Second Term English Studies Primary 6 Exams


Edu Delight Tutors



Instruction: Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions on the passage.

The vulture and the tortoise were close friends. But it was the vulture who usually paid visits to the tortoise.

Nevertheless, their friendship blossomed though the tortoise never knew the home of the vulture in the trees.

One day, the vulture’s mother kicked the bucket. The hawk was sent to the tortoise who, as custom demanded, had to attend the funeral. “My dear friend,” the tortoise told the hawk, “ come back tomorrow morning and I’ll accompany you to the vulture’s house”.

“ Are you sure that you can go with me?, asked the hawk. “Yes, “ replied the tortoise, “but if you come and I’m not at home, you’ll see a sack full of things that I intended to give the vulture. Take it to him and tell him I’m on my way to his house”.

The hawk returned the following morning only to see the sack without the tortoise. Satisfied with what the tortoise had told him the previous day, the hawk took the sack to the vulture together with the tortoise’s message.

“How can the tortoise fly over here?” asked the vulture. Immediately, he opened the sack the tortoise crept out and shouted, “Here I am!”


1. The vulture’s mother kicked the bucket means __________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Who were the two that were close friends? _________________________________________________

3. “Are you sure you can go with me?” who said this? _______________________________________________

To whom? ______________________________________

4. When the tortoise received the message he knew he had to attend the funeral. __________________________

Why? ___________________________________________

5. which of the following proverb would be a suitable title for the passage? (a) once bitten, twice shy (b) the early bird catches the worm (c) one man’s meat is another man’s poison (d) necessity is the mother of invention

6. The synonym of ‘puny’ is ____(a) weak (b) strong (c) ill (d) miserable

7. The antonym of ‘miser’ is _____ (a) motorist (b) hostile (c) spend thrift (d) old

8. Which of these is the proper prefix for ‘legal’ ? (a) dis (b) ir (c) il (d) un

9. Which of these is the correct sounding word for ‘knight’ (light, night)? ___________________

Which of the words in the bracket is the same as the one underlined in the sentence.

10. The does are really beautiful (singular form of ‘do’; female deer)

11. I want to watch the move tonight (an instrument that tells the tune; look at)

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words( 12 and 13)(square , glance)

12. She ______ at her watch as she hurried to the bus station.

13. Fair and __________________

14. First come, _________(a) want not (b) better than one (c) first served (d) think alike

15. ‘A block sheep’ means _____(a) one who disgraces the family (b) caught in an act of crime (c) a notable or fortunate day (d) cowardly

16. ‘a chip of an old block’ means ____ (a) with justice and honesty (b) friendly and in harmony with (c) in very good health (d) very like the father

17. ‘Crocodile tears’ means ____(a) false tears (b) extremely cheap (c) act crazily (d) be frightened

Give the full meaning of the following

18. AD: _______________________________________

19. CD-RW: ___________________________________

State the part of speech of the words underlined

21. Segun lives in this house (a) noun (b) verb (c) pronoun (d) adverb

22. He hit the dog hard (a) verb (b) pronoun (c) adverb (d) noun

Complete this table

Noun Adjective

23 anger ___________________

24. ______________ careful/careless

Choose the correct pronoun

25. My father gave (I, me) a present

26. (Their, theirs) books are over there.

27. Who is ____________? (a) she (b) they (c) I (d) me

28. He is as tall as _________ (a) me (b) their (c) i

(d) none of the option

29. The proper suffix for ‘hope’ is (a) dis (b) less

(c) port (d) fy

30. One of these can take the prefix ‘un’ (a) behave

(b) conscious (c) discipline (d) legal

31. which of the following can take the suffix ‘less’

(a) happy (b) fire (c) accurate (d) care

32. Beck and _____ (a) call (b) cry (c) sit (d) blow

33. In and ____(a) soul (b) over (c) out (d) tear

34. time and ____(a) again (b) soul (c) parcel (d) downs

35 To ‘have a blue blood’ mean (a) the blood in one’s body is blue (b) to be of noble birth (c) to be a coward (d) to be jealous

36. A ‘red letter day’ is a ____(a) a notable or fortunate day (b) a day when people write letters with red ink (c) a sad day (d) a day when one gives another a letter

37. Absence makes the heart ___(a) die (b) shrink

(c) go bad (d) grow fonder

38. A bird in the hand is _____(a) deserve the fair

(b) worth two in the bush (c) begins at home (d) out of mind

39. VAT mean (a) very attractive teacher (b) value added tax (c) veronica at the theatre (d) valuable always and timeless


Choose any one of the following topics and write a meaningful composition on it

1. Farmer are more important than teachers (support)

2. Write a letter to a friend in another school telling him/her how you are preparing for your forthcoming entrance and primary school leaving examinations.

3. The last inter-house sports competition in my school.


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