Forgiveness To Pardon


Term : Second Term

Week : Week 2

Class : jss 1, Year 7

Topic :  Forgiveness

Average age : 10, 11 or 12





Topic:  Forgiveness

Forgiveness is the act of pardoning, that is, setting free from punishment or cancelling of debts. As we interact together, we are bound to offend one another. But when offences come, the Word of God enjoins the offended to forgive the offender (Matthew 18:21-35; Luke 7:47). Christ has left us a great example, even on the cross, He forgave His persecutors (Luke 23:34).

When someone offends us, we naturally feel pain. In a loving manner, however, let the offender know what he has done (Luke 17:3). If he acknowledges it and repents we are to forgive him there and then never hold the offence against him anymore.

Presentation :

Step one :The class teacher revises the previous topics
Step two : The class teacher introduces the new topic
Step three : He or she arouse the pupils interest by making the class alive, warm and interesting by making use of various instructional materials like pictures on books or cardboard or making online reference with phones, laptop or desktop computers



Mention five things your friends or neighbours can do to you and you will forgive them.


Weekend Assignment


  • What do the following passages say on forgiveness?
    • Genesis 50: 17, 20,21 ………………………………………
    • Luke 23:34 ………………………………………………..
    • Acts 7:59-60 ………………………………………………..


  • In case the offender refuses to acknowledge the offence, what should be the next step to take (Matthew 18:15-17)?



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