The money we spend in Nigeria is called ————– and ————— ( a. Naira and Kobo b.dollar c.pounds.)


Class: Basic 2

Subject: Social/Studies.

Topic Questions.




1.Foods that are not well cooked can be —————- when eaten.( a. harmful b. good c. delicious.)

2. The use of drugs without the advice of a qualified doctor or pharmacist is called —————-

(a.proper health b.caring c. drug abuse.)

3. —————- is an example of harmful substances. (a.unripe fruits b.clean water c.boiled food)

4. ————- is a place where we buy things that we need. (a.mosque

5. The money we spend in Nigeria is called ————– and ————— ( a. Naira and Kobo b.dollar c.pounds.)

6.List three things we can buy with money.


b. ————————

c. ————————-

7. —————- is a place where we save money at home.

8. Give three examples of harmful substances.


b. —————————-

c. —————————

9. What is Savings ?

10. List two things drug abuse can lead to:

a. —————————

b. —————————-

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