Identification of letters : a, b, c, d, e, f, g Class: K-G2. Subject: Reading _Readiness. Topic: Test 1. Identification of letter a-g b c d a e f g …. …… …. …. … ….. ….. …… 2. Thick the odd object 1.⚽️ ⚽️ ☕ ⚽️ 2. 🌳 🍳 🌳 🌳 3. ☕ 👕 👕 👕 4. 👞 ✏ ✏ ✏ 5. 🎒 🎒 🎒 🍎 Spread the word if you find this helpful! Click on any social media icon to share Related Posts Revision Security Education Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 11Criminal Behaviour Security Education Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1Agricultural Science Primary 6 First Term Examination Questions Social Studies Primary 6 First Term Examination QuestionsCivic Education Primary 6 First Term Examination Questions Recommend Posts : Identification and mastering of six words. CREATIVITY ACTIVITY TERM ONE Identification and writing of letter c . Write letter c. Common words three letters Write capital letter A and small letter a Social Norms for Kindergarten: Respect, Cleanliness, and Love Counting of figure 1-50, Fill in the missing figure 1-30. Five sense organs in the body Circle the right letters of the alphabet Key Subjects Areas For Kindergarten Tags:KG 1, KG 2, NURSERY 1, Nursery 2, Reading Readiness