English Composition: About My School.




Reading Comprehension
A computer is an electronic machine that is used for typing and sending our messages. A computer is made up of the Monitor, Keyboard, System Unit or C.P.U, Mouse and Speaker.
A computer is good for keeping old records not like olden day when there is no computer to keep record.
What is a Computer? _____________________________

What is the usefulness of computer? ___________________________________________________
Name three parts of computer.
________________, _________________, ________________
Do you have computer in your school? ( Yes / No)
There is computer in the olden days. True / False
Complete the spelling

) T___ cher
) C ___ ___ pu
) H___s___ital
) M
) H ___ ___ ___

Use a , or an to fill the gaps.

_____ Apple
_____ Envelope
_____ Elephant
_____ horse
____ Pencil
____ parrot
____ umbrella
____ lorry
____ axe
_____ gate
Make sentences with these words.
1.) Book: __________________________________________
2.) House: _________________________________________
3.)Umbrella: _______________________________________
4.) Boat: __________________________________________
5.) Ruler: _________________________________________
English Grammar:
Underline the word that is a verb.
The bird is singing.
The baby is crying.
Mrs. Smith is pointing to the Board.
Bolu is ringing the bell.
We are eating rice.
Underline the Adjective.
My mother bought a new bag.
I have a black shoe.
Habeeb is a fat boy.
My father is a rich man.
Dada drives a good car.

Write the opposite of these words
Word Opposite
1.) Boy ___________________
2.) Dirty ___________________
3.) Black ___________________
4.) Stand ___________________
5.) woman __________________

Write the Plural form of these words.
Singular Plural
1.) Bench ______________
2.) Fox ______________
3.) Book ______________
4.) girl ______________
5.) mango ______________

English Composition: About My School.
1.) My name is ___________________________________________
2.) The name /of my school is _______________________________

3.) I am in Basic __________________________________________
4.) The name of my teacher is _______________________________
5.) My best subject is ______________________________________

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