Problems of Parenthood STIs/STDs/AIDS Social Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Subject :

Social Studies

Topic :

Problems of Parenthood STIs / STDs /AIDS

The concept of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Class :

Primary 5 / Basic 5 / Year 5


Term :

1st Term

First Term


Week :

Week 7

Reference Materials :  .

Online materials

Scheme of work



Instructional Materials :..

Pictures showing people that are sick or suffering from Sexually transmitted diseases



Previous Knowledge :

The pupils have previous knowledge of

Responsible Parenthood 

that was taught in the previous lesson



Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

1.  Say the meaning of STDs and STIs

2. Say the causes of Sexually transmitted diseases

3. Mention the effects of living with STDs

4. Explain the ways by which these Sexually transmitted diseases can be prevented or cure

5. List the importance or advantages of responsible sexual behaviour




Teaching Methods 

  • Explanation
  • Demonstration
  • Questions and Answers
  • Role Modeling



Content :

What are STDs? 


STDs mean sexually transmitted Diseases. These are diseases that are Sexually communicable. They are spread during unprotected sexual intercourse between a man and a woman.


What are STIs? 

STIs mean Sexually Transmitted Infections.

These infections are passed from one person to another through sexual contact. Signs of sexual infections may be pain during the time when someone is passing out urine, mucus in urine or passing out blood with urine.


Examples of common  STDs/STIs are 

  1. Gonorrhea
  2. Chlamydia
  3. Syphilis
  4. HIV/AIDS,
  5. Genital herpes
  6.  Genial warts


What is the meaning of HIV? 

HIV simply means Human Immune – deficiency Virus. It causes AIDS and interferes with the body’s ability to fight infections. The immune system is the body is compromised and any disease or infection easily have access to the body system to do any unnecessary havoc or damage.

This virus destroys parts of the white blood cells. White blood cell is the body’s fighting disease immune system.


What is AIDS? 

AIDS  means Acquired Immune – deficiency Syndromes. It is acquired because the immune system of the body has been compromised. It is final life threatening stage of HIV infection.The disease may be terminal if the suffer does not get enough medical aid, help or attention.


How does AIDS or Other STDs spread 

HIV/AIDS can be contracted through the following sources –

  • Having unprotected sexual intercourse
  • Exchange of body – piercing objects, such as pins, needles, syringes, clippers, and razors.
  • Contact with blood or wounded person with HIV/AIDS.
  • Using toothbrush stained with blood while brushing mouth
  • Blood transfusion.
  •  Mother to child during pregnancy, child birth during labour or through breast feeding



  1. STDs mean _______ transmitted Diseases. a) sexually b) safely c) silently d) simply
  2. STDs are spread during _______ sexual intercourse. a) unprotected b) protected c) clean d) healthy
  3. STIs mean _______ Transmitted Infections. a) sexually b) safely c) silently d) simply
  4. Signs of STIs may include pain during _______. a) cooking b) singing c) urination d) playing
  5. _______ is an example of an STD/STI. a) Banana b) Tomato c) Gonorrhea d) Apple
  6. _______ is an example of an STD/STI. a) Strawberry b) Pineapple c) Chlamydia d) Pear
  7. What is the meaning of HIV? a) Healthy Immune – deficiency Virus b) Human Immune – development Virus c) Human Immune – deficiency Virus d) Happy Immune – deficiency Virus
  8. AIDS means Acquired Immune – deficiency _______. a) Syndrome b) Season c) Science d) System
  9. AIDS is the _______ life-threatening stage of HIV infection. a) beginning b) final c) middle d) short
  10. HIV/AIDS can be contracted through _______ sexual intercourse. a) unprotected b) protected c) cooked d) safe
  11. HIV/AIDS can be contracted through the exchange of _______ objects. a) cooking b) piercing c) reading d) painting
  12. Contact with blood or a wounded person with HIV/AIDS can lead to _______. a) health b) happiness c) infection d) cooking
  13. Using a toothbrush stained with blood while brushing your mouth is a risk for _______. a) tooth decay b) infection c) dental care d) happiness
  14. HIV/AIDS can be transmitted from mother to child during _______. a) summer b) pregnancy c) vacation d) gardening
  15. Blood transfusion is a way in which HIV/AIDS can be _______. a) cured b) prevented c) contracted d) studied


Ways by which HIV /. AIDS cannot be spread

There are lots of untrue ways that have been circulated that HIV /AIDS viruses spread. These untrue speculations are just there to cause panic or fear.

Please not that HIV /AIDS cannot be spread through the following means

  1. Handshake
  2. Sweat
  3. Food
  4. Water
  5. Using the same toilet with the infected person
  6. Sitting on the same chair with the infected person



There is no cure yet for AIDS. The best way to prevent it is abstaining from sexual intercourse until someone is mature for marriage.

If someone is already married, it is better to stay with the man or woman that you married and be faithful to each other.



  1. Marriage failure
  2. Loss of job
  3. Loss of life 
  4. Malnutrition 
  5. Break in marriage or divorce 
  6. Orphaned children 
  7. Reduction in family income
  8. Stigma from members of the community


How to prevent the spread of HIV /AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases 

  • Abstain from sexual intercourse until you are married
  • If you are married, please stay with your married partner and be faithful to each other other
  • If you cannot abstain or be faithful to your marriage partner, use condom
  • Do not share sharp objects like razor blades, knives, syringes or needles with anyone
  • Blood meant for transfusion should be properly sterilized and screened before transfusion




Values That Are Relevant To Good Responsible Parenthood

  • Trust
  • Faithfulness
  • Honesty
  • Discipline
  • Hardwork
  • Neatness
  • Forgiveness
  • Fear of God



The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise





Part A


Write out the correct answer to fill the blank space

1. Sexual abstinence means staying away from………….. (a) sex (b) food (c) shelter
2. Sexual diseases are passed from one person to another through  sexual _____________. A. touch B.prowess C. intercourse
3. HIV causes ______________. A. STIs B. STDs C. AIDS
4. ____________ is the final stage of HIV. A. STIs B. STDs C. AIDS
5. The ___________ destroys parts of the white blood cells. A . Sexual Transmitted Diseases B. Acquired Immune – deficiency Syndromes. C. Human Immune – deficiency Virus
6. AIDS cannot be contacted from ____________. A. Food, water, handshake, toilet, furniture and wounded person. B. Food, water, handshake, toilet, furniture or telephone.
C. Food, water, handshake, toilet, furniture or sexual contact.
7. There is no cure yet for _____________. A. AIDS B. HIV C. STIs
8. The best way to prevent it is not to have sexual intercourse outside marriage. A. True B. False C. Maybe

9. ______________ is body’s fighting disease immune system. A. White blood cell B. Red blood cell C. White and red blood cell

10. HIV or AIDS may be transfered from infected mother to the newly born baby (a) True (b) False (c) Undecided



Part B


Answer any two questions

  1. What are STDs
  2. What are STIs
  3. Mention four ways by which HIV HIV /AIDS may be spread
  4. Mention four ways by which the spread of HIV /AIDS may not be spread
  5. Mention five values that are relevant to good responsible parenthood


  1. HIV/AIDS cannot be spread through _______. a) sneezing b) handshake c) sharing a drink d) using the same toilet
  2. You cannot get HIV/AIDS from _______. a) food b) air c) water d) sunlight
  3. The best way to prevent AIDS is by _______ from sexual intercourse. a) abstaining b) eating well c) sleeping more d) exercising
  4. If someone is already married, it is better to be _______ to each other. a) mean b) rude c) faithful d) careless
  5. Effects of STDs and HIV/AIDS on the family may include _______. a) happiness b) marriage success c) loss of job d) more income
  6. Using a condom is a way to protect yourself from _______. a) getting married b) rain c) HIV/AIDS d) cooking
  7. One should not share sharp objects like razor blades, knives, or needles to prevent the spread of _______. a) joy b) diseases c) laughter d) knowledge
  8. Blood for transfusion should be properly _______ and screened before use. a) sterilized b) colored c) played with d) shared
  9. Trust, faithfulness, and honesty are values relevant to _______. a) cooking b) sports c) good responsible parenthood d) gardening
  10. What is one way HIV/AIDS cannot be spread? a) through food b) through swimming c) through laughter d) through sunshine
  11. _______ is the best way to prevent AIDS. a) Eating more b) Exercising daily c) Abstaining from sexual intercourse d) Sleeping late
  12. Loss of job is an effect of _______ and HIV/AIDS on the family. a) happiness b) marriage c) diseases d) income
  13. Faithfulness in marriage helps prevent the spread of _______. a) joy b) love c) HIV/AIDS d) trust
  14. To protect yourself from diseases, do not share sharp objects like _______. a) spoons b) books c) needles d) clothes
  15. Values like discipline and forgiveness are important for _______. a) cooking b) sports c) responsible parenthood d) gardening

Conclusion :


The class teacher wraps up or conclude the lesson by giving out short note to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.

The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written. He or she does the necessary corrections when the need arises.


Assignment :

Prepare for the next lesson by reading about

Traditional Marriage

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