harmful substances to our health









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