Revision of second Term work on Computer Studies 

Subject :

Computer Studies

Information Communication Technology (ICT)

Topic :

Revision of second Term work on Computer Studies

Class :

Primary 6

Basic 6

Term :

Third Term

Week :

Week 9

Instructional Materials :

A functional computer

Previous Knowledge :

Pupils have been taught some of the questions that are asked in this revision in their previous lessons

Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to answer all the questions that are asked as revision




Content :






1.) A program used to fight virus on our computer system is called _________

(a) anti-computer (b) anti-natal (c) anti-virus


2.) Word processing package is an example of ____________________

(a) application software (b) flash disk (c) computer games


3.) What is the full meaning of IBM _____________________________________________


4.) _____________ allows us to send receive mails via the internet.

(a) e-mail (b) hyperlink (c) downloading


5.) Development of computer from one period to another is called _________________

(a) computer age (b) computer generation (c) computer stage


6.) Who is the founder of Microsoft word ___________

(a) Paul Allen (b) Bill Gates (c) Charles Babbage


7.) Micro-computers are also known as ____________________

(a) Personal Certificate (b) Master computer (c) Personal computers


8.) A wall clock is an example of _________________ computers.

(a) analog (b) hybrid (c) digital


9.) The process of putting off the computer is by ______________________________

(a) starting (b) warming (c) shutting down


10.) The type of computer that is used for calculating and counting is known as ________

(a) super computer (b) analog computer (c) hybrid computer


11.) Which of the following screen pointing device are mainly used for playing games?

(a) mouse (b) keyboard (c) a and b


12.) Which of the following keys is used for typing in uppercase letter?

(a) function key (b) shift key (c) cap lock key


13.) A network is the arrangement of connections of _______________

(a) Electronic devices (b) wires (c) cables


14.) Computers that are connected together to send information is called _____

(a) Booting (b) networking (c) protocol


15.) You can receive e-mails through ________ (a) yahoo mail (b) postal (c) envelopes


16.) The smallest, cheapest and most commonly used computer is called ________

(a) mini-computer (b) micro computer (c) super computer






17.) _____________ is a place where all deleted files & documents are kept?

(a) recycle bin (b) dust bin (c) waste bin


18.) ____ is a network that can be used between two countries (a) LAN (b) WAN (c) SAN

19.) Word processing package is an example of ____________________

(a) application software (b) flash disk (c) computer games


20.) ________ is the arrangement of computer on a straight line

(a) bus topology (b) car topology (c) train topology



1.) List three ways of taking care of the computer system? _______________________________________________________________________


2.) Mention three types of network topology

(a) ________________________________ (b) __________________________________

(c) ________________________________


3.) Mention any four Microsoft applications?

(a) ________________________________ (b) __________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) __________________________________





The topic is presented step by step


Step 1: The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2. He introduces the new topic


Step 3: The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise


Evaluation :


He does the necessary questions

Conclusion :


He goes round to mark


Assignment :


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