2nd Term Social Studies Pry 1 Exams

Edu Delight Tutors



1. _____ is any thing that we eat to keep us alive. (a) rat (b) food (c) fool

2. We eat food _____day (a) every (b) some (c) table

3. There are ____ classes of food (a) 6 (b) 3 (c) 10

4. We get food we eat from various ____(a) keg

(b) hole (c) sources

5. We can get food in the ___-(a) bush (b) market (c) toilet

6. Water is a clear ___liquid (a) dirty (b) colourless (c) colourful

7. There are _____sources of water (a) 10 (b) 3

(c) 1

8. We use water for ____(a) cooking (b) walking (c) sleeping

9. There are ___types of religion in Nigerian (a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 6

10. Christians believe in ____(a) Jesus Christ

(b) shrine (c) Daddy

11. _____means that the food that we eat does not harm us (a) food safety (b) water cloth

© iron

12. When food stays too long, it becomes

______(a) safe (b) spoilt (c) too good

13. Meet is obtained from ____on the farm.

(a) cattle (b) stick (c) plant

14. Tap water is an example of ____of water

(a) source (b) river (c) hand

15. Without water, there will be no ____(a) life (b) sun (c) hot

16. The muslims worship in the ____(a) church

(b) mosque (c) house

17. Traditional worshipers believe in various ___(a) gods (b) pepper (c) cups

18. ____ is the movement of goods and people from one place to another (a) walking

(b) transportation (c) eyeing

19. ______walk on water (a) canoe (b) bus

(c) aeroplane

20. In the olden days people walk on ____

(a) land (b) sea (c) helicopters


1. Yam is an example of __________________

2. We can buy bread and eggs in the __________

3. Fishermen catch fishes in the ______________

4. Water is an important item in ____________

5. There are ______major religions in Nigeria.

6. Christians worship in the _________________

7. _____________ is an example of transportation.

8. _______________ is an example of olden days means of transportation

9. A good water must not have _____________

10. We can get meat from __________________


1. Mention 2 sources of water

a _____________________________________

b. ____________________________________

2. _____________ and ______________ are examples of found that we eat.

3. Mention 2 object of worship in Christianity

i. _____________________________________


4. State 3 uses of water

i. ___________________________________


iii. ___________________________________

5. ______________________ is an examples of problem of transportation.


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