- The legal means by which people earn their living is called A. business B. services C. Goods D. Trade
- The exchange of goods for goods and services for services is called a. trade by barter b. trade by exchange c. trade by engage d. trade by moving
- The activities or services engaged in by people in the society in order to earn a living are called a. commercial occupation b. commercial services c. commercial and art d. art and service
- The means through which people in a society earn their living by engaging in commercial activities or occupation is called a. social studies b. school studies c. business studies d. financial studies
- The subject covered by business studies are the following except a. shorthand b. commerce c. book-keeping d. biology
- A place where clerical work is done is called a/an a. office b. department
- c. firm d. organization
- A single room with a table, telephone, fax machine, computer is called a. big office b. small office c. large office d. complex office
- A building that is partitioned into small office is called a. small office b. large office c. partitioned office d. building
- The means through which information is received in an office are as follows except a. letter b. fax c. e-mail d. running
- The following except _______ are the function of an office a. receiving information b. arranging information c. recording information d. scattering information
- The department that is responsible for staff welfare is……..a. personnel b. account
- Sales
- The department that is responsible for advertising the organization’s products is ………………(a) purchasing (b)administrative (c)sales
- The department which is in charge of staff dismissal is……………… (a) personnel
- (b) production (c) purchasing
- The department which is responsible for keeping records of organization assets and liabilities is (a) accounts (b) sales (c) purchases
- Department that formulates the organization polices is a. Productions b. Marketing
- Administrative
- The place where cash and valuable document are kept is called——a. office file
- b. office shelve c. office cabinet
- A machine which accepts data, processes it and gives information is called
- a. photocopy b. calculator c. computer
- A machine which prints letter on paper by means of keys isa. typewriter b. computer c. fax machine
- A machine used for sending and receiving short information is called a. fax machine b. text machine c. photocopy machine
- These are the office equipment except a. telephone b. typewriter c. file
- staff (b) account officer (c) sales officer
- The minimum qualification for the post of a clerk in an office is called (a) SSCE (b) OND (c) ATS
- A good clerical staff must possess the following quality except (a) must be neat (b) must be willing to improve on his education (c) must be arrogant
- The basic functions of an office are the following except (a) receiving information (b) giving information (c) scattering information
- Trade by barter means (a) exchanging goods for goods and services (b) buying goods and services (c) selling goods and services
- Examples of commercial occupation are except (a) banking (b) insurance
- (c) warehousing (d) farming
- Which of the following statements is not true of extractive occupation? [a] It involves production of raw materials [b] It is also called primary production [c]Examples are farming, hunting, fishing [d] A banker is in an extractive occupation
- The following are branches of occupation except [a]mining [b]hunting [c]dancing [d]banking
- A singer is in [a] extractive occupation [b] manufacturing occupation [c] constructive occupation [d]direct service occupation
- Which of the following is not in the group (a)transportation (b)banking
- (c)warehousing (d)fishing
- Foreign trade requires the use of a. bids c. cowry shells c. foreign currency d. naira and kobo
- The main branches of trade are the following except a. home trade b. enter-pot trade c. foreign trade d. general trade
- Wholesale trade is a branch of a. home trade b. foreign trade c. none of the above
- A trade between Obi in Nigeria and Ojo in Nigeria is known as a. foreign trade b. home trade c. friendly trade d. Nigeria trade
- A trade between Nigeria and Togo is known as a. neighbor trade b. home trade c. Africans trade d. foreign trade
- The following are aid to trade except (a) advertising (b) insurance (c) banking
- (d) manufacturing
- Aids to trade can also be called (a) auxiliary to trade (b) friends of trade (c) foreign trade (d) home trade
- Banking is an aid to trade because (a) it keeps a lot of money (b) bank managers are in commercial occupation (c) many banks works on Saturday (d) it can save and lend money to various traders
- Warehouse is useful to trade because (a) it is a means of keeping goods until they are demanded (b) it causes scarcity of goods (c) it can lead to inflation (d) it moves goods from one place to another
- Insurance is useful to trade because (a) it links buyers and sellers together (b) it moves goods from point of production to where they are demanded (c) it prevents scarcity (d) it encourages businessmen to undertake risky business
- The soldier renders _______ services.
- a)direct b)indirect c)general d)special
- A street cleaner renders ________ services
- a)direct b)indirect c)special d)all of the above
- A barber renders ________ services
- a)indirect b)special c)general d) direct
- A personal doctor renders ________ services
- a)personal b) direct c) indirect d) important
- A business studies teacher in government school renders _________ services.
- direct b) good c) indirect d) special
- Explain with example the term “indirect service”
- Differentiate with example direct and indirect services.
- List the seven aids to trade.
- Explain two of the aids listed in question one above
- List 6 classes of occupation
- Explain one of the following branches of occupation listed in question one
- What is meant by clerical staff?
- Mention five qualities of a good clerical staff
- Define the following a. computer b. typewriter
- Mention five office equipment you know
- Mention four different departments in an organization
- Mention three functions of the personnel department
- Mention seven (7) functions of an office
- Explain two functions of the above
- What is an office?
- Describe clerical works with three examples
- Mention the types of office that you know
- State three means of receiving information in an office
- Give an example each for the types of an office that you know.